HU Travellers Meeting Ontario 2015


Thursday June 18 to Sunday June 21, 2015 - Lake Couchiching

You missed it! Go here for latest meeting!

It's All About Overland Adventure

Whether you're a seasoned veteran with wisdom to share or a complete novice hungry for ideas and guidance, it doesn't matter if you ride a motorcycle, a bicycle, or drive an expedition vehicle...

Horizons Unlimited meetings are for everyone who dreams of adventure along the road less travelled.

Horizons Unlimited Ontario Event Schedule

The event is taking place from Thursday, June 18 to Sunday, June 21, 2015.

Lunch will be served at 1 pm on Thursday, June 18, after which the Registration Tent will open for check-ins. The Horizons Unlimited Film Festival will start at 3 pm, and the first live presentations will begin at 6 pm. The event will draw to a close at Noon on Sunday, June 21.

Over the course of the event there'll be talks, demonstrations, workshops, Q&A's, challenges and competitions, with many presentations being repeated so you won't miss out.

As well as hearing inspiring stories of overlanding adventure from around the world, you'll get the low-down on preparing for your journey, navigation, first-aid, photography, filming and a host of other essential topics. Whatever your past experience or future plans may be, there's something for everyone.

Draft schedule can be downloaded here. Please note that it WILL change!

Presenters at HU Ontario 2015 include...

Workshops and Tech Sessions below
Mark Carrera.

Mark Carrera

Kazakhstan - Not the land of Borat

In fact, it's much better and more of an adventure. Mark Carrera, a world traveler, will give a presentation on adventures in Kazakhstan where he lived throughout the 1990's. His presentation will cover a little history, his travels from the Tien Shan Mountains to the Aral Sea, and what's currently going on in Kazakhstan's moto-adventure world.

Mark Carrera before.

Mark will close his presentation with a very brief introduction to the GS Giants and a question and answer session.

Mark Carrera after.

Lastly, as an average-Joe rider and adventurer, Mark has maintained that no adventure is without risk but the media sours the pool with too much fear mongering. Plan on attending his Round Table discussion on safety and security while traveling abroad, or at home!

Jillian Herfurth and Walter Romanowski.

Walter Romanowski and Jillian Herfurth

Maximize Your Limited Time - How to manage 3 motorcycle trips in 7 months with limited time

Walter and Jillian love to get out the maps and the yellow highlighter and plan motorcycle trips. Then they love to set out on them, even when Jillian's vacation time is limited. In 2014 Walter and Jillian visited three of the four corners of North America on motorcycle, including Florida, Arizona and the Cabot Trail in Nova Scotia. Come hear their stories, including how they stayed warm and dry when Hurricane Arthur blew through southern Nova Scotia!

Walter Romanowski standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona.

Walter and Jillian have been riding for three seasons. In that time they have both moved up in displacement and acquired seven motorcycles between the two of them.

Nikos and Georgia Dimitriou.

Nikos & Georgia Dimitriou

The Pin Project: the art of traveliving - How to quit your job, prepare your vehicle for a RTW trip and travelive around the world

Quit your job, pack your stuff and just go. We never thought that it would be that easy and so rewarding at the same time. Being on the road since April 2012, offered us life lessons. 2 years in Africa, a bit of Europe and now Americas is part of our RTW trip.

Nikos Dimitriou.

Since age 29, we were following the stereotypes of our generation that means studying in a 'good' university, finding a 'good' job, meeting a 'nice' buddy and set up your house ready to host the Big Greek Family. We were so fed up with our daily routine. Not to mention the Greek recession consequences in all people lives. We were so stressed and also obliged to do something 'good' for our future.

In September 2011, we took the decision to start travelling overland, in March 2012 we quit our good jobs, in April 2012 we departed from Greece so as to travel in Africa, in March 2014 returned back home after two years overlanding in the Black Continent and in January 2015 we are continuing our travels in the Americas.

Nikos Dimitriou.

We decided to travelive for as long as we can stand on our feet, trying at the same time to inspire and share our vision with other people. Nothing is easier than start listening to your deep needs and realizing how simple is the life.

Lorry and Kelli Gombos.

