HU Travellers Meeting Germany-Summer 2017
Horizons Unlimited 18th Deutschland Travellers Meeting
Thursday 25 May - Sunday 28 May, 2017
Campingplatz Pfrimmtal, Deutschland
It's All About Overland Adventure
Whether you're a seasoned veteran with wisdom to share or a complete novice hungry for ideas and guidance, it doesn't matter if you ride a motorcycle, a bicycle, or drive an expedition vehicle...
Horizons Unlimited meetings are for everyone who dreams of adventure along the road less travelled.
Horizons Unlimited Germany Summer Event Schedule
The event is taking place from Thursday, 25 May to Sunday, 28 May, 2017. Presentations will start Thursday night. Rideouts will start Friday morning. Organizers will be there most of Wednesday, hopefully Wednesday evening, if anyone wishes to arrive early and just hang out or go for a ride in the area. Please LET US KNOW you will be arriving early.
The schedule is subject to change - stuff happens! Check the latest schedule to be posted at the meeting on the day.
Presenters at HU Germany Summer 2017 included...
Workshops and Tech Sessions below
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Thomas KintzingerInsunbekannte RTW |
"Einmal rund um den Globus" - Das war mein Ziel. Als ich mit 21 Jahren in einem kleinen Dorf bei Freiburg los fuhr, wusste ich noch nicht dass daraus 1 1/2 Jahre, 75.000 Kilometer, 50 Länder, 2 Motorradunfälle und unzählige platte Reifen werden. Ich gebe einen Einblick wie es sich mit knappen Budget, viel Optimismus und jugendlichen Leichtsinn reisen lässt. Fernab von großen Highways und schweren Motorrädern mit Touratech-Vollausstattung. Europa - Iran - Zentralasien - Russland - Südostasien - Nord- Mittel- Südamerika
Thomas' first big motorcycle trip was a trip around the world from 2015-2016. He always wanted to get out of his hometown and so the dream begun. He had saved enough money to make his dreams come true. He quit his job and hit the road. During the trip he had a lot of friends who joined him for a while - Thomas was happy to share this great experience.
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Leonie Sinnige and Peter Scheltens, Amsterdam to AnywhereTrip Report |
1. Amsterdam to Anywhere: Trip Report
Leonie and Peter quit their jobs and rented out the house to travel around the world riding their two trusty Honda CRF250Ls over 100,000 km through more than 50 countries on 5 continents. They explored Africa, rode through the Americas and zig-zagged across Asia to arrive back in Europe three years later. Visiting 56 countries, meeting friendly people and experiencing true hospitality. And all along the way: amazing wildlife, beautiful nature, delicious food and great riding! An amazing journey they want to share with you! During the presentation they will give you a seat on their bikes to ride around the world together. Telling you about the amazing hospitality in Libya, the hippos next to their tent in Kenya, New Years celebrations at the most southern tip of the world, exploring ancient Inca routes in Peru, plowing through the snow in Canada, using the Motorcycle Highway in Malaysia, riding through ever-smiling Myanmar, making new friends in Pakistan and riding on top of the world in the Himalayas. All of this, of course, with lots and lots of pictures! They hope to inspire you to get on your bike and start exploring our beautiful world!
2. Amsterdam to Anywhere: Our Packing List
What to take and how to pack? Inside information about our packing list, the gear and the luggage system.
How many pairs of socks? Do we need a satellite telephone? Which tools are you using? What tent do you sleep in? Where to pack your gas stove? Which medication did you take? Why did you use soft luggage instead of hard panniers? Where did you keep your laptop? How many kilo's did you carry? Before Leonie and Peter left on their trip, they had hundreds of questions like this. They asked friends who had been on the road, read travel reports and visited an HU Meeting to find answers. The information helped them enormously to prepare for the trip.
Now, after having been on the road for almost three years, they want to help future adventurers to prepare for their trip and answer all of these questions. There are 1001 different ways to pack your bike for a long trip, so there is no 'perfect way'. They will focus on the gear they chose and packing all your stuff on the bike. They will share their packing list, show you their favorite items, tell what you should not forget, but also what you should definitely leave at home. Lots of practical information, with pictures and opportunity to see and feel the gear from up close.
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Birgit und Rainer Knabe, Bembel on TourNext Exit Afrika |
Im Wohnzimmer werden mitten im Winter die beiden Motorräder startklar gemacht: Afrika. Gnadenlose Stürze, permanenter Kühlwasserverlust und unerwartete Pannenhilfe in Marokko, staubige Pisten, Nigeria gibt uns kein Visum, wir packen unsere havarierten Maschinen in den Flieger und jetten von Ghana nach Südafrika. Dort entdecken wir unendliche Weite unter strahlend blauem Himmel, cruisen gelassen entlang des Indischen Ozeans, stürzen mal wieder am Sani Pass und klettern auf den Tafelberg über Cape Town. Weiter gehts nach Namibia, wir finden keine Diamanten in Kollmanskuppe, verlieren aber unser Herz in der kargen namibischen Einsamkeit, erleben die roten Dünen im Morgenlicht und schauen tief in die goldenen Augen des Leoparden in der Etosha. Afrika hat uns gepackt ....
