Hi Trophy Dave......I,ve never done anything like this before but a good confidence booster is a you tube video called yamaha srx 600 engine disassembly YouTube - Yamaha SRX 600 Engine Disassembly I Its the same engine as ours just about and I watched it so much it looked easy....
So far the only trouble I had was removing the clutch basket which you need to do with a pnuematic or battery rattle gun.I mad a round plate with three holes in it topull the rotor off and used a 3 leg puller to remove the gears...so so good and no big problems.
Bought a complete gasket set from e bay and wil ordermy gears and tab washers from the dealer.
I just got my head round it and got right into it......I sort of kept putting it off untill the winter was coming and now I,m halfway through I,m looking forward to putting it back together again...very daunting at first but once into it it becomes quite interesting and a challenge too......
Go for it.......its not so hard..