HU Travellers Meeting Virginia 2024

Horizons Unlimited 7th Virginia Travellers Meeting - April 25 - 28, 2024
Holiday Lake 4-H Center and Camp, near Appomattox

It's All About Overland Adventure

Whether you're a seasoned veteran with wisdom to share or a complete novice hungry for ideas and guidance, it doesn't matter if you ride a motorcycle, a bicycle, or drive an expedition vehicle...

Horizons Unlimited meetings are for everyone who dreams of adventure along the road less travelled.

Inspiring, Informing & Connecting

Some people value Horizons Unlimited events for what they learn from the unique line-up of presenters. Some people value the chance to discover new products and services at the trade stands. Some people value just kicking back with a beer among old friends and new.

Most people enjoy a little bit of everything, and everyone goes home fired-up for adventure with a smile on their face.

Group photo at HU Virginia

The event will include a packed schedule of presentations and activities. All within the relaxed and friendly atmosphere that Horizons Unlimited is known for.

Online registration is now closed,
but we have plenty of room,
so come and join in!

Horizons Unlimited Virginia Event Schedule

This event is taking place from Thursday, April 25 to Sunday, April 28, 2024.

On-site registration/check-in will open on Thursday, at 12:00 noon. Do not arrive before Thursday unless you are a volunteer who has been cleared to do so. We can not accommodate early arrivals, so please plan accordingly. Also we must be off the grounds by NOON Sunday as there are other groups coming in.

There will be presentations and tech clinics on Thursday afternoon and evening and Friday and Saturday mornings, afternoons, and evenings. We will offer self-guided ride-outs for you to take at your leisure. Come early and make it a great weekend! We recommend riding in on Thursday and leaving on Sunday, and participating fully in the activities in between to make the most of your HU experience.

HU Virginia.

Throughout the meeting, we'll offer talks, demonstrations, and other fun sessions, including interesting ride-out opportunities. In addition to hearing inspiring stories of overland adventure from around the world, you'll learn how to prepare for your journey, navigation tips, first-aid basics, photography, and a host of other essential topics.

HU Virginia skills challenge.

Whatever your past experience has been or your future plans may be, there will something for everyone.

Download the latest Schedule here

PLEASE NOTE: The schedule is subject to change at any time - all the presenters are volunteers and travelling, thus they may be delayed or unable to get there. Some may have anxiety attacks and be unable to perform! ;-) And sometimes travellers show up unexpectedly with great pics and stories, so we try to fit them in! The up-to-date schedule will be posted at the event.

Presenters at HU Virginia 2024 so far...

Workshops and Tech Sessions below
Horizons Unlimited


All Things Adventure and Beyond
With Emy & David Woodburn / Sam Manicom / Melanie & Greg Turp.
(Full panel members TBC.)

Emy and David Woodburn Sam Manicom Greg and Melanie Turp

Some of the best times are real talks about real adventure stuff, conversation-style.

Join some of your favourite savvy travellers about all things adventure and beyond. You're in for a wonderful time listening inand asking these folks some of your burning questions. Does that mean they'll be on the hot seat? Nah, they've weathered the best and worst on their travels... they'll bring warm insights, hot takes, and their humanness to the table. Cosy up!

Don't miss their individual presentations! Scroll for more info below.

Sam Manicom

Emy and David Woodburn, family rest stop on a wild rocky mountain road with sidecar

An elephant visits Greg and Melanie's campsite.

Lynn Howard

Lynn Howard

Exploring Newfoundland & The Maritimes
Discovering music, mountains, fish, and super friendly neighbors to the north.

A land of epic views and great big seas. Newfoundland wasn't on my radar until Horizons Unlimited held its inaugural meeting there. It was a wonderful departure from my often south-of-the-border rides. Nature is on full display in so many ways, the picture-perfect towns and coves along the coast are beautiful. The people are so nice that you don't want to leave and music fills the air with wonderful festivals. Getting there is fun, too, as there are so many things to see and do in the Canadian Maritimes. It takes a little time to get there, but is well worth the effort!

