Mine has Renthal bars which I find too narrow and flat when I stand on the pegs, so today I ordered dome Renthal Dakar high bars. To these I will add a pair of Bark Busters and because I ride through winter possibly a pair of heated grips.
It already has the Acerbis large tank which I feel is desirable over the standard.
I have ordered a sw motech rear rack to which I will probably fix a large peli case (I don't like the height of conventional top boxes). I will use this in conjunction with a large waterproof roll bag strapped to the pillion; and once I fabricate something to sheild the exhaust, a pair of cheap throw over panniers.
I have a pair of touratech zega pannier boxes gathering dust in my attic. Should I come across a suitable used rack to mount them on the XT I may use them from time to time, otherwise the boxes will be going on ebay.
If someone can tell me how to post a picture on this site, I will get one on after the mods have been done.
I have thought about a sw motech centre stand as well. Are these any good Ted? Does the side stand have to come off?