HU Travellers Meeting Queensland 2017
Horizons Unlimited 13th Queensland Travellers Meeting
Thursday Sep 21 - Sunday Sep 24, 2017 - Boonah, Queensland
You missed it! Start here for current event!
It's All About Overland Adventure
Whether you're a seasoned veteran with wisdom to share or a complete novice hungry for ideas and guidance, it doesn't matter if you ride a motorcycle, a bicycle, or drive an expedition vehicle...Horizons Unlimited meetings are for everyone who dreams of adventure along the road less travelled.
Inspiring, Informing & Connecting
Some people value Horizons Unlimited events for what they learn from the unique line-up of presenters. Some people value the chance to discover new products and services at the trade stands. Some people value just kicking back with a beer among old friends and new.
Most people enjoy a little bit of everything, and everyone goes home fired-up for adventure with a smile on their face.

The event will include a packed schedule of presentations and activities. All within the relaxed and friendly atmosphere that Horizons Unlimited is known for.
Horizons Unlimited Queensland Event Schedule
The event is taking place from Thursday, Sep 21 to Sunday, Sep 24, 2017.
The Registration Tent will open for check-ins at 1 pm on Thursday. 9MMFF (9 Minute Moto Film Festival) from 4 pm. Meet and greet from 5 to 6 pm. Dinner from 6 pm, and the first presentations beginning at 7 pm. Last presentations will be Saturday night.
There will be slide shows and tech clinics on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, and all day Friday and Saturday. Come early and make it a great weekend! We recommend riding on Thursday and Sunday, and participating in the presentations and clinics in the evenings and Friday and Saturday.
As well as hearing inspiring stories of overlanding adventure from around the world, you'll get the low-down on preparing for your journey, navigation, first-aid, photography, filming and a host of other essential topics. Whatever your past experience or future plans may be, there's something for everyone.
The draft schedule is available here!
PLEASE NOTE: The schedule is subject to change at any time - all the presenters are volunteers and travelling, thus they may be delayed or unable to get there. Some may have anxiety attacks and be unable to perform! ;-) And sometimes travellers show up unexpectedly with great pics and stories, so we try to fit them in! Details of changes to presentation times or other matters of note will be posted at Registration and other locations.
Perusing the schedule at HU Queensland 2015
Presenters at HU Queensland 2017 so far...
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Martin WilliamsIs That Elephant Really Going to Eat My Motorcycle? |
There is no right or wrong way to organise a trip. For many, planning and researching are almost as much fun as doing. For me, it never seems to work out that way - despite best intentions (and regular self-admonitions that THIS time it will be different) - I always end up at the start unresearched and under-planned. This is the story of my last such trip and of how a supposedly four-month quick ride up the east side of Africa somehow stretched to eight months, and eventually took me from Cape Agulus in South Africa to Nord Kapp in Norway: a trip which involved many little adventures - losing my motorbike before I even started, watching it being molested by a hungry elephant in Zambia, getting detained by the army in Egypt, and even managing to lose one girlfriend at the start of the trip and finding another at the end. It reminded me that, if nothing else, lack of planning means you are never bored. What's around the next corner is always a complete surprise!
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Ed GoldCapturing Images That Last for a Life Time |
Ed is a freelance documentary photographer known for exploring and documenting some of the world's most remote communities. He's also a keen motorbike rider. Ed will discuss his travels and how you can capture where you go and the people you meet to create memories that last a life time.
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Maureen & Buzz BernardBuy & Sell |
Maureen and Buzz share inside tips on how to buy and insure bikes overseas for travelling, then sell them when you're done with them. Buzz is a laid-back guy who loves to travel with his "Pillion in a Million" while Maureen keeps it real.
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Scott McMurtrie, Transcendant TravelPanamerica |
From the Arctic Circle to Ushuaia, having ridden over 50,000km in 16 countries through the Americas, Scott will present the great (and some not-so-great) moments, review the facts and figures from the trip (including budget vs. costs), and take your questions in an informal session.