Lorant (Lorry) and Kelli Gombos

Central Asia - Pamir Highway on a Vstrom

Our plans for a Central Asian trip were pretty shaky but everything worked out for the best. The idea of riding this remote corner of the world was a combination of dreams, opportunities and very little plans when Kelli and Lorry were living in Taiwan. Something had always attracted Lorry to ride the vast planes and one of the highest mountains of the world. It's a desire that only the most adventurous people can understand. Luckily Kelli is one those and it made the journey even more exciting.

Lorry and Kelli Gombos.

Roaming the Balkans and Turkey - 5 weeks on two wheels just 1 month after starting to date... It made us stronger!

Kelli and Lorry had barely known each other yet they decided to hit the pristine beaches of Montenegro and Albania. No plans again. They just wanted to go with the flow as always. There was a goal though: live on a budget and ride as much as possible. This journey lasted a lot longer than they planned and extended the trip to a long visit in Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and the magical Turkey.

Kelli and Lorry have traveled on two wheels quite a lot around the world despite their young age (this passion is not age related anyways). Lorry has been riding for almost 2 decades and has always itched to go off the map, whether it be on a sports bike, dirt bike or big dual sport. Kelli has done most of their motorcycle adventures as a pillion.

Sarah Stainton.

Sarah Stainton

Exploring Canada on Two Wheels - Toronto to Vancouver - the solo adventure of a novice rider

What better way to see Canada than by motorbike? You're out in the middle of it.

Born and raised in Toronto, I knew I really had no idea what Canada was all about. What is it like growing up in rural Alberta? How does it feel to be surrounded by the vast emptiness of blue sky and golden fields in the Prairies? Before exploring the rest of the world, I wanted to get to know my own country.

As a solo female rider with only 2 years on the bike, I knew the trip would be a challenge. What I didn't realize was how much it would change me.

Come and hear about my trip from Toronto to Vancouver, but be forewarned – you'll leave wanting to start your own Canadian adventure!

Sarah Stainton.

There's something about turning 30 that makes you want to get going with life, to stop dreaming and start doing. For me, it meant getting my bike license. A few years and 50,000 km later, I've ridden solo to both east and west coasts of Canada and can't wait for the next big adventure.

Wolfe Bonham.

Wolfe Bonham

The Cross Egypt Challenge - A 10 day, 3000 km rally around Egypt on 150cc Scooters

With Egypt's tourism industry suffering some local Egyptians decided to take their own personal challenge more global and created the Cross Egypt Challenge. Having just finished it's 4th year, in 2014 60 scooter riders, with 40 of them from over 8 different countries, embarked on a 10 day, 3000 km route around Egypt.

Doing a trip like this on a motorcycle would be challenging enough for some, but on a 150cc scooter it create a whole new set of challengers. Along the way were crashes, breakdowns, health issues, and emotional ups/downs, but also amazing people, vistas, and some of the world's more ancient historical sites.

Join Wolfe as he shows us just how amazing 10 days around Egypt can be!

Cross Egypt Challenge.

A study in contrasts, Wolfe is a tattooed Motorcycle Rebel Horticulturist who travels the world investigating the outdoors, gardens, and flowers. Wolfe is always on the lookout for the next cultural experience, the next great garden, the next winding road, and the next stunning sunset...

Chantal Cournoyer.

Chantal Cournoyer

53 000 km to dream - Share with me our 9 month journey through Americas

Our stories with lots of pictures and video will inspire you and make you want to travel from Montreal to Alaska and then to Tierra del Fuego.

Chantal Cournoyer pic. Chantal Cournoyer.

My name is Chantal and I love travelling, even more on a bike. I worked for ten years in the motorcycle industry, did a rally in Morocco in 2008 and a 9 month journey with my boyfriend in 2012-2013. We can't wait to be on the road again!

Ross and Jean Copas.

Ross and Jean Copas

To Russia With Bikes - Riding the Trans Siberian Highway from east to west and dispelling the myths

After forming a group of 6 to ride across Russia, we spent 2 years planning the trip but the information we were able to find was sparse and often contradictory. In the Fall of 2014, we completed the 12,000 km ride from Seoul, South Korea to Heidelberg, Germany and now have the real story first hand. Come and be prepared to be amazed by this mysterious land! Spasibo!

Ross and Jean Copas in Russia.

Ross: "Travel and motorcycling have been my two passions since I was a teenager so doing them together was natural. So far, I have travelled to over 100 countries and all seven continents and the road still beckons!"

