Do a search. This topic often comes up on bike-specific sites, as well. Some folks design various hooks or saddles for the non-foot end to fit a particular bike.
There are also commercial versions, though I've not found them to be worth the price of admission.
It's also a quick and convenient way to lift the rear wheel for chain lubing. I probably use mine 20 times a month.
I've welded oversized feet on most of my kickstands ( I live in a sandpile ). In conjunction with the additional surface area the crutch jacks can be nearly as secure as a centerstand for most trailside repairs.
To keep it as compact as possible note that I shorten both the male and female tubes. Few bikes will require all of the length offered from a typical crutch. Stored length on this one is about 11", including the crutch tips, which are quite thick in the base. It extends to about 18".
I also keep reduced-sized copies of insurance and registration for the bikes the wife and I ride most rolled up inside the tube. We change bikes a lot and I often don't remember to carry the matching paperwork. The crutch is nearly always transfered onto whatever I'm riding so at least I have something to show the gendarmes.
Last edited by lizrdbrth; 27 Feb 2013 at 20:49.