Thanks. My brother bought the bike over 11 years ago now. The bike hasnt been going in maybe 4 to 5 years. It did run fine, but each oil change showed iron filings. Which I hear some people say was maybe due to wearing of the gears. There is a part of the engine broken out where the side cover bolts to the bottom of the engine on the left side of the bike, and down near the base of the engine. I am not sure of the mileage. quite a lot I think now. I would prefer to completely overhaul the engine. My reasoning is that it would be a great trip, and I would like to know that I have a decent bike, that for the most part I will have more chance then not making it around africa on a trip, without major engine trouble. Even a new bike can break. But I would like to reduce the chances as much as possible. I liked the bike, it would go as fast as i need, worked great. and would carry what I would take with me, and still light. I would feel better knowing the engine in it now was in better shape. Fairly old now, quite a bit of mileage. Any suggestions into what I could do to this engine would be good also.