My new luggage!
Right, I now have all the boxes and the hoops for my 3AJ, to begin the assembly of my luggage system. I went for the xXx boxes and the Zega topcase, with the Touratech hoops. It can all be seen on the following images:
You can see that the side cases are reinforced at the top and the bottom edges (just like the Tesch boxes?) and have seals inside. The lids pivot on the NARROW side and have the same locks as the Zega-Top. The lids are also fully removable without tools...
I am really happy with the quality of the equipment, and I have more than enough space! Unfortunately Ernie is booked up until March or later, so I may have to wait a while before the racks are finished!
What do you think?
** Looks like the UCL server's down at the moment (23:46 GMT 27/11/02) so I can't check those files. Let me know if you see them **
[This message has been edited by POB/London (edited 27 November 2002).]