Help! XTZ660 3YF engine problems
Hi, I was hoping someone could offer some advice to get my bike running again. I've just changed the head gasket, and when i ran the bike for the first time, there was a fair amount of noise coming from the top end. I checked that oil was getting up there, so decided it must be the valve clearances. So i rechecked these, ensuring the engine was at TDC just after the intake valves had shut. I tried to set them on the tight side, by tightening them down onto a 0.1mm feeler gauge for the intakes, and 0.15mm on the exhaust side. There was a fair amount of drag on the gauges as i pulled them out. When i went to restart the engine, it wouldn't; instead it occasionally produced a sound like a gunshot. I'm now unsure what to do - i didn't alter the valve clearances that much, maybe half a turn each, and suddenly the bike won't run. Have i made a classic mistake somewhere here? I'm pretty sure i got the cam back in the right position, as i marked the cam sprocket and before i took it out, and it went back in the same position. And it did run and rev up ok when I initially tried it. Any suggestions woud be appreciated.