Play in shock absorber
Sorry for yet another ignoramus type question, but I'm learning as I go along, and learning a hell of a lot from this forum.
I am now on to the back end of my Tenere 34L/55W rebuild. I have stripped it all out and de-grunged all components but when I was putting back together I noticed that there was some side to side play in the connection between the shock bottom eye and the linkage connection.
I was really careful with my stripping out and I'm pretty sure that I haven't mislaid something so should there be a bit of sideways movement? Of course I didn't think to check this before I stripped it all down, which would have helped, but thats hindsight for you isn't it?
I notice that on the other joins there are small cups with rubber seals in that fit nicely and allows for good tight fitting, so is there any chance that I have mislaid these or the previous owner omitted them when they were tinkering - in a very ham-fisted manner I have to add!
All answers appreciated!