Please help with timing marks for camshaft installation...
The manual says I need to remove the rotor and align the timing mark on the crankshaft with the timing mark on the crankcase, to properly reinstall the camshaft and cam chain. The problem is, the engine is off the bike and I don't see how I'm going to be able to torque the rotor nut off. An impact wrench would be a must, but with the cam chain untensioned, any resulting crankshaft rotation could lead to disaster. On second thought, I could probably hang on to the clutch basket with a strap wrench, but I really don't want to pull both side cases to just install the damn camshaft.
So, does the crankshaft timing mark correspond to any marks on the rotor and timing portal? Most bikes just have you look for TDC when doing camshaft timing.
Last edited by electric!sheep; 19 Dec 2006 at 01:35.