The oil dripping from the air box is a bit of a worry as this can be caused by the presence of a lot of oil mist in the crankcase breather pipe or high pressure in the crankcase. What happens is much more oil than normal gets sent into the air box and then ends up dripping out of the box. Have a look at the air filter and inside the box and see if it has any oil contamination.
If it has and the cause is not because you've seriously overfilled the bike with oil, you may have a more serious problem.
One cause could be a blown head gasket that is allowing combustion gases to blow into the cam-chain tunnel, the other could result from a partial siezure that's allowing gas to now blow past the rings. Both problems mean the gas has to go somewhere, and that means up the crankcase breather pipe into the air box carring oil mist with it. Take the air filter out and start the bike up. If there's a load of mist (looks like blue fog/smoke) coming out of the air box, you've definately got a problem of this sort
Both problems would reduce the power.
Not sure of the cause of your rattling as you don't say wher it's coming from
Check your valve clearances first though just in case you have a tight valve.
Is the bike smoking from the exhaust at all? Try and get mate to follow you and see. Are you having to now top-up the oil frequently ?
Good luck!