I appreciate everyone's response to my question. I am merely curious about options and am worried about the "5th gear pitting issue", probably to the point of paranoia! I was just curious if such a thing existed and if any of the well-traveled members here have ever installed such a device. I am running a 15/40 gear set- let the chastising begin- because it works for me. I'm worried about my fifth gear to the point that I'm now worried I'll wear out fourth! A gear indicator would be a great tool to add to my instrument scan (too low vibration in the seat- what is my rpm, what is my gear, what is my speed...). In no way is a gear indicator a replacement for the 'seat of the pants' instrument, but may well provide that crucial bit of info when the rider is focused more on the beautiful scenery than how many times he has clicked the shift lever upwards.