Achievable Dream: Part 2 - Gear Up!

Which bike, how to prepare it, what else to take, how to pack it in!
Although virtually any bike can travel around the world, ‘which bike’ is always a lively topic for discussion among motorcycle travellers.
For the favourite travel bikes, we interviewed knowledgeable owners - why did they choose it, what’s good and bad about it, how did they make it better, and what are their top tips for this bike.
Considerations include carrying capacity, travelling solo or pillion, comfort, paved vs. dirt road, reliability and availability of spare parts.
Through interviews with experts, we also cover how to prepare the bike for overland travel, what spares to take and choosing tires.
Finally, we cover what to take and how to pack it, including riding gear, clothing, panniers, tents, sleeping bags, cooking kit, medical/first aid kit, maps, GPS and much more.
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All Achievable Dream and Road Heroes DVDs are available in NTSC Format, which will play on your computer and in any TV in any region of the world.
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User comments/reviews
"Love it, was worth the wait ;-)" Ed, UK
"Thank you for putting together this unbelievable resource." Joe, USA
Only one word sums up this DVD.....INVALUABLE!!! And put together with the rest of the series.....AWESOME!!! The variations of packing, type of equipment, choice of bike is endless. There are so many tips, hints, ideas how can anyone fail? Many thanks for creating this DVD set, it's something I know I will get many hours of pleasure watching again and again." Pieter, UK
"I spent this evening dreaming while watching it. Can I be excused and leave NOW please?" Tom, USA
"I love them. Want to set off every time I watch them!" Mark, UK
"Many, many thanks for the 'Gear Up' DVDs. I spent a whole evening watching them, instead of the (soccer) World Cup. The comparative elements of the various sections were illuminating. I particularly enjoyed the discussions of the various strengths and weaknesses of different bikes, clothing, technical equipment and camping gear. You've produced a superb set of thought-provoking and informative DVDs, without patronising your audiences and whilst encouraging the idiosyncratic and independent choices of individual riders." Gerald, UK
"Just received the Gear Up DVD and love it. Thanks a million." Henriette, Denmark
"Although I hadn't expected to I watched the first DVD this past weekend with a friend of mine. Although I hadn't expected that it would, it surpassed the first three in terms of content and interest. My friend and I have 40+ years of interest each in and experience with bikes of all types including long haul rides within Oz from the days when a pair of Craven panniers was considered the last word in touring equipment. The DVD was great and generated several hours of discussion over the merits of large and small and hard or soft (bikes and luggage that is). Well done." Bob, Australia
"Really enjoyed it. It's really professional and full of useful information, a must for any traveler and a credit to both of you. Many thanks." Frank, UK
"We received our "Gear Up" dvd's today, and really had to concentrate on finishing our regular tasks before sitting down to watch them! We nearly forgot to feed the poor dog... Thanks for all the hard work, it's another great job, informative and entertaining. I'm sure we'll watch this one three or four times too! I think showing the pros and cons of different bikes, luggage systems etc. was a brilliant idea, it really distills the endless discussions on the HUBB forums down to a manageable, visual experience." Peter & Joyce, Canada
"SUPERB, MEGA, HIGHLY INFORMATIVE, FUNNY, and more. We sat in front of the TV from 3 o’clock till midnight because of it; if it was a book I guess we couldn't put it down. Best thing on Adventure motorcycling we have seen!!" Wayne & Helen, UK