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Old 15 Oct 2010
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So, last night I fitted my brothers DT125R battery on to the XT and who would've say it works perfectly with the kickstart!

Now to the important stuff..

If you accelerate medium-high and when it's reaching about 4000 RPM she lifts the front wheel up without popping the clutch..
I so love my XT right now

Well, I'm gonna fit the rear brake and master cylinder on her...
Check with you guys later!

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Old 17 Oct 2010
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well, I'm still tuning the carb.

It's been taking a bit longer because the weather hasn't been helping around here.

Right now I got 160R and 165L with needle in the 2nd groove.

Don't know exactly how many turns I got on the fuel screws tho as it's kinda hard to actually adjust them even with the aftermarket fuel screws with knob... but I figure it's around 3 turns out on each carb..

It pulls a bit better in third now but is still a bit hesitating...

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Old 17 Oct 2010
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2nd groove on the needle is too lean.. I went from 5th groove to 2nd it was too much..

will put it in 3rd and hopefully I'll be able to try later when the rain stops.. if it stops...
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Old 20 Oct 2010
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Well, I've reseted the raptor carb back to stock while only keeping the aftermarket needles and guess what?!


The thing was too damn rich before...
The sparkplug was black with some black sooth lol..

it pops a bit under deceleration...

very little tuning will be needed now to make it 100% perfect!
So tomorrow I got work to do!


Last edited by bacardi23; 20 Oct 2010 at 03:22. Reason: 9,041
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Old 1 Nov 2010
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The WR450 exhaust is fitted!
looks great!

The trailtech Vapor speed sensor is semi-ready.. just have to drill a small hole and tap it so the sensor can be tightened with a screw instead of a zip-tie! don't ask lol

Temperature sensor is working great!
It fits as a shim on the sparkplug and the average temperature is now around 101ºC (at the head, not the oil!!!)

I am still waiting for the battery to arrive.. hopefully just one more week!

As far as the raptor660 carburetor I got #25 pilots, 140Left - 145Right and Vito's fuel needles in 2nd groove. fuel screws are also Vito's and are 2.5 turns out! (will make it 3 turns out just to check something soon)

Fixed the turn signal flashing at the same time problem with a diode so now the turn signal light indicator on the dashboard also flashes!

Increased the height of the sidestand +4cm which now allows me to kickstart the engine much easily and without the risk of the bike falling over! lol

Still need to make the final details on the fiberglass "airbox".
And will still need to finish painting the rest of the parts such as pillion footpegs and brackets, engine "skidplate", sidestand, ignition coil bracket and the rear shock raiser!

I've also already found a very cheap motorcycle insurance company that has some special protocols for bikes over 7years old (around 50€ mininum per year!)

After that I need to get a new 90-90/21 front tire and the bike will sail through the MOT without any problems!
(I've already been to the MOT place and asked them to check if the bike would pass the test.. headlight, exhaust, turn signals and rear view mirrors!)
oh, need to repair one of the rear view mirrors.. broke one :\

The bike exhaust is making less -6 dB than stock!

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Old 9 Nov 2010
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Got my new battery today!

I'd forgotten how easy it was to just push the e-button... lol

It starts always on the first try and in less than a second!
So far so good!

went for a little tour of about 20km and no more discharged battery!

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Old 11 Nov 2010
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I've fitted it and now I have a fully working tach!

About the battery, another +40km since the last ride and the battery is still going strong!

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Old 13 Nov 2010
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P.S.: For the XT, the tach cable needed is the one for the Raptor700!!


Last edited by bacardi23; 13 Nov 2010 at 03:06. Reason: 9663
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Old 13 Nov 2010
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Cool, nice to follow youre progress
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Old 26 Nov 2010
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Well, to sum up...

The bike passed the MOT with a "clean" bill of health but the guy said that I can't use that front tire... 80/100- 21" but he let it slip..
Also, the turn signals need to be 15-25cm away from the front and rear lights here in Portugal!

Just the fact that the front tire isn't the right measures is sufficient to get a FAILED MOT here in Portugal!