Scott says: "Last Christmas, I was talking with my sister and discussing where in the world we would like to travel to. We both agreed that South America would be a great place to ride through and I immediately thought that the Pan American Highway would be an awesome ride. She pointed out that there may not be another opportunity for me to do such a trip and most people never get the opportunity to complete an adventure like this. So with that conversation the seed for the Panamericana trip was planted."
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John HarpourQuick Spin Through the Himalayas |
Riding in Nepal was something of a happy accident. A cheap air fare and a moment of madness sent John and a couple of friends on a full-on, three-week trip into one of the most accessible, fascinating, and challenging countries that could have been tailor-made for adventure riders who are time (and money) poor. The distances covered are small, but the experiences are huge on this trip into the Annapurna range of the Himalayas. John shows you how to pack a whopping amount of adventure into a short period of time and do it on a ridiculously small budget.
With a normal busy life, John isn't an overlander by any stretch of the imagination. By focusing on achievable budget-conscious travel, however, he has crossed Australia, wobbled about California, done New Zealand, been terrified in India and awestruck in far...with much more to come.
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David HicksChoose Your Own Adventure |
1. Choose Your Own Adventure
Do adventures have to be long overseas trips? Do adventure bikes have all the farkles? Do adventurers have to give up their jobs? Deciding to go on an adventure can be challenging enough, but what about when you start hearing that you *must* do this or *have to* buy this, have this experience, have these skills? David considers himself an adventurer, but not because of any single trip. Riding in the front paddock on a borrowed bike with second-hand safety gear, on overnight trips less than 100 km from home, whether on the Mongolia steppes on a hire bike or sleeping in 5 star hotels, adventure is what you make it! Find out how to choose an adventure that suits you and how to make it happen.
2. I Would Ride 5,000 Miles, I Would Ride 5,000 More
A wild story about a casual ride through the nordic countries, Russia, the "Stans" and Mongolia to the ends of the earth. After embracing the idea of taking a year off from work to "follow his bliss", David started working on a plan for one of the all-time legendary status trips: London to Magadan. Inspired in equal parts by Walter Colebatch and adventuring souls in his past, David set off on his first solo overseas trip, with a little bit of language, a few online contacts, his HU password, a handful of throttle, and a heart full of hope. Hear the story of an epic trip that has shaped his life.
After working all over rural Australia, David opted for a desk job in civil engineering. Encouraged by his wife, he rekindled his boyhood love of long trips on two wheels. Flying 'rockstar' trips, riding local roads, across the arctic circle, through the "Stans", crossing the Simpson, riding the TAT and working to ride, David is the definition of making up your mind and doing it.
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Andrea BrosnanHow Do You Say "Hospital" in Mongolian? |
1. How Do You Say "Hospital" in Mongolian?
It was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime. It was certainly and adventure! On her honeymoon in Mongolia with the wind in her face and the steppes in her soul, Andrea had a near fatal accident that changed her life. Find out what happens when everything you planned does not go according to plan.
2. Get On the Damn Bike!
Andrea is a novice rider, intermediate traveller, and expert storyteller. Growing up in Queensland, she was encouraged by her family to travel and adventure as much as possible. Having lived on four continents and moved more than 36 times, she is well-versed in visa requirements, packing, and the thrill of the unknown.
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Jacqui Kennedy, Postie NotesAround Oz on a Postie Bike. Seriously?! |
1. Around Oz on a Postie Bike. Seriously?!
Go slow. You don't need a big bike - you just need to adjust your attitude. Why on earth would someone voluntarily spend years in the saddle of an under-powered, over-loaded little bike which steers like a washing machine on a good day. After 55,000 km over three years, find out the lessons learned and ignored about slow travel. Not satisfied with one lap, Jacqui embarked on a second lap - but with a twist.
2. Droning On
The ups and downs of using a drone on your travels. No doubt drones produce great quality pics and video, but is all the hype worth the effort of carrying a drone?
