XT600E Smoking/Low Compression/Oil Consumption.
I'd like to get some troubleshooting advice on my 99 XT600E, last fall it started smoking like crazy on
start up, white smoke, started up about the same as usual which is to say not immediately but
always reliably, except of course in spring when it takes a bit more coaxing, power seems to be the
same as when I bought it 3 years ago, it's got 60.000 + km on the odo. at about the same time as the
smoking appeared it started using oil like gasoline, would use a whole litre in 2 to 3 hours. I've done
a compression check it's got 55lbs :-(
So I'm wondering, is it time for a top end or could the lack of compression be caused by tight
valves ? can that also lead to oil consumption ?
I could also use some help with general specs, since my bike is a 99 and XT600's were not
imported to north america after 95 I don't have access to the usual manuals. I'm looking for valve
adjustment procedure and specs, top end torque values, stuff not to forget relating to gaskets/O
rings/seals etc, and any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks guys.