He did however say the bike had great brakes! lol

Oh, as for the other little things still needed to complete the bike:
Paint the engine frame guard, kickstand and the footpegs brackets.

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Old 18 Jan 2011
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Fitted the TW200 wide steel footpegs and new springs a few weeks ago!
They feel very good while riding!!

Paint the engine frame guard, kickstand and the footpegs brackets still need painting but I'm currently not on the island as I'm in Almada (close to Lisbon) getting a course in welding!!

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Old 18 Jan 2011
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Think I'm going LOCO!!!

Thinking of buying another XT600E lol


Last edited by bacardi23; 18 Jan 2011 at 08:58. Reason: 10841
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Old 21 Feb 2011
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carb tuning

So, just arrived at my home island and I'll be staying for a couple of weeks and will try to finish the bike...

I've been searching for some more info on sparkplug reading and the most similiar picture I've found was this #4 on this page: Spark Plugs

The sparkplugs I use are the XT's stock ones! the NGK DPR8EA-9!
All get like that after less than 30miles...
(Very similar! just not as many deposits as on that image.)

I've also got two DPR8EIX-9 (iridium in my garage) that I've tried and they also got the same colors...

The thing is, I didn't set the gaps on those sparkplugs!

Now....By reading the description it says my sparkplug is Too Cold!

My problems I believe are: incorrect sparkplug gap and too much fuel and most likely a little bad sync between both carbs!

Today I've adjusted the gap! It was a bit over 1mm... yes, too much!
I've set it to 0.7mm as it says on the NGK website it should be between 0.6 and 0.9mm.
This should solve the gap part!

As for the overrich condition I'll be ordering a few lower mainjets in 2.5 steps which should help fine tune my carb.

Plus, the bike pops a bit on decel and has a small hesitation at constant throttle which I've been dialing in.

There are no air leaks!

Jets are: 145L 150R, #25 pilots, needle clips in 2nd groove from the top. as for the fuel screws I don't remember how many turns in/out...

Carb is a dual BST33mm from a 2002 raptor660.
bike is a 1990 XT600E

Other mods: KEDO (devil) downpipes, WR450 exhaust, K&N RU4710 air filter with pre-filter water repellent sleeve, Custom made fiberglass open airbox.

One other thing, Don't have a rear tire right now lol
So no stop and go sparkplug, throttle position + engine cut-off readings.

One more thing, should I put the same mainjets on both carbs?
I don't really know the engine need for fuel from low-mid-high rpms...
If for mid-high rpms the 2nd carb is fully opened, a slighter higher fuel output sounds "obvious" I guess...

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Old 21 Feb 2011
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Mainjets has nothing to do with everyday riding. So unless you're tests are at WOT, you need to look elsewhere. It could still be rich in the mainjets, but you dont really know before you have tested with a WOT run.

If youre idlejets is 1-2 numbers too big, (rich) it can also effect all other throttlepositions, maing other "curcuits" slightly richer, but not by much.

Backfires and such can easely be a small airleak at the exhaustjoints. All the way from where the headers meet the cylinder, to where the silencer meets the back of the headers. Air goes in, unburnt gasses egnite, and BOOM.

You could also be too small in the idlejet, making low revs/throttelpositions lean.

Regarding picture number 4, you cant really see it its too cold a plug, or a rich condition. If you got the stock plug, thats good. Nothing wrong there.

Good luck.
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Old 22 Feb 2011
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Jens... wot is how I ride most of the time! lol

I've ridden the bike with these settings and now after about 300km (total on all sparkplugs) all them look the same. sooty black, black porcelain and the tip of the nose light brown.

I'm using the exhaust gaskets that came with the KEDO downpipes but there is a very small bit of black dust( two 1 sq millimeter area one on each pipe) on where the two downpipes connect to the midpipe.

but the bike is overrich!
at WOT it hesitates!

It used to hesitate alot more when it was even richer but I moved the needle clips from 3rd to 2nd position from the top of the needles and went from 160L 165R mainjets to 145 - 150 and it got much better..much less hesitation on wot.

now I adjusted the sparkplug gap and will be waiting for the new jets to arrive.....

and two weeks for new tires
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