Jacqui likes a challenge, likes to make life hard for herself. She wore out one postie bike - then bought another one for Lap 2. She resists the temptation to upgrade to a more suitable bike.
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George FoesselWhere To Start? |
Travelling in Australia is very different to travelling in Europe and other foreign countries. Our landscape is different, we all speak one language, our water is mostly drinkable, the likelihood of theft and robbery is less, and we have great signage. How do we manage in countries where the people don't speak English? George tells how his accent helped him and how important it is for people to know where you come from.
George's passion for motorcycling started as a child, from riding a trail bike around the paddocks near home to becoming a Police Motor cyclist, and then Police Motorcycle instructor. He runs treks and training for Ducati, but also has a home (and adventure bike) in Germany and loves travelling in Europe. He's travelled through Holland, France, Switzerland, Italy and, of course, Germany. Next trip is Germany to Portugal to run some 3-day treks out of Lisbon.
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Rachel Barley and Ken CarseAre We Really Going to Do It? |
1. Are We Really Going to Do It?
Sahara to the Arctic Circle... a look at making the decision to go and then what goes into preparation and planning for the big trip. It all starts with what is, in some ways, the easiest decision, but in many ways the hardest - actually committing to go! From then it is all about planning, preparation and hope. Through 16 countries (some more than once), multiple ferry trips, riding in weather from 30+ desert to 2 degrees with snow, staying in accomodations ranging from camping and staying with friends to BnB and 5-star hotels, and riding on everything from goat tracks to a track day at Gotland raceway all with only three pre-bookings before leaving. It takes a lot of planning and preparation for "impromptu" travel!
2. Travelling Light & Where It Can Get You
From the Sahara to the Arctic Circle: what to take, what not to take, how to stow it and how to secure it so you can walk away from the bike without worrying (too much). Travelling light takes on new meaning when travelling two-up on a long journey. What do you pack to travel through 16 countries over six months, riding in climates from 30+ desert to 2 degree with snow, camping and riding in remote country? And how do you fit it all on a bike? Rachel and Ken will share what they did and where they went over six months.
Rachel and Ken rode 24,000km in six months travelling from the Sahara in Morocco north to the Arctic Circle in Sweden and Norway, and then from the Isle of Man in the west over to Prague in the east, and seemingly everywhere in between. They are now planning a trip to Tasmania and their next European adventure.
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Cordelia and Colin MastersPlaces Far Away |
1. Places Far Away
Dee and Colin present a beginner's guide to long distance travel. Everything you need to consider before you commit yourself to long distance travel.
2. Turmoil in Turkey and the Balkans
How it can all go wrong! After you have done all of your planning and country research, nature (aided by the government) can make life a little interesting!
Dee and Colin are old-world travellers, having travelled most of the world '2-up', excluding the Americas. At 70-plus, they are still roaming the world 2-up on a BMW 1150R.
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Helen Black and Anthony HolzwartThe Highs and Highs of Peru |
1. The Highs and Highs of Peru
From the top of the Andes to the Amazon jungle. Armed with a couple of hired Honda XR250cc bikes, questionable navigational skills, and half a dozen of the wrong Spanish words, Anthony and Helen set off to explore Peru. On roads less travelled they find the true Peru... warm and welcoming villagers, breath-taking Andes crossings, retreating glaciers, sheer drops from gravel tracks and steaming Amazon jungles. Who'd have thought a gob full of coca leaves was an adventure must-have!
2. In Search of a Temple in Nepal
Renting classic Royal Enfield bikes, Anthony & Helen set off to reach a ancient temple high up in the Himalayas. From crazy Kathmandu traffic to the icy valleys winds of the semi arid Annapurna valley. With one good rider and one... well... not so experienced rider crossing boldered river beds, experiencing local village life and climbing steep rocky 'roads' / tracks, the question is, do they make it?
Anthony and Helen try to get away for overseas adventures when money and time allow, but with so many places to see, choosing one country is always hard!
