You can add a 100W bulb if you like, the xt will still charge fine. But if you do, run it through a relay to get max lights, its hard for the on/of-short/long lights switches to carry the load of a bulb like that.
The problem with HID is that the reflector in our front lights isnt made for it, so it spreads the light allover, allowing you to see, but youre blinding oncoming traffic aswell  If you adsjust it to not blind, the lights goes straigt to the ground, and you see less than if you were running a conventional bulb.
Its illeagal in this country to fit aftermarked HID to a bike that isnt made for it (very few bikes comes with HID from the factory)
Im using a osram nightbreaker (or simular) in 65w, fed trough a realy (actually 2 relays, one for short, and one for long lights) I bought a kit throug which was well made, and very easy to wotk with.
Hope this helps.