New boys questions
Hello there. I have a 2002 XT 600e. The clutch is not clearing as good as it should, as the bike has only done 13000 miles I doubt if the plates are wornout. I am thinking that the adjustment can also be altered in the engine ( behind the casings ) This bike has a lever operated rod which enters the r/h casing vertically from top of casing, the cable has very little freeplay and is at the end of its travel when it bites. I recon that there should be some adjustment on the clutch basket, but I only have a manual for the early models with the clutch cable coming in from the l/h/s of the engine. Has anyone a diagram of the more recent engine design clutch adjustment proceedures please and how it works from this cam / lever - The second question is what is the 6mm theaded hole for on the starter motor casing - Am I missing something in there ??
Thanks for the help. hopefully I can help someone else as I get the knowledge
Cant leave a trail for others to follow by sitting on yer arse