Hello, waverider.
A guy in holland makes racks. about 300 euro's for the back, you can fit the bernd tesch boxes on them.
You can mail him directly at xtravelsAThetnet.nl (replace AT with @)
His website currently is in dutch ( www.xtravels.nl) He can send you the rack by post...
There was a discusion going on somewhere else on this forum about cht-gauge and oil temp gauges.
I choose for an oil temp gauge. Seems to be more of help as it measures the complete motor temp and not only the ch-temp
But if you still want to fit a cht then there are the following address for you:
Westach Model 2C1 do a search on that and you will find a loacal dealer OR
Skydat DX7
The first is analog the second is digital.
They both sell oil temps aswell.
WP suspension can directly be mail ordered under "rembours" at http://www.wp.nl you better give them a ring that goes quicker then mailing them.
Sorry most of the address are in Holland but they will ship it to you aswell....
Hope it helps
CU under the Cu
http://www.crossing-africa.com .:. The Ultimate Travel on a Yamaha XT600Z
[This message has been edited by Fuchur (edited 09 August 2002).]
CU under the Cu