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Lee and Paul O'Connor, Bikes'n'BeersAcross China from Laos to Kazakhstan |
Lee and Paul O'Connor rode their KTM SMT 990s around the world covering 80,000 kilometres across 40 countries over one year. They travelled through S.E. Asia into China, across Central Asia including Iran and Europe, across the Atlantic to Canada, U.S.A., Central and South America, returning to Australia across the Pacific. They camped in much of Europe and North America and stayed in back-road hotels where the costs were less. The temperatures ranged from -1°C to +45°C, from rain and sleet to sandstorms to blazing sun at altitudes from 155m below to 4900m above sea level. Prepare for three info-packed presentations! They are currently writing a book on their world adventure and planning the next ride to both islands of New Zealand. They hope their stories inspire other travellers to dream, plan and take the next step to the adventure of a lifetime.
1. Across China from Laos to Kazakhstan
Paul and Lee rode 8,000 km across China in 30 days as part of a continuous RTW motorcycle adventure. It was one of the highlights of their 13-month journey to travel through this vast country with the largest population, diverse cultures, excellent cuisine, extraordinary range of scenery, ancient and modern wonders. It was their preferred route for overland travel from SE Asia to the Middle East (having already travelled the Trans-Siberian railway many years prior). They travelled through five provinces from Yunnan, climbing up to 4300m onto the Tibetan Plateau at Litang, joining the Silk Route at Xi'an and westwards across the Gobi and Takla Mahan deserts in the Uighur province of Xinjiang, and even dropping to 155m below sea level at Flaming Mountain.
Highlights included the old towns of Dali and Shangri-La, the Tiger Leaping Gorge, riding past grazing yaks, visiting Buddhist monasteries, the pandas in Chengdu, climbing the precarious Mt. Hua Shan ranges and, of course, the Terracotta Warriors at Xi'an. They rode through a severe sandstorm and into the oasis at Turpan sampling local wines, the ancient Dunhuang caves/grottos and the western end of the Great Wall. They met a number of Chinese bikers and the roads varied from steep alpine dirt tracks to awesome sealed winding thrillers, to alpine sweeping highways, to 13-km-long tunnels and bridges. Although they avoided most of the populous regions, there was evidence of the modern industrial wonder - high-speed elevated and electrified railways miles from anywhere, millions of freshly-planted trees, thousands of wind-turbines in the windy desert and high-rise towns seemingly yet to be inhabited. Paul and Lee are addicted motorcycle travellers who love nothing more than carving up the mountain roads of Australia.
2. What to Pack?!
So how do you pack for such a journey and what do you wear? How do you keep in touch, manage your home business, plan ahead and navigate. How do you find cash when the cards don't work, locate fuel, tyres and spare parts? How do you weave your way for both riders and bikes across the bureaucratic borders of the Stahns, China, Iran and Central America? How can this be done safely, what medical covers are needed, vaccinations and health tips? How do you get all of this onto the bikes, how do you backup your documentation? What bikes should you ride, is it good to have the same models, how do you cross the oceans? These crazy, totally addicted motorcycle travellers will share their knowledge and experience with useful tips, packing strategies and a hands-on look at what they carried, what they didn't need and other lessons learned! They'll also advise you on how to stay married through to the end and then look forward to the next trip!
3. RTW by Motorcycle - In One Go!
Lee and Paul's goal was to complete the northern hemisphere without having to stay for winter or break the trip into two phases. Their strategy was to take their time in SE Asia, enter the Chinese mountains as early as possible (as the snow was melting), cross Central Asia, Middle East and Europe and have the snow and ice chase them down North to Central America to warmer times. They also needed to complete Patagonia and Southern South America before the winter set in. Their strategy was successful. Their progress was not so rushed and they have ideas on their next adventure. They have many highlights, experiences and stories to tell, pictures to show and advice to give.
