not sure if you have a 1VJ or a 3AJ, but a weakpoint on the 1VJ is the mounting points at the front where the fuel tank is attached to the frame strut by 2 bolts - these always rattle out and lose their thread. might suggest securing it with one bolt right through, but might create a weakpoint in the frame strut.
also, if you secure a rack to your bike for panniers, secure any side panniers with at least 3 points on each side, and loctite the bolts & nuts. also, reinforce the mounting points by welding on pieces of metal with holes drilled through to accept the bolts.
another point to look out for is the rear part of the frame where the back rack joins the main part of the frame - mine broke off and needed welding.
good news is that you can usually find a welder somewhere or other in africa, though the quality varies.
good luck.
[This message has been edited by cabron (edited 06 March 2003).]
...ships are safe in harbour, but that\'s not what they were built for...