on my 1985 xt600 the primary is reading 0.4 Ohms and the Secondary is reading 2.76 k Ohms.
Clymer specs show this:
Primary..............0.27~0.33 Ohms
Secondary.........3.44~5.16 k Ohms
based on what you said the Primart being high is okay if slightly over, but the secondary drawing almost half of what is needed is concerning. Especially after I just bought a new one from ebay and on the first ride my bike died 10 miles in. I ended up getting an uber ride back home to get my truck so the bike could be picked up haha.
Also I checked my stator thinking it died since I had a ttr225 stator die on me in the mountains on a ride. Stator still fell within spec for a 85 xt600.
Clymer specs:
Pickup Coil
White Red -to- White Green connectors..................... 90~120 Ohms (My reading was 113 Ohms)
Source Coil Resistance
Red -to- brown wire connectors.................................. 160~240 Ohms (my reading was 188 Ohms)
Any feedback would be great  just got into xt600's this may and completely customized mine into a scrambler. I took the large oil tank off cut the brackets and re-welded them so I can mount the tt oil tank closerr to the shock.
Here is a pic of my scrambler.