E-start transmission
I had recently got the time to put my 3TB in an old frame and have been having shifting issues. The motor had been taken apart when I got it and there were gears,snap rings, and washers mixed in the pile. I really need a few pictures of the 2 gearsets assembled so I can see what is missing or in the wrong order. It is different than my older versions and the 660, those haven't ever been any issues.
It runs great, just can only use 1st & 2nd , then a bunch of fiddling and finally shift to 3rd. 4th & 5th go easy then. can't shift down to 2nd again without a bunch of fiddling again, Neutral has worked but usually grinds.The parts finches at Partzilla doesn't show all the grooves(for snap rings? or not?) in the shafts I have. Any pics would be awesome so I can quit taking the thing apart to "try" another set-up, so hard to know how it'll work unless the thing is running,usually shifts on the bench but just doesn't feel right. Be nice to actually be able to get another complete set over here but thats never going to happen, seems even the parts break,downs don't even jive with what they really are.