Lynn Howard, Small stone church on seaside bluff.

Lynn Howard, Cloudy day on a paved road by the water.

For LYNN HOWARD, travelling by motorcycle is an incredible way to be more connected to people and places while exploring. She's always on the lookout for the next adventure with a long list of places to check out. Upcoming adventures: riding with Rally for Rangers (Peru) and a Texas -to-Panama ride.

Tom Medema

Tom Medema, Rally For Rangers

Ride, Donate, Protect
Learn how Rally for Rangers has been so successful and how to get involved.

How can an adventure rider save a snow leopard or rhino? Join Rally for Rangers co-founder Tom Medema for a multi-media presentation about how Rally for Rangers has been supporting rangers and protecting wildlife for ten years.

Want to join a rally and personally deliver a new motorbike to a ranger in Bhutan, Peru, Mongolia? Interested in giving back here in the USA and supporting tribal rangers in the Black Hills? Learn more about how to get involved, how to support the work, and how all the magic happens!

Rally For Rangers, Gateway in Mongolia
[Photo credit: Fisher Creative.]

Rally For Rangers, Sitting next to a motorcycle.
[Photo credit: Jeff Colhoun.]

Rally For Rangers, Mongolian yurt and bikes.
[Photo credit: Jeff Colhoun.]

TOM MEDEMA is co-founder of Rally for Rangers, a non-profit dedicated to bringing new motorcycles to park rangers protecting some the worlds most threatened wildlife and protected places. Tom has traveled to personally deliver motorcycles to rangers in Mongolia (seven times), Nepal, Patagonia, and Peru.

Marc Chartrand

Marc Chartrand, Trans-Quebec Trail

Conquering the Trans-Quebec Trail (TQT)
An epic motorcycle adventure

Calling all adventure motorcycle enthusiasts!

Brace yourself for a great journey as we present the Trans-Quebec Trail, a 5000-mile adventure route located north of the Canada-U.S. border. Discover some of the awe-inspiring beauty of Quebec's wilderness and its hidden gems as you conquer diverse terrain, from remote forests to majestic mountains to stunning maritime views.

Trans-Quebec Trail map.

Also, be among the first to glimpse the upcoming Trans-Ontario Trail and join us at the inaugural Horizons Unlimited Quebec event (17-19 May 2024) where we'll unveil even more thrilling possibilities for your future adventures.

Gear up and join us as we conquer the Trans-Quebec Trail, one epic ride at a time.

Marc Chartrand and motorcycle

MARC CHARTRAND is the Project Manager of the Trans Quebec Trail efforts and the Regional Ambassador for the Basses-Laurentides Montérégie area.

HU Virginia profile blank

John Panek

Positively Disconnected /
What is the MSTA?

JOHN PANEK has traveled by motorcycle over 300K miles, mostly in the United States, Canada, and Europe.

1) Positively Disconnected
How to come up with a "Plan B" when things go wrong.

John will discuss the highs and lows of his recent trip from Chicago to Maine to attend the Northeast European Motorcycle Rally. While en route to the rally, his motorcycle suffered a catastrophic electrical failure. Now faced with having no way to get back home, John had to use his "out of the box" thinking for what can only be described as a comedic way to get back home.

2) What is the MSTA?
An introduction to the Motorcycle Sport Touring Association.

Do you like riding twisty roads or dirt trails for miles on end in interesting and scenic areas in the U.S., guided by the knowledge that only a local rider can provide? If your answer is resounding YES!, then plan to attend this session.

Joe Sokohl

Joe Sokohl, Brothers, Bikes, and Bourbon (YouTube)

The Ride Is History
Riding where I could go by car...but just don't. Instead, let's ride to experience history while making our own.

