Rocker cover removal - XT600E
Hello. I'm sure this has been covered before so apologies if it has - thought I'd share the fruits of my labour.
Spent a bit of time today trying to remove the rocker cover without removing the carbs or dropping the engine. It can be done.
Remove the side panels, seat, tank, ht coil etc. I also removed the horn, oil return pipe and the entire throttle mechanism on the carb (1-off 12mm bolt and 2-off Phillips screws). Remove upper engine 3-bolt mount.
Remove 4-off airbox securing bolts (3-off at the top, 1-off on bike LHS)
Loosen the carb to inlet manifold banjo clamps. Pull the entire airbox and carbs back as far as possible. Remove the small 1" rubber tube on the inlet manifold of the LHS carb.
Remove all tappet inspection covers (you need to remove the inlet one anyway, probably both exhausts too to re-set the clearances).
Remove all 5mm Allen bolts, remembering the one that sits under the upper engine 3-bolt mount. This one can't be removed from the rocker cover whilst still on the bike so get a 3mm Allen key (or similar). Get your fingers inside the inlet tappet inspection cover and push the tail of the Allen bolt flush with the underside of the cover. Now, insert the 3mm Allen key through the bottom of the 3-bolt engine mount hole and under the head of the 5mm Allen bolt. That painfully awkward is now gently jammed out of the way.
Remove the rocker cover by lifting the front and sliding it off backwards and out of the LHS of the bike. Make sure the carbs are right back and there is just enough room.
I do not know why Yahama didn't manufacture the bike with the 5mm more clearance required not to have to do the above. Someone should punch the designer directly in the face.