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Old 1 Jul 2007
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TTR600RE - a worthwhile choice?

Hi Yam fans. After backpacking around our beautiful Orb for a while i realised that what i really want to do is get back on two wheels and ride a different continent other than my usual European haunts. After um'ing and ah'ing about various Trailies i am having a really good look at TTR600RE's, after XR400/DR650/KLR etc. But they generally seem to get a bit of a slagging off by people in the know about such things. I don't get it - they're a tarted-up XT600 with alloy rims and a stainless pipe, are they not? I would like a DR650 but they're hard to source locally in the UK, but TTR's are plentiful and great value.So, Sachs shock probs apart, are they worthwhile? Not many people seem to have them and they seem to sell them on quite quickly (hence so many available?). Confused...:confused1:
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Old 1 Jul 2007
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Hi Pottsy,

I guess it is all about personal preferences - I am riding a TT600R so I don't know the detail of the RE. However there has been lots of discussion of the differences, problems etc in earlier threads in this forum - I suggest you take a look if you have not done that already. You will find that I have had a few problems as it happens, but I have learnt a lot about the bike along the way!!

After that, there is the Which Bike section that goes on, seemingly endlessly, about the relative merits of bikes.

I am not sure that they are all that plentiful; DR650s seem to me to be in shorter supply - could be wrong!!

Whatever you decide, this site is a good way of finding more information.


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Old 1 Jul 2007
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So is the R the kick-start version of the RE? The main reason at looking at the TTR in general is that the lump is basically the XT600 which is great, with it's decent service intervals etc, unlike the XR's of this world! Is the subframe ok with your machine, i'm planning a 5-month jaunt around N America with a plastic topbox,soft throwovers and a bag. DR's were the main choice but they're scarce as a Sunny British Summer!
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Old 1 Jul 2007
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Originally Posted by pottsy View Post
Hi Yam fans. After backpacking around our beautiful Orb for a while i realised that what i really want to do is get back on two wheels and ride a different continent other than my usual European haunts. After um'ing and ah'ing about various Trailies i am having a really good look at TTR600RE's, after XR400/DR650/KLR etc. But they generally seem to get a bit of a slagging off by people in the know about such things. I don't get it - they're a tarted-up XT600 with alloy rims and a stainless pipe, are they not? I would like a DR650 but they're hard to source locally in the UK, but TTR's are plentiful and great value.So, Sachs shock probs apart, are they worthwhile? Not many people seem to have them and they seem to sell them on quite quickly (hence so many available?). Confused...:confused1:
Oh I didn't know people sell them on quite quickly lol, I have just recently bought one I have had a few minor niggles like the instrument binnacle braking on my first off road jaunt the back light was absolute crap not bright at all had to strain your eyes to see if the brake light was on and stopped working first minor undulation on the road, but I have now replaced the crappy plastic bulb holder for a steel one off a WR and now the Back light is err like a back light and brake light should be.

You have had a very good bike in the XR400 and I also have a very good bike a mint YZ250 in my garage but I have to say I am very happy with the TTR600RE over the last 2 months, It did everything my mates WR450 and CRF450X did off road (It wasn't muddy by the way) and of course mine is far superior on the road with the advantage of the far far longer service intervals.

I wanted a duel purpose big four stroke with Electric start and yes I am very happy with my choice.

Get one if you don't like it flog it and you should get your full money back anyway.
Yamaha TT600RE 2004
Yamaha YZ250 2 stroke 99
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Old 1 Jul 2007
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Wink R - Re

Yes, the R model is kickstart only: try this:-


It explains many aspects of the two bikes.


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Old 3 Jul 2007
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I have a TT600RE I am going to ride it around africa in sept! I have up graded the suspension with TTR front forks and a white power rear shock (for TTR) as suspension is swappable, If doing it again then I would get a TTR. Great engine, great suspension, subframe fine, get a good rack and u should have no problems. good on highway, I would have no reservation of taking it around the world (next trip)

There are loads of reviews on this site,
Ericsue is currently riding one arounf the world as we speak! he has a blog on the site here somewhere, its really good
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Old 3 Jul 2007
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I think the TTR/TTRE is a great bike, but then I do have one of each...
It depends what you want from a bike really, I like the rugged dependability, good build and components and ease of maintenance/repair. I think most people who bought one recently were expecting a blistering KTM type performance, not the agricultural 40hp experience they got.
If they still made them new I would buy another, and my wife has one, and one of my best mates!
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Old 3 Jul 2007
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Hmmm, food for thought so far, certainly! Just thumbing through various threads i was very concerned with the engine reliability/starting probs connected with the RE - for an XT-based lump it came as a bit of a shock. I haven't met such issues with a modern bike since my Buell days... I still find heaps for sale even though heaps weren't sold? Worrying. I don't actually need to buy for several months yet so i'll keep my Hooter to this site for inspiration! Come on RE-owners, convince me
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Old 3 Jul 2007
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Originally Posted by pottsy View Post
Hmmm, food for thought so far, certainly! Just thumbing through various threads i was very concerned with the engine reliability/starting probs connected with the RE - for an XT-based lump it came as a bit of a shock. I haven't met such issues with a modern bike since my Buell days... I still find heaps for sale even though heaps weren't sold? Worrying. I don't actually need to buy for several months yet so i'll keep my Hooter to this site for inspiration! Come on RE-owners, convince me
Thats funny I was gonna start a thread asking about all these starting problems, I know this is the technical forum where people help us with our problems and on the Yamaha RD site I am a member of if I have a tiny problem with my twenty year old RD's within an hour of posting a problem I have about 5 replies telling me exactly whats wrong but no way on there are people having the same constant problem like people on here are with what I thought was a pretty simple unstressed hack.