In Deutschland mit dem chromglitzernden Softchopper und silbernem Roller herumgetourt. Die SR500, schicke japanische Joghurtbecher und das Traumduo F650GS/Africa Twin zeigten uns Europa. Mit den beiden XChallenge folgten wir unserem Lebenstraum über staubige Pisten quer durch Afrika.
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Doro Ernsting, Doros MotorblockMobile Selbsterfahrung - das erste Jahr |
Alles begann irgendwann in meiner Kindheit in den frühen 70ern mit Evil Knievel und Stuntshows, Begeisterung für den Motorsport und für die Faszination der Geschwindigkeit. Das Leben hatte aber erstmal etwas anderes mit mir vor, und so kam 1986 der "vernünftige" Führerschein, nämlich der fürs Auto. In den 90ern entwickelte ich eine Passion für das Reisen mit dem Fahrrad mit eine Aversion für alles, was einen Motor hat. Wie ich dann aufs Motorrad kam? tja, das ist eine lange Geschichte mit meiner mobilen Selbsterfahrung, angefangen hat sie 2009 mit einem Krisenjahr, das mein Leben auf den Kopf stellte...
Doro, 51 und Spätberufene. Den Führerschein habe ich 08/2011 gemacht, mein erstes Moped war eine CBF500, jetzt habe ich eine Africa Twin. Ich bin passionierte Motorradfahrerin und -reisende geworden. Durschnittlich fahre ich im Jahr 20.000-25.000 km und habe bis jetzt Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Kanaren, Frankreich, Italien, Spanien, Dänemark, Schweden und Norwegen bereist.
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Josephine Flohr & Daniel Rintz, Open-ExplorersPutting Off the Finishing Line |
Daniel set off to circumnavigate the world by motorcycle many years ago. Halfway into the trip (Germany – New Zealand), he found the love of his life, Josephine. Like Daniel, Jo loves travelling and it didn't take much to get her excited about motorcycles. On two bikes they continued the second leg of the journey together (Alaska – Argentina). At some point, enjoying dinner, camping on the beach somewhere, another traveller asked us: "What will you do when you've reached your destination (Ushuaia) in a few days? Return home?" Our souls were filled with wonderful experiences while our pockets were running out of money. Daniel and Jo had only played with the idea of shipping the bikes to Cape Town and ride home through Africa. Without giving his answer too much thought, Daniel replied: "We're more afraid of going back home to a regular life than facing Africa without money." Josephine and Daniel talk about the highs and lows of six years motorcycle travel, covering five continents, 100 countries - riding solo and as a couple.
Daniel and Josephine are from Germany. He's been riding motorcycles since he was 7 years old. When he was first allowed to ride on the road at the age of 18, the bike naturally became an essential instrument for exploring the world. Josephine has loved travelling for as long as she can remember. She used to be a backpacker, but became a motorcycle traveller when she met "someone". They have been riding around the world on two bikes ever since.
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Mathilde Schmitt and Horst Haug, Die BaiertalerShorter than planned, but still far enough |
It was in 2009 on a quite rainy trip through southern Norway when I suggested to my wife to do a trip around the Baltic Sea because of the much better weather there. The answer of my couch potato just blew me away - "Why only the Baltic Sea and not around the world?" Happily, I agreed and so it began! :-). Well-prepared and meticulously planned, we started in Cancún, Mexico, in July 2012 to our supposed world tour. Only a month later we realised that going slower than planned - and without a plan at all - would serve us better. So we spent one year exploring the Americas from the Caribbean to the farthest south, and back to Venezuela.
We are a well-seasoned couple with never-ending curiosity about how people live somewhere else. So we simply mount our bikes from time to time and go looking. As both of us studied environmental sciences, we are always prone to admiring amazing landscapes.
Educational Sessions
Because Horizons Unlimited events are about informing, not just inspiring, we also have a great lineup of educational sessions for you...
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Angeluss GruennerSafety on the Road |
Nach mehrfacher nachfrage präsentiere ich euch nach langer Zeit wieder das "SAFETY ON THE ROAD". Um möglichst lange zu leben muss man alles tun damit einem sein Leben nicht künstlich verkürzt wird. Daher: SICHERHEIT UNTERWEGS IST DAS HÖCHSTE GEBOT!!!!!! Besucht meinen Vortrag um euch mit dem Wissen zu rüsten wie man Gefahren am wirkungsvollsten abwehrt.
Angeluss has circumnavigated the world on a boat with his parents for 24 years. Then he traveled South America for eight years on a motorbike.
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Filippo Fania, 2 Live The DreamSolving Mechanical and Electrical Problems |
This will be an interactive workshop where we will focus on what people are interested in. Bring your questions and problems, and together will try to find a solution - in particular for electrical and electronics issues. Bring your bike and show us also your modifications and special fixes. Filippo will explain and present some modifications that have proven very helpful during his world-trip with his wife, Heike.
Filippo has extensively travelled the world by motorcycle, truck, 4x4. He has huge experience in motorcycle mechanics and, in particular, the electricals and electronics. He's also organiser of the HU Meeting in Switzerland.