Jean: "Started riding when the kid left home and the dog died. At 50, I became the first Canadian woman to complete the Ironbutt endurance rally which taught me how to shrink the map. But the map kept getting bigger and my husband and I have now travelled to over 100 countries."

Michel Levesque.

Michel Levesque

14,000 km, 28 days, 10 states, 6 provinces and one less friend

After 36 years for the same company, Michel decided to take his retirement and thought that a month long motorcycle trip will help making the transition. That trip carried him through all the US northern states to the Pacific coast and back to Montreal through all provinces west of Quebec. What he did not know was that this trip would cost him a friendship. His presentation will cover the challenges of riding with a friend as well as take you to some of the most beautiful places in North America.

Michel Levesque.

At the age of 12 Michel owned his first motorcycle and was involved in Motocross competition until the age of 22. After some time away from riding to raise a family Michel has rediscovered his passion for riding and is back on the road. He has done one big trip and several smaller ones and is planning to explore North America over the coming years.
His philosophy - "Maintenance is roadside repair before you hit the road".

Greg Powell.

Greg Powell and Bill Hooykaas,

Two Ways Down

Tip to tip in the Americas. Two friends head out to Ushuaia in 2011, one rode solo, one with GlobeBusters. We'll discuss the pros and cons of each method, so bring your questions!

Bill Hooykas Greg Powell

Grant and Susan Johnson.

Grant and Susan Johnson, Horizons Unlimited

How it all began. The story of Grant and Susan's 11-year trip around the world, without a plan or a clue!

Way back in 1987, before the Internet, two young and naive Canadians set out from Vancouver to ride around the world on a motorcycle. The plan (and budget) was for 3 years, but it didn't quite work out that way!

Grant steers around a road hazard - aftermath of flooding on the Pan American Highway!

Kassie Tyers.

Kassie Tyers and Alex Sinclair

Music and motorcycles, the two greatest joys!

Kassie Tyers and her motorcycle.

Kassie Tyers, 27, is from Sudbury Ontario. Her two biggest passions are motorcycles and music. She started singing in grade 5 or so when she was asked ("voluntold") to sing a solo in a school musical. She played in a band for a few years at the beginning of high school, then started writing her own music near the end of grade 12. Kassie just finished her third studio album "Blue Socks", spring of 2014, and just released a brand new single "Nothing Better Than Love" April 2015.

In her teen years, Kassie started racing dirt bikes, hare scrambles races, two of her most fun summers yet! At age 16, Kassie got her motorcycle license, and now, 11 years later, she hopes to one day combine her two greatest joys, music and motorcycles, by touring across the country with her music on a bike.

Alex Sinclair.

Alex Sinclair has performed for many years with the folk group Tamarack, touring extensively throughout Canada, the USA, and the UK. With Tamarack he has released 14 CDs, plus four solo albums, and three television specials. He was also resident songwriter for CBC Radio for a dozen years, writing some 300 songs of political satire for various programmes, until Canadian politics became too absurd to satirize. Since 2013 he has been president of the arts organization, Folk Music Ontario.

Tech Sessions and Workshops

Because Horizons Unlimited meetings are also about informing, not just inspiring!

Lori and Mark Ciszek.

Lori Ciszek

A year on the road. What did we learn?

2up and new to long distance motorcycle travel. 53,000 km down and counting.

In the last year Mark and Lori Ciszek have travelled approximately 53,000 km throughout most of North America including Mexico on their Triumph Explorer. From Ontario to Alaska via Newfoundland, then down to Mexico for a winter like no other. With no previous long distance travel experience, they have learned so many things along the way and want to share some of them with you. Did I mention they were 2up for the entire trip? Come along on a journey through self discovery and learning the ropes of long distance motorcycle travel.

Lori and Mark Ciszek, 2-up.

Lori is currently back at work to make a little money to fund the next part of their trip that will start in January 2016, while Mark hikes the Applachian Trail!

Warren Milner.

Warren Milner

The Technology Behind the Adventure - Discussion of engineering compromises in adventure bike design

"Having worked with Japan on product development for the North American market I have gained insight into some of the reasons why motorcycles are built the way they are. I have put together a presentation that discusses some of the more controversial subjects related to Adventure bike design to provide a better understanding of the engineering compromises made and why.

