help with carb synching
I have an 1984 xt600 US model. It has the two barrel carb. The one with the CV secondary.
The Clymer manual says to
1. open the primary .20inches
2. adjust the synch screw so that it just makes contact with the secondary linkage
3. when the primary is fully open the secondary air valve should be horizontal.
Problem is that when I set the synch screw to where it just touches the linkage, the secondary air valve is way past horizontal at WFO.
If I set the synch screw so that the secondary air valve is horizontal at WFO on the primary, then the linkage does not make contact until 1/2 throttle according to the primary slide.
The secondary shaft is fixed and the linkage has no adjustment. Nothing is missing and not worn out. Bike has 5500 miles on it.
If I set the synch so that the air valve is horizontal at WFO(and secondary not moving until 1/2 throttle on the primary), Im assuming Im going to get a big bog.
What is more important? The timing of WHEN the secondary air valve moves or its FINAL POSITION at WFO?
Thanks in advance.