Tenere Tank Respray
Hi there guys, I managed to pick up a 34L Tenere tank from Ebay Germany for 150 Euro a few months back. It had some late model tenere stickers and had a respray that looked to good to be true....
I stripped the beastie back to bear metal and found only very small patches of filled (less than 1cm dings and only a 1mm or so deep). There has also been some very professional repairs where a section of the tank has been re-soldered. Buy of the century I say
I have applied two lots of a good quality three part tank treatment to ensure the tank doesn't develop rust on the inside any time soon. If you are wondering why there are two treatments - just remember this thing hold 28 Ltrs - Huge!!
Now it is down to metal, I need to ask a couple of questions... I have spraying equipment thanks to a mate but want to get it professionally 2 Packed. Saying that I want to do as much prep to save some dollars.
* Should I fill the dings prior to putting on a primer of put on a primer first?
* The surface is nicely sanded so I don't need an etch primer. What should I undercoat it with to keep any surface rust at bay.
Keep in mind I want to give this to a pro to be 2-packed as that stuff is way to nasty to spray at home
I'll post a few photos soon.