The presentation is about half an hour and will discuss items such as ABS brakes yes or no for off-road, forks conventional vs inverted merits of each, why is chassis flex desirable, what's the big deal with mass centralization, and finally why you should trust the manufacturers rather than some random on the internet. The presentation will be followed by a 10 min Q&A where attendees can ask those questions they've always wanted to ask the manufacturers why don't you just build this, or why not bring this bike to Canada etc."

Warren Milner.

Warren Milner has travelled extensively through North America all states, provinces and territories. Mexico, some South America some Europe some Japan. Worked at Honda Canada for close to 30 years in tech support, product planning and marketing.

Darren Baptiste.

Darren Baptiste,

Digital Route Mapping - A workshop to get your GPS actually working for, instead of against, you.

Now that you're inspired to take that big trip, you need to plan how to get from here to there! Bring your paper maps, GPS, smartphones, tablets and laptop computers and learn how to fit them all together to help your plan your route. We'll primarily use Garmin's BaseCamp and OSM map data, but can help you work with whatever kit you've got at hand.

Darren Baptiste, on the dragon.

Darren's biggest ride to date - Toronto to Trinidad & Tobago on a KLR 650. He has figured out how to earn a decent living while traveling by motorcycle!

Miguel Arango.

Miguel Arango

First Aid

As an amateur rider and with not much time to travel for long periods of time, I am always looking for time to my motorcycle. Unfortunately the risk of an accident is always present and almost for sure I will be the first on the scene. A good management of an accident can make a difference not only in the immediate survival but also in the medical prognosis.

This year, we will have an excellent group of physicians and paramedics talking about different first aid procedures that should and should not be done during an accident. It will include topics such as basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation, evaluation of consciousness, fracture stabilization, proper removal of the helmet between others.

We also will include topics around how to prevent illness during our travels, signs and symptoms of dehydration, gastrointestinal infections etc etc. Everything related to a good first aid kit will also be discussed: essential, necessary and optional objects.

Miguel Arango.

Miguel is an amateur rider, originally from Colombia. He is an anesthesiologist with 20 years of experience and a main interest in Neuro-anesthesia. He shares his motorcycle passion and the love for the Canadian and Colombian countryside with his wife Diana.

Diana Londono.

Diana Londono

Yoga for Motorcyclists

Yoga for Motorcyclists - Foundation (60 min talk & demonstrations)

Join me to learn the basic understanding of the importance of keeping proper alignment in your bike and how to build balance between strength and flexibility plus improving endurance. You will learn techniques to improve awareness and how to recover faster through YOGA, supporting your ride even beyond your destination.

Diana Londono.

From the bike to the mat. (90 min yoga practice)

As bikers we are enthusiasts; we ride matching the intensity of any perceived boundary, so let's use this intuitive desire for joy and freedom by working from our body to our rides, to our life. As you learn to connect deeper to your body your ride experience will be greater, softer in the body, clearer in the mind, attention sharpens, we respect our limits, we live in more connection within our self and with the beautiful environment that is given to us to enjoy and protect.

Recovery between bike rides is important to rest your mind, recharge energy and balance your body with strength and flexibility towards a wonderful journey. Improve your recovery time, sleep and circulation through an all around YOGA practice.

Diana Londono.

Diana is a certified Hatha yoga teacher. As an engineer and former nationally ranked athlete, she combines the qualities of commitment, organization and responsibility with creativity and compassion. Central to her teaching is her awareness of proper posture and alignment. The teachings of yoga have been a tool to prepare her better in enjoying her rides, a reminder that it is about the Journey, not the destination.

Andrew Pain.

Andrew Pain, the Minimal Motorcyclist

Anatomy of Cheap and Take Control of your Packing

Anatomy of Cheap

It's one of the most common questions overlanders are asked - "How do you pay for it?"
Starting with the choice to go, all the way through prep, planning, time on the road and returning home (if you ever do!), Andrew Pain walks you through how to budget for your long overland adventure.

Take Control of your Packing

Tired of being overloaded? What to carry (and what not to carry) on your motorcycle.
Andrew Pain has traveled all over North and South America, most of it on a small, 250cc motorcycle. In this class you will learn about luggage, how to pack your motorcycle for a long trip, as well as what to pack and what to leave behind.

Andrew Pain.

Liz Jansen.

