Hi there. I own an XT 600 1989' (2KF). I 've made some improving modifications, or at least, that's what my intension.
I 've made a front suspension swap, with a full front end from Yamaha YZ 125 1990'. Upside down forks, 41mm (the red anodized ones), 300mm stroke. I have also changed the (tiny motocross) disc, along with the caliper, but that's irrelevant to my major concern right now.
I 've found a real bargain, an Ohlins rear shock from TT 600 S, 270mm stroke (the so called "Belgarda") with the UpsideDown Forks, not the "new" one with the conventional Paioli Forks, the TTR 600. I 've chosen the previous TT 600 Ohlins, cause it was -almost- a perfect match with my stock XT 600 shock, in both upper and lower ends (eyelet-hole on both sides, frame and swingarm linkages).
Here's the deal. Both shock absorbers, measure the same distance, 40 cm (400 mm) from upper, to lower eyelet. So, I thought I 'd just enjoy a better shock experience, without changing at all the geometry of the bike. Fact is, the YZ 125 front end, is not just a longer stroke fork, but it seems to be a longer-bigger fork, from top yoke to wheel axle distance. For example, the specific TT 600 that I used it's rear shock, has either a front end with the same "long" stroke (310mm), but for sure it is less "long-huge" from top yoke to wheel axle.
That was my initial thinking fault, same stroke does not mean same overall length of the front suspension. And now my bike is just like a custom, relaxed seat, chopper. The whole foockin' center of gravity is well backed up and down! Of course it's a matter of physics, I don't doubt, but the bike has become reluctant to lean (obvious) and when I ride the seat it gets even worse (pretty obvious too). I 've done some settings, lowered the top yoke (raised the forks through it), but as you 'd expect, no magic solution-balance appeared.
Due to "no dog bones" style of swingarm-linkage-shock, I can't intervene in the bottom part of the shock. So I am wondering about the top linkage (frame). I 've seen a couple of owners who have used, a special extra linkage (between the frame eyelet-hole and the top shock one). It seems that this gadget, reduces the stock distance that the shock mounts, and consequently forces it to "extend", to the only direction it is able-free... vertically...and that's it! The whole back-tail of the bike is lifted up!
Heckhöherlegung xt 600 | eBay
1) Have you ever tried it?
2) Do we have any alternatives in something like this?
3) What do the older-more experienced riders-mechs think about it?
I would appreciate every opinion, thought, idea, whatever helps...
PS. Ohh! I almost forgot. Through my bike "upgrading", I 've ordered a spare swingarm, a bit different. Mine (2KF) has an Iron one, so I bought and fitted an Aluminium one (43F) without disc, but with a drum. The Ohlins shock, is fitted in that swingarm. I am 99% sure that everything else ecxept from the aluminium, are totally same. The linkages, etc. I don't think it could interfere with my problem, bit is's better to mention it...