HELP... ANOTHER Random XT600E starting Problem
Hi... I just got stuck in the middle of nowhere during a ride... i had ridden for about 3 hours and stopped for a piss, then when i tried to restart the bike... you guessed it... nothing!
I had some tools on me so i started ripping it apart and this is what is happening...
I turn the ignition key and get ignition lights... press the start button and the negative terminal of the batt sparks one... i get no cranking of the starter motor and the ignition lights all go out for about 5 mins then come back on???
Ive just been towed home (thank god for breakdown cover!) and my battery charger tells me the battery is fully charged!
Ive had a good search through this forum and can only find help about the issue with the sticky starter so any help would be HUGELY appreciated as me XT is my only form of transport! Also im off to Japan on it next year and this is doing nothing for my confidence!!!
thanks all...
kind regards,