Liz Jansen, Author, Speaker, Adventurer

Ride, Write, and Publish

Ride, Write, and Publish

How to write about your travels so others will want to read it, what you need to know about photography and how to get your work published.

Learn how to capture your stories in words and pictures, so that others are intrigued and want to read them. Find out if you need a blog, best blogging practices and what it takes to get your work published.

Shattered Dreams - What to do when you hit a trip-interrupting detour

Last year Liz set out on what was to be a minimum one year trip through the Americas, learning about indigenous wisdom.Barely three weeks into the trip, she had an accident which injured her and totalled her motorcycle. Reluctantly, she returned to home base to recuperate and plan anew. Only home base was now different. She'd given up her residence, sold her car and now had no motorcycle.

This is a story about embracing change and seeing life's detours as part of the journey.

Jody Hatch.

Jody Hatch, Twisted Throttle

Organized trips, the answer for some and Outfitting your Adventure bike

Organized trips, the answer for some

Dreaming of that epic motorcycle expedition but do not have the time? An organized expedition may be the answer.

Jody will be showing the highlights of a Peru/Bolivia trip he organized with Compass Expeditions in 2012 and how this may be the answer for those who do not have the luxury of an extended period of time to travel. Discuss the pros and cons of an organized trip.

Outfitting your Adventure bike

Hands on discussion of outfitting your Adventure travel bike.

As an industry rep Jody will discuss how to set up the adventure travel motorcycle and what is essential and what is not for motorcycle travel. A full discussion on what farkles are needed and why.

Jody Hatch.

Jody has been in the motorcycle industry for the past 6 years primarily in the Adventure travel segment. He has been riding for over 40 years and has ridden all over the easten parts of North America as well as leading a trip to Peru/|Bolivia for customers from a shop he was working at. He has extensive knowledge of outfitting Adventure bikes as well as outfitting for moto camping.

Michael Anthonijsz.

Michael Anthonijsz

Canbus system

What is Can bus, how does it work, how to connect external users without upsetting your system, how to trouble shoot the system.

Michael travels all over the world for business and vacation, working in the world of process automation. He has lived in Iraq, Japan and Korea.

Ken Wettlaufer.

Ken Wettlaufer

Geocaching Basics with on site practice

Learn the basics or upgrade your skills of this world wide treasure hunt game that will take you to many out of the way and seldom discovered areas. An on site hunt will be available to anyone with compatible GPS or cell phone.

Ken has ridden street and dual sport units for more than 48 years over most of Canada and several US States.

Bill Hooykaas.

Willem (Bill) Hooykaas,

A-Z of Overlanding

All you need is money, time, skill, and a sense of adventure!

"I had several years of riding under my belt when I set out on my first adventure way back in 1974 on my second BMW, a 1974 750/6 that I bought new in Rotterdam after finishing school. This was a road bike, but my touring 750cc choices back then were either a BMW, a Moto Guzzi, a Norton or a Royal Enfield Interceptor (remember those?). Then there were only two tour companies conducting bike tours in Europe: Von Thielmann and Bob Beach. I couldn't afford either one so decided to simply head out on my own until my money ran out and see what happened. I had no plans, experience or itinerary.

Bill Hooykaas then and now.

Bill Hooykaas then and now

Today, I have well over 1 million kilometers on BMWs. I have ridden the length and breadth of the Americas, all over Europe, parts of Africa and Asia. But there is still more to see, so my 2015 overland adventure is riding west from Japan, through Russia, Mongolia, the 'Stans, Moscow, Poland and back to Europe with 4 other riders. Hopefully this talk will not only feed your desire to explore those roads less travelled but also assist you in preparing and avoid some of the pitfalls I have encountered.

Bill Hooykaas in Chile.

This multi-part series of talks will not be definitive or maybe not even how others would do it, but it will be my small contribution to encourage you to realize your dreams. I hope you come, enjoy and bring your questions."
Wolfe Bonham.

Wolfe Bonham

Making the Dream a Reality and Moto-Camping Hacks

Making the Dream a Reality - How I took my own personal dream of motorcycle travel and made it happen

For many of us the demands of work, family, mortgages, and societal pressures keep us from taking a leap of faith to step away from "normal life" and venture out on a "journey of a lifetime". In this talk Wolfe will walk you through how he was able to create a lifestyle that allows him frequent long term travel windows, along with all the planning and preparation steps he took in order to begin his semi-gypsy lifestyle.

