Apologies in delay posting back here, the last weeks been hectic! The piston ring end gaps were too great so they need replacing, cylinder needed a hone too so that's in the engineering shop, unfortunately they do motorbike stuff on Fridays and I only got into them Friday evening. They said they'd try and fit it in but didn't sound optimistic. Anyway, that should (fingers crossed) sort the smokey exhaust and high oil consumption.
Checked the valves again, this time pouring petrol into the exhaust and intake chambers (as opposed to turning the head upside down and putting petrol into that) and could see a slight leak coming through. Not even a trickle, you'd just see the edges of the valves getting wet after a while. Gave them a light lapping and they seal good now. The valve seat width however was almost 2mm whereas the manual says just over 1 max IIRC. I don't see why it wouldn't work or if it was cuase any problems(possibly the valves are now further into their seats so the stems are closer to the rocker arms?).
When I get the cylinder back I 'll get it back together and test it all out. Anyone know of a good UK online shop for piston rings? Local motorbike shop is good but can be fairly slow for getting parts. Don't have a good source for that kind of stuff in Ireland. The piston has 0.50 on it, is this the first oversize?