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Michael Ahlberg, Royal and KickanL.A-Yukon-Polar Circle-NY-Key West |
From Fairbanks AK to the rest of USA is a respectable 4,000 km and Alaska is the largest state. USA is very big to take in one trip, but we felt we got most of it. There were thousands of hours of research to get the most out of four months and 40,000 km trip. How much can you fit in? Occasional tourist attractions like Hertz Castle, Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore, sure, but the big emphasis was the choice of road. A road trip is all about the road experience, like what you find along the whole west coast, at Crater Lake, Highway to the Sun, Jasper, the coast of Lake Michigan, Mt. Washington, Nags Head to Cedar Island. Hear about the best and worst roads in USA; the park roads on the Appalachian mountain range or about riding up 14,100 feet to the top of Pikes Peak CO or the Bend National Park at the bottom of Texas to Rio Bravo at Mexico. These are just some extreme highlights we'd love to share with you.
Called "Royal" by all friends, Ann and I did 9,000 km round NZ 2008, round 22 countries in Europe 28,000 km, from Sicily to top of Norway, USA 39 states and 40,120 km in 2015 incl. CA-AK-NY-FL, and 140,000 km here in Oz. All this on the 20-year-old FLSTS-Springer-Harley called "Louise".
Workshops and Educational Sessions
...because Horizons Unlimited meetings are about information, not just inspiration!
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Jacqui Kennedy, Postie NotesLearn to Fly a Drone (Demo) |
Self-explanatory! Bring on your high-altitude questions.
LOTS of presentations to come! As people register to present we'll list them here.
How about you? We're all here to learn, and there's LOTS to learn! We want to do more presentations and seminars - but we need volunteers to give them! Any topic you can contribute having to do with motorcycle travel, maintenance, planning etc, lasting 20 minutes or more, would be great. Please contact us here to volunteer.
The Adventure Travel Zone
Exhibitors - To Be Confirmed
Australian owned Reiden Industries has developed a fatigue management solution, designed to eliminate tired, sore and tingling wrists and fingers. Keeping you in control without compromising your safety, comfort or performance. Leaving you with the ability to enjoy longer rides without stiffness or soreness in your right side. Full demonstration of how it works, will be available for you to hop on and try it for yourself on our purpose build trailer designed to let you try it, feel it and experience it. Dougal and Kelly Fisher have been riding motorcycles since the age of 18 years of age. We started on 250 road trail motorcycles which began our spirit for riding. Since then, we have tranistioned onto road bikes and developed Reiden Industries and FootThrottle as a result of many long trips from QLD to NSW traveling to charity events. We are passionate about riding and the comfort and safety of the journey, which was part of the developing phase of our product. |
If you know of any other motorcycle or travel equipment vendors or tour operators who should be there, please suggest it to them! Exhibitors please contact me for details.
Panel discussions at most HU events include...
Border crossings - How to get through borders with minimal stress and cost!
Packing light - Tips and techniques from experienced travellers to reduce weight and bulk.
Regional discussions - e.g. travelling in South America or Asia.
For Women Only - A must for the ladies, so be sure to plan on being there! A chance to talk to experienced travelling women without the men around!
Experienced Travellers Panel - ask the experts anything you want!
Walk arounds / Show and tell!
Tool Kits - Show us your favorite tools. Toolkit discussion.
Tents and Bedding discussion (in the camping area) - What works, cheap vs dear and which ones keep you dry, warm and comfy!
Farkle Walk - Take a stroll and talk about your best bike mods - homemade saddle bags, toolbox mounts, GPS mounts, seats, side stands, tank panniers, cup holders, etc.
Facilities for a Fantastic Weekend!
The Horizons Unlimited Queensland 2017 Travellers Meeting will be held at:
The Outlook Training and Resource Centre
4001 Ipswich-Boonah Road
Boonah QLD 4310
(07) 5463 1900-27.988988, 152.700271
The Outlook is situated on the outskirts of Boonah approximately 70 minutes south-west of Brisbane and has been operating since 1979 as an experiential and adventure learning centre.
Air-conditioned modern presentation rooms, great facilities for camping and catering, lots of room - we have the whole venue!