Wolfe Bonham.

Moto-Camping Hacks

An overview of motorcycle camping tips, tricks, and techniques I've learned over the years From solo moto-camping in the jungles of Guatemala, to backpacking through southeast Asia, these are some of the tips, tricks, and techniques that have helped me create a "home away from home" while on the road. Learn about gear choices, what you can't live without, and what you can leave at home.

Wolfe Bonham.

Clinton Smout.

Clinton Smout, SMART Adventures

Dirt is not just for potatoes! Practical demonstration of traction loss control in sand and gravel on large dualsport m/c.

I am a passionate rider who has taught rider training for over thirty years. I own an off road rider training school that includes curriculum for adventure touring / large dualsports. I am a BMW GS off road instructor and love helping fellow riders become more comfortable with their own m/c in challenging traction situations.

Initiating traction loss and then practicing how to control it is a great way to develop the muscle memory habits of handling traction problems on loose surfaces. I would also like to illustrate the best way to pick up a fallen m/c, how to mount and dismount a fully laden m/c, how to use your feet to steer a m/c.

Clinton Smout.

I will be riding a BMW GS or a Yamaha Tenere. I will also suggest ways to setup your m/c for extended off road riding (tire pressure, bar and peg adjustment, shut off ABS and traction control etc.) Lastly, I would like to demo slow speed control, counter balancing, and tight turns.

Grant Johnson.

Grant Johnson

Bike mods and ergonomics!

Grant will host a bike 'Show and Tell' - bring your bike and show us your favorite travel mods. Critique and discussion on what to consider when equipping a motorcycle for overlanding.

When you picked up your new bike, did they take the time to make it fit you? You'll learn the amazing difference a properly setup bike makes to your riding fun.

Ergonomics demonstration at HU Canada West meeting.

Ergonomics demonstration at HU Canada West meeting.

Chantal Cournoyer.

Chantal Cournoyer

Self-publishing your journey - How to self-publish your stories from the beginning.

Giving some clues on how to self-publish a book from scratch. I will share with you my experience and give you an idea about pricing and the many options you have.

Chantal Cournoyer - 53,000 km to dream.

Grant Johnson showing tire changing.

Grant Johnson, Horizons Unlimited

Fix that flat! How to change a tyre anytime, anywhere!

Grant's tyre changing seminars are always well attended and appreciated. This seminar covers: how to prevent flats in the first place, and fix them when you get one; the best tools and how to use them for tube and tubeless tires; hands-on practical for beginners to experts, optional tyre changing contest.

Grant Johnson's audience for Tire Changing at HU California meeting.

Grant's tyre changing seminar at HU California meeting.

Ross and Jean Copas.

Ross and Jean Copas

Packing for Zero to Sixty - Degrees!

Riding from the tip of North America through the heat of Central America to the tip of South America then sailing south to Antarctica required clothing to cover 70 degrees of fluctuation in temperatures and had to be small enough not to take up too much room. It also meant taking parts and tools that you wouldn't normally carry as well as reams of paperwork and documents. And the final challenge-fitting it all into two panniers to prevent theft.

Ross and Jean Copas in Ushuaia.

We did it and we'll show you how. This will also be a great opportunity to share ideas so bring your favorite packing tip!

Grant and Susan Johnson.

Grant and Susan Johnson, Horizons Unlimited

4 Easy Steps to Overland Travel! You can do it - we can help! Finding your way around Horizons Unlimited, other resources. Lots of great pics and video clips.

"Grant and Susan Johnson are icons in the round-the-world (RTW) motorcycling community. The Johnsons host - or more appropriately write, edit, produce, manage and coordinate Horizons Unlimited - a global network of motorcycle travelers... and a bona fide adventure motorcycling phenomenon." Dan Hilton, Rider Magazine

This seminar will be an overview of 'How To' travel overland topics. Includes content from the Achievable Dream series and great pics from HU Photo Contest winners!

Get Inspired on Horizons Unlimited.

HU Casbah!

For the first time we will be holding a personal travel gear swap meet in the Casbah. Bring those replaced jackets, boots, GPS units etc and sell them at the meeting. We will have a spot set aside in the main hall to display your stuff. Price it reasonably and good karma will follow you! Note: this is just for adventure travel gear and not motorcycle parts, if you want to sell parts, set up at your tent please.