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Sjaak Lucassen, R1 Goes ExtremeTravel Tips |
Being on the road, you need to be creative, especially when you have to repair your bike or gear in the middle of nowhere. What we think that does not work in 'civilised' countries seems to work if you need it to! Looking at a 'problem' while throwing the conventional (conservative) thinking away and by seeing it as a challenge rather than an annoying issue will bring you, in the end, not only a good result, but also a great story to tell. Sjaak will give several examples that were of great value to him. Presented with his usual humour, Sjaak also hopes you'll bring in your experiences and stories.
Sjaak started to travel because motorcycle vacations always felt too short. Before he knew it, he was bitten by the travel bug, resulting in about 10 years of his life on the road using rather unusual bikes. Sjaak rides sport bikes. The reason is simple: he finds it more important to use the right bike for his heart than for the terrain. Over time, his travels became more and more extreme. The last one was on the polar ice north of Alaska. Next goal is to reach the North Pole with the bike that he is currently building, 'aRctic1'.
Panel discussions at most HU events include...
Border crossings - How to get through borders with minimal stress and cost!
Packing light - Tips and techniques from experienced travellers to reduce weight and bulk.
Regional discussions - e.g. travelling in South America or Asia.
For Women Only - A must for the ladies, so be sure to plan on being there! A chance to talk to experienced travelling women without the men around!
Experienced Travellers Panel - ask the experts anything you want!
Walk arounds / Show and tell!
Tents and Bedding discussion (in the camping area) - What works, cheap vs dear and which ones keep you dry, warm and comfy!
Bike mods - Show off your best bike mods - homemade saddle bags, toolbox mounts, GPS mounts, seats, side stands, tank panniers, cup holders, etc.
The Adventure Travel Zone
Exhibitors (To Be Confirmed)
Overland AdventureOverland Adventure is a motorcycle expedition company specializing in parts and accessories for Touring and long on and off road travel. Our passion for technical perfection and quality standards make your dream trip possible. We offer you the best you can get on the market! |
SBV International is located in Brussels, Belgium. We are young entrepreneurs and innovation passionates. Our products are designed to make any mechanical tasks easier for the end user. We offer a life time warranty on our tools. We develop tools for motorcycles, cars etc. we have more than 50 patents worldwide. We continuously develop tools by listening the needs of our customers. Thierry De Schaetzen will be here to show you Moto-PRO Tool sets and other products. |
If you know of any other motorcycle or travel equipment vendors or tour operators who should be there, please suggest it to them! Vendors please contact me for details.
If you'd like to secure your place in the Adventure Travel Zone, there's a pre-registration form for Authors & Film-Makers and a booking form for Exhibitors.
Horizons Unlimited Germany Ride-outs
Some folks will be going on ride-outs in this awesome riding area. You are welcome to join them! Note: These are NOT organised by Horizons Unlimited.
Ride-outs are limited to 6 or 10 people per ride, no exceptions.
All rides will be back on site at or before 5.00pm
- Road Rides - two planned, details to come.
- Off-road - we could use some help - any ideas, locations, routes, off-road tracks?
All rides are "register on the day." There will be signup sheets for each ride posted the evening before. First in best dressed.
Facilities for a Fantastic Four Days
The event will be held at:
Campingplatz Pfrimmtal
Pfrimmerhof 3
67729 Sippersfeld
Telefon (06357) 9753 -80
Jens has found a great new venue! Official Campground in beautiful surroundings features:
- Separate Camping Area for Groups
- Fireplace
- Great toilets and real showers – finally!
- German/Greek Restaurant on the spot (lunch, dinners and breakfast)
- Swimming in several lakes possible (depends on the weather!)
- Good for hiking
- Fishing possible
- Absolutely quiet – no traffic around!
- Great Barn for slide shows
- Cabins/mobilhomes and apartments are also available
Great riding in one of the best riding areas of Germany – the Pfälzer Wald! The famous Motorcycle Meeting Point "Johanniskreuz" is just around the corner... Endless turns with nearly no traffic! Plenty of attractions in the area - see list!
There will stil be the big tent!
Camping is €10 per person per night, which is our cost, no markup, and a super bargain. There is lots of room for camping!
Cabins/Mobilhomes and Apartments
Are NOT included in your registration fee. You must book soon if you want a cabin or other accommodation, as they WILL FILL UP!
Please book directly through the campground and pay them for your cabin.
PLEASE NOTE: Booking a cabin DOES NOT register you for the meeting, you will still have to register as usual and pay the full registration fee.
Is NOT included in your registration price. There is a Greek/German restaurant serving breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
Next HU Events
Be sure to join us for this huge milestone!
ALL Dates subject to change.
2025 Confirmed Events:
Virginia: April 24-27
Queensland is back! May 2-5
Germany Summer: May 29-June 1
Ecuador June 13-15
Bulgaria Mini: June 27-29
CanWest: July 10-13
Switzerland: Aug 14-17
Romania: Aug 22-24
Austria: Sept. 11-14
California: September 18-21
France: September 19-21
Germany Autumn: Oct 30-Nov 2
Add yourself to the Updates List for each event!
Questions about an event? Ask here