Riding through history means viewing the past to understand what they did there. It means encountering in-person places that maybe you've read about, but never visited. Perhaps there's a favorite old movie that you wanted to learn more about: Did it REALLY happen the way Hollywood said? And what was it about That Place that mattered?

I love to ride to historical sites to learn about things that matter... and to do so by motorcycle. From military history to literary history to musical history to political history, I'll showcase some of my journeys. I'll highlight why they mattered to me. And I'll suggest why such travel can enhance your adventures on two wheels.

Joe Sokohl

Joe Sokohl

JOE SOKOHL - From "Then Came Bronson" and his first bike (Yamaha 350RD), motorcycles have been a presence, a theme, and a force for Joe. With more than 25 years on road bikes, Joe writes motojournalism while also editing Brothers, Bikes, and Bourbon on YouTube...when he's not designing software experiences.

Sam Manicom

Sam Manicom

No Time - Still Fascinated by the Exotic /
Getting Your Work Published in Magazines

1) No Time - Still Fascinated by the Exotic
Just because it's the other side of the world and a person has a full-time job...

Fancy two-wheeled adventures in exotic lands, but don't have the time for a big trip at the moment? Let's take a look at Vietnam. What a phenomenal history this country has. It's a crossroads of cultures, has one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world, customs that will surprise you, and places where time has almost stood still. The riding is incredible in so many ways. There's much to learn and more than enough of a mix of challenges, delights, beauty, and laughter to create a full-on adventure. And it won't cost you an arm or a leg.

2) Getting Your Work Published in Magazines
How to go about doing this

Every traveller has a story to tell. Tips to share, places to go... Inspiration with words. It's what overlanders do, isn't it. Share. But how do you get your work published? I'd like to share a bunch of ideas that will help you to produce great articles in such a way that magazines will be interested in publishing your work.

Sam Manicom

SAM MANICOM set off to travel the length of Africa with just a couple of months' experience riding a motorcycle. This turned into eight years RTW. Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia, South and Central America, and North America. He and his partner, Birgit, have since travelled in many parts of the world on shorter trips.

Emy and David Woodburn

Emy and David Woodburn

How Much Can a Koala Bear? /
Middle Eastern Wanderings

1) How Much Can a Koala Bear?
What do you do when, on the far side of the world, your bike is nicked?

After seven years on the road, Emy, Mattea, and I had wintered in Barnsley, Yorkshire. Over a six-week period, in a damp, unlit, single-car garage, I fettled the old bike. One wet Saturday afternoon, the machine was as ready as I could make it for a journey back out to India. I loaded our precious spares, our tools, and our manual. I felt unusually weary and tad despondent, having spent much of Saturday working out in the rain.

To add despondency to despondency, come morn our outfit was gone. That fact was taken in stride, but the matter compounded the following day. The Bobbies found the violated machine, sans the sidecar. We'd overcome many obstacles in our wonderful journeying ... from a scorpion sting to dysenteries; from Malaria to Cholera; from being crashed into to being crashed into again, and so on. Now the bike needed repair and somehow, we needed to build ourselves a sidecar.

Emy and David Woodburn, Sidecar family.

2) Middle Eastern Wanderings
Baluchistan, Pakistan to Turkey... Israel to Egypt.

During the nineties, with a BMW outfit, we crossed this country (once known as Persia) three times. Iran has become a by-word these days. Yet, we were so often treated kindly by Iranians. By association, when Iran is mentioned, I think hospitality. Baluchistan starts in Pakistan and encompasses southern Iran.

We'd like to talk about this part of Pakistan and Iran and also Turkey... sometimes hardscrabble lands, but lands tempered with general courtesy to strangers. Then, if time permits, we can expound a little on Israel and Egypt.

Emy and David Woodburn, Sidecar water-crossing.

Having traveled extensively in Australia, DAVID WOODBURN boarded a ship bound for Singapore in 1977, his outfit loaded into the hold. Three and a half years later a freighter from New York deposited David and EMY WOODBURN in Sydney