Panel discussions at most HU events include...

Border crossings - How to get through borders with minimal stress and cost!

Packing light - Tips and techniques from experienced travellers to reduce weight and bulk.

Regional discussions - e.g. travelling in South America or Asia.

For Women Only - A must for the ladies, so be sure to plan on being there! A chance to talk to experienced travelling women without the men around!

Experienced Travellers Panel - ask the experts anything you want!

Walk arounds / Show and tell!

Tents and Bedding discussion (in the camping area) - What works, cheap vs dear and which ones keep you dry, warm and comfy!

Bike mods - Show off your best bike mods - homemade saddle bags, toolbox mounts, GPS mounts, seats, side stands, tank panniers, cup holders, etc.

The Adventure Travel Zone

  • Equipment Specialists
  • Manufacturers
  • Tour Operators
  • Adventure Travel Authors and Film-Makers
  • The HU Store

Exhibitors Confirmed

Touratech Canada.

Touratech Canada

Touratech Canada will be there with some bikes and cool gear!

Honda motorcycle.

Honda Canada

Honda Canada will be bringing some bikes and gear to drool over!

Riders of the Sierra Madre.

Riders of the Sierra Madre

Riders of the Sierra Madre provide top level bikes that are well suited to Mexico and experienced guides who are fluent in English, know the best curvy, uncrowded roads, the most spectacular scenery and, of course, the best hotels and restaurants. They put the package together so you can count on a great riding vacation.

Twisted Throttle, Bolt-On Touring Accessories that fit YOUR motorcycle!

Twisted Throttle Canada

Twisted Throttle finds the best sport-touring and adventure-touring gear from Europe and imports it to Canada.

Outback Motortek - True To Its Name!

Outback Motortek
- True To Its Name

Outback Motortek is the manufacturer and designer of premium adventure and dual-sport motorcycle parts and accessories.

S.M.A.R.T. Adventure Programs.

SMART Adventures - Professional off-road instruction, covering aspects of enduro, trials, motocross, rhinos, ATVs (including Canada Safety Council ATV certification), and snowmobiles.

Clinton Smout
is offering a 25% discount for HU Ontario attendees for 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 training on Thursday June 18 or Sunday June 21 at the school in Horseshoe Valley.

If you know of any other motorcycle or travel equipment vendors or tour operators who should be there, please suggest it to them! Vendors please contact me for details.

If you'd like to secure your place in the Adventure Travel Zone, there's a pre-registration form for Authors & Film-Makers and a booking form for Trade Stands.

Facilities for a Fantastic Four Days

HU Ontario 2015 will be held at the OELC (Ontario Education Leadership Centre) along the shores of beautiful Lake Couchiching, only 1 hour north of Toronto.

OECL Lake Couchiching at sunset.

This fabulous 180 acre site has everything, and more, that you were asking for: great family style, all you care to eat catered meals; heated presentation rooms and dining hall all in the same building; choice of heated motel-style rooms or dorm rooms, with washrooms-both at very reasonable rates; unlimited grassy camping; two large fire pits; wifi; within 10 miles of the BMW OFF-Road Training School: BMW Horseshoe; and lots of great roads and trails nearby for every skill level and riding style.


Dining Hall and Presentation Rooms

OECL Dining Hall.

Dining Hall

OECL Registration Lounge.

Registration Lounge

Campsite & Parking

There are plenty of camping spaces available, and also plenty of beds for anyone who doesn't fancy camping. Parking is available for 2-wheel and 4-wheel vehicles. You can park next to your tent or cabin.

Dorm rooms

The dorms utilize nearby centralized washroom facilities. All dorms are heated. We will not use the upper bunks. We will designate male and female dorms. Bring your own sheets/ sleeping bag, pillow and towels for the dorms.

OECL Dorm room. OECL Dorm room.

Dorm rooms - we will not use the upper bunks!

Rooms in Cabins

Cabins have self-contained washroom facilities, which are shared by all cabin occupants. Some cabins will be designated for couples - these have 2 beds in a bedroom, however the washroom facilities are still shared. All cabins are heated. Bring your own sheets/ sleeping bag, pillow and towels for the cabins.

OECL Cabins - beds will have mattresses, but bring your own sleeping bags or linens and pillows.

