Getting more power from the XT
Alaska - Chile - 2008.
Well.. I chose the XT600E for its relaibility all round versatility. I love her for commuting but the other day I took a 60kilo pilion and JESUS !! The poor bike barely moved.
Once I get 100k of luggage on the back and 23L of fuel plus me in my full gear, this poor machine aint gonna go anywhere quickly and will involve some serious throttle which is gonna kill economy.
She makes about 40bhp so im told.
Can I squeese anymore power from this girl without compromising on reliability. I was thinking of getting a unbaffled exhaust but i also dont want to go deaf on the road and anoy the neighbours.
Im close to trading her in for a F650 dakar for more ooomph !
Did some trips.
Rode some bikes.
Fix them for a living.
Can't say anymore.