I have a 94 XT 600. Mine sat for about 15 years. Suffered the exact same symptoms. I took the exact same repair steps. And I got the exact same results. The carb is indeed a bitch to remove/replace. So after the first time out I opted to clean the carb in place. Easy & effective.
Buy a can of aerosol carb cleaner.
Disconnect the fuel line from the petcock. Leave the hose connected to the carb. Spray the cleaner into the hose until the hose is full. Crank the engine a bit to suck the cleaner through the carb. This takes a bit of time and cranking. Keep the fuel hose full of cleaner. Let it sit for some time. Over night for example. The purpose is to keep the inside of the carb soaking in the cleaner. I had to do this a few times. And I had to keep adding cleaner to keep the fuel hose full. I guess it evaporates out the hose. I think I actually found a small funnel that fit into the hose. The kind if funnel used for filling old kerosene lanterns. I filled the funnel and laid a bottle cap over it to slow the evaporation process while the carb was soaking. Slowly but surely things improved. I also kept a battery tender connected since this is obviously hard on the battery. A hot battery is a must when these brutes are cold. Also, safety glasses are a must when spraying the cleaner into the hose. Chances are you will get a face full of cleaner at least once. I am a bit slow. I got it two times. Then I found some safety glasses.
This took a bit of patience but it beat the hell out of pulling and replacing the carb multiple times.
After I finally got her running and put some miles on her she now runs great. Still takes a while to start after sitting for more than a few days, but it does always start. Also, my choke is very finicky when cold starting but it always fires immediately once it is warm.
Best of luck to you.