Cabin rooms - beds will have mattresses, but bring your own sleeping bags or linens and pillows.

OECL Cabin Washroom. OECL Cabin Washroom.

Cabin washroom facilities

OECL Cabin Living Room.

Cabin living room

No Fires

Fires will be restricted to fire pits, which are plentiful around the site. Camping stoves are allowed. Please be aware that we will be obliged by the venue to enforce these rules very strictly.

Showers & Toilets

There will be centralized male and female washroom and shower facilities, which campers and dorm occupants will have access to.

OECL Washhouse sinks.

OECL Washhouse washrooms. OECL Washhouse Showers.

Children & Pets

Horizons Unlimited is naturally keen to inspire the next generation of adventure travellers so you're welcome to bring your children along if you wish. Bear in mind that the event is for adults (with adult themes and language) and we won't have any specific kids' activities. Children under 14 years old get in for free. Participants under 18 years old must be supervised by an adult. Please note that the health and safety of your children is your responsibility and they must be supervised by you at all times. Children will not be allowed in any of the presentations from 8 pm onwards each evening.

Unfortunately we are not allowed to bring pets onto the property, so please leave your pets at home.

Smoking & Drinking

The venue has a No Smoking Policy in all work, washroom, meeting and food services areas. Smoking outside will be restricted to designated smoking areas only. Please dispose of the butts properly in the butt cans.

You may Bring Your Own alcohol for consumption in your cabin or tent. We reserve the right to expel without reimbursement any attendee who becomes intoxicated and/or causes a disturbance.


Meal Package

Meals are NOT included with your registration fee. You have choices regarding meals. Meal packages are either 9 meals (if coming for the whole event) or 6 meals (if coming for Friday/Saturday only):

Meal Package - 9 meals ($110)

Meal Package - 6 meals ($75)

  • Thursday lunch and dinner;
  • Friday breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner; and
  • Sunday breakfast.
  • Friday lunch and dinner;
  • Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner; and
  • Sunday breakfast.

Breakfasts will include assorted cereals, fruit, juices, tea, coffee and hot chocolate, white or whole wheat bread, spreads.

There is a salad bar for both lunch and dinner to provide fresh additions to the main entree. Assorted juices, coffee, tea, bread and condiments are available at every meal.

Vegetarian options are always available and special food needs are carefully looked after (and monitored by the nurse). We will need numbers for these, so please indicate when you register if you wish a vegetarian meal. OELC is a nut-free site.

Meal plan below:

  Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Breakfast   Egg McMuffin with cheese, home fries, sausage, oatmeal, fruit, assorted cereals French toast, bacon, oatmeal, fruit, assorted cereals
Scrambled eggs, croissants, ham, oatmeal, fruit, assorted cereals
Lunch BLT sandwiches, cream of celery soup, salad bar, assorted fruit Sandwiches, buns, assorted cold cuts, cheese, minestrone soup, salad bar, assorted fruit Assorted fresh baked pizza, french onion soup, salad bar, assorted fruit  
Dinner Chicken and vegetable stir fry, egg rolls, with noodles, fresh baked rolls, salad bar, banana cake Baked Lasagna, fresh baked garlic bread, caesar salad, salad bar, butter tarts Chicken breast, roast potatoes, corn on the cob, salad bar, fresh baked buns, brownies  


Next HU Eventscalendar

ALL Dates subject to change.


  • California: April 18-21
  • Virginia: April 25-28
  • Germany Summer: May 9-12
  • Québec: May 17-19
  • Bulgaria Mini: July 5-7
  • CanWest: July 11-14
  • Switzerland: August 15-18
  • Ecuador: August 23-25
  • Romania: August 30-Sept 1
  • Austria: September 12-15
  • France: September 20-22
  • Germany Autumn: Oct 31-Nov 3

2025 Confirmed Events:

  • Virginia: April 24-27 2025
  • Queensland is back! May 2-4 2025
  • Germany Summer: May 29-June 1 2025
  • CanWest: July 10-13 2025
  • Switzerland: Date TBC
  • Ecuador: Date TBC
  • Romania: Date TBC
  • Austria: Sept. 11-15
  • California: September 18-21
  • France: September 19-21 2025
  • Germany Autumn: Oct 30-Nov 2 2025

Add yourself to the Updates List for each event!

Questions about an event? Ask here

See all event details