HU Queensland 2015 presentation
Peter (The Bear) Thoeming in conversations at HU Queensland 2015
Boonah is a great base to explore the surrounding areas. To the east is the Canungra and the Gold Coast, this area is popular with motorcyclists and has the beautiful Lamington National Park a world heritage site you can ride through. The town is positioned near the Fassifern Valley, Main Range and Lake Moogerah in the beautiful Scenic Rim.
Boonah enjoys the subtropical climate of South East Queensland. It is relatively dry during September and averages 27°C during the day and 14°C over night.
Conversations around the fire pit at HU Queensland
There are good camping facilities on site with indoor toileting facilities. Camping is $16 per person per night. You are most welcome to bring your caravan, campervan or motorhome although there are no powered sites. Camping is available from 2pm on Thursday. The site must be cleared by 11am on Sunday.
HU Queensland 2015 - Camping with views at the Outlook, Boonah
Demonstrating the advantages of a sleeping cot
There is also the option of room accomodation. The Outlook has dormitory style rooms, with twin beds in each room and the cost is $51.00 per night, per bed. You can share the room with your partner but be aware that the cost is per bed, not per room. Please indicate when you register WHO you are sharing with. Unless you specify, you will be sharing with someone of the same gender, so if you're a boy named Sue, please let us know! ;-)
The rooms don't have ensuites, you still need to go down the hall to the shower etc. The beds do come with linen (sheets and blankets) but do not come with room service. Make your own beds and bring your own mint chocolates.
All rooms are air-conditioned, plus each building has a fully equipped kitchen, dining and lounge room with TV.
For this event, we have reserved Unit 7 (also main presentation room), Unit 4 and Unit 6 (Women's Dorm). Download the floor plans for Unit 4, Unit 6 and Unit 7 and check out the amenities!
You have the option of pre-purchasing our fully catered 2-course dinners at $27 per meal.
These dinners are an excellent way to meet fellow participants and talk to presenters, and since you're eating right there on site, you won't miss any of the after-dinner slideshows. Always enjoyable. You will NOT be able to get it on the day, so order when you register!
Peter Forwood after a good meal at HU Queensland 2015!
Thursday: Barramundi
- Grilled Barramundi, Wedges and Salad (GF)
- Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni, fresh garden salad and dinner roll (GF available, V)
- Lemon Self Saucing Pudding with Ice-cream
- Sticky Date Pudding with a butterscotch sauce and cream
Friday: Chicken
- Chicken in Mustard Cream Sauce with Rice and vegetables
- Pasta bake and seasonal vegetables and dinner roll (GF)
- Warm Apple Crumble with custard (GF available)
- Chocolate Self Saucing Pudding with Ice-cream
Saturday: Roast
- Roast Beef & Roast Pork with Roasted Potatoes and a medley of seasonal vegetables & dinner rolls (GF)
- Warm Apple Crumble with custard (GF available)
- Sticky Date Pudding with a butterscotch sauce and cream
Special requirements such as allergies, gluten free, vegan etc must be advised as early as possible. Additional notes in the comments box please and we'll do what we can.
NEW for 2017 - full cooked breakfasts are available for $20! Breakfast will include:
- Cereals
- Toast/Spreads
- Bacon / Sausages / Scrambled or fried eggs / Hash Brown
- Spaghetti/Baked beans
- Roasted Tomato and Mushrooms
- Seasonal Fruit/ Yoghurt
Lunch options will be provided by a local community group. Purchase on the day.
Next HU Events
Be sure to join us for this huge milestone!
ALL Dates subject to change.
2025 Confirmed Events:
Virginia: April 24-27
Queensland is back! May 2-5
Germany Summer: May 29-June 1
Ecuador June 13-15
Bulgaria Mini: June 27-29
CanWest: July 10-13
Switzerland: Aug 14-17
Romania: Aug 22-24
Austria: Sept. 11-14
California: September 18-21
France: September 19-21
Germany Autumn: Oct 30-Nov 2
Add yourself to the Updates List for each event!
Questions about an event? Ask here