So are they prone to starting problems ?

Mine starts like a dream every time hot or cold without fail.
Yamaha TT600RE 2004
Yamaha YZ250 2 stroke 99
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Old 3 Jul 2007
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Starting is fine

Yep, my kickstart only TTR is OK at starting now I have got the technique sorted out and the decompression cable is in good order and I have a new spark plug fitted and ......... in other words the bike probably needed a service when I got it!

The only time I have a problem is when I cock it up and flood the carb - still happens occasionally; but there are techniques to deal with that to be learned - not a bike for anyone who just wants to press a button and go.
Lots of bikers watch me going through the starting routine when I am out and about & parked up somewhere - some may even be envious!!

Looking back, I got this bike for the "challenge" of kickstart only, the superb all round suspension, the lightish all up weight and reasonable power to weight ratio (but it is not a "racing" bike) combined with low state of tuning which should make it reliable and low maintenance + lack of battery means the electrics are simple and, hopefully, reliable (time will tell) + air cooled for more simplicity. I also got onroad supermoto and standard wheels in the deal which was "nice". Only real drawback is that it is a bit tall for me, because I don't have the greatest inside leg measurement - so I definitely have to slide forward on the seat when coming to a halt.


Last edited by Walkabout; 3 Jul 2007 at 23:57.
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Old 4 Jul 2007
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Originally Posted by pottsy View Post
Hmmm, food for thought so far, certainly! Just thumbing through various threads i was very concerned with the engine reliability/starting probs connected with the RE - for an XT-based lump it came as a bit of a shock. I haven't met such issues with a modern bike since my Buell days... I still find heaps for sale even though heaps weren't sold? Worrying. I don't actually need to buy for several months yet so i'll keep my Hooter to this site for inspiration! Come on RE-owners, convince me
PS. Still not convinced that there are loads for sale; it's like anything you are looking at/considering - suddenly you notice each and everyone of the same thing, no matter what it is. Where are these heaps?
As another point, there are lots of bike riders in the UK who change bikes frequently or very frequently - How much is frequent? I once talked with a guy in a bike showroom who buys a brand new bike every 3 months!!

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Old 4 Jul 2007
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As of this moment, on Biketrader there are 17 available nationally in the UK. The majority are '04/'05 (the last imported year?), so i guess people have tried them and are moving on - i have a tendency to keep a bike i like for several years so i tend to imagine other people are the same...i guess not so!I got stung by a Buell, which i became smitten by even though i researched the plethora of probs that Buell-ownership could (and quickly did) entail. I don't want to run the risk with the TTRE, that's all.Hence this thread...
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Old 4 Jul 2007
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Hi Pottsy,

That does not seem like very many across the whole of the UK (measured against however many there are in this country?), especially at this time of year when folk are riding and trading, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, it is all about if you fancy one basically - try to get a test ride from a dealer or anyone you know who has one.

Forgot to mention in my "like list", the TT600R also has braided steel brake lines as standard, so saves spending more money on after market parts.

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Old 5 Jul 2007
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Originally Posted by pottsy View Post
As of this moment, on Biketrader there are 17 available nationally in the UK. The majority are '04/'05 (the last imported year?), so i guess people have tried them and are moving on - i have a tendency to keep a bike i like for several years so i tend to imagine other people are the same...i guess not so!I got stung by a Buell, which i became smitten by even though i researched the plethora of probs that Buell-ownership could (and quickly did) entail. I don't want to run the risk with the TTRE, that's all.Hence this thread...
The Bloke I bought mine off said he used it for winter and now summer is here, well two months ago' he said he now wants an R1, my Brother in law uses an XT600 for work in winter and saves his XJR for summer, as far as I am concerned they are pretty versatile bikes, how many superb bikes like WR's XR's, CRF's are they for sale at any given time ? loads thats the answer, I buy and sell bikes for a living and I have a choice of bikes in my Garage I happen to like my TTR600RE for it's many good points IE its versatility over a WR full Enduro Machine.

I think you have already made your mind up not to get one.

If only they used the same plastics has YZ's and WR's instead of making them deliberatly a bit ugly, don't understand Yamaha on that one.
Yamaha TT600RE 2004
Yamaha YZ250 2 stroke 99
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Old 5 Jul 2007
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Hi Panzer. I haven't as yet not decided against getting one, just trying to clear up any lingering doubts in my mind/braincell.They're a fine looking bike,great value and there's a bit of choice - just trying to figure out if i should hold out for a DR (my 1st choice,but like Hen's teeth unfortunately) or a KLR.
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