Thanks guys.
I managed to fix the leak by polishing the float valve seat with some fine stranded steel wool. I’m not 100% convinced the problem has gone away completely (the carb leakage was sporadic) but the problem is certainly less than before. The seat appeared sparkly clean but somehow the polishing helped.
Jens, good point. I will buy a new valve if the leakage comes back.
Panzer, the carb leaked when I put some fuel in the tank. I did not open up the carb until after I tried to start the bike. The bike did indeed start, but only ran for a short while. When I had the carb disassembled I cleaned it, but the problem did not go away. Until after the steel wool treatment that is…
Pigfort, OK good to know. This carb has this overflow tube. I did not even think about this possibility.
Chuncky55, good point. In this case I don’t think I can put the needle in backwards as it can turn in the float valve seat (T-type connector to the float). Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.
I GOT THE BIKE RUNNING. I managed to free up the clutch and rode the bike a little in the parking lot. Lots of work ahead but I’m looking forward to it….
Yamaha XT600E '01, Honda XR400 '03, Yamaha XT550 '83