We've got a 42 tooth rear sprocket on our tt600r's(1999 and 2001). the standard gearýng ýs 15/44 so this makes a big enough dýfference. The engine will feel comfortable upto about 130-135kmh.
Take note though. We've been advised sýnce leavýng that runnýng thýs gearýng ýsnt too healthy for the gearbox and clutch etc.
I can understand why as 1st ýs really long. Thýs also makes rýdýng ýn traffýc less fun, slýppýng the clutch a lot. My clutch ýs really heavy.
We dýdnt really use 5th much untýl we got to Iran(after Výetnam, Cambodýa, Thaýland, Indýa, Pakýstan). So dependýng on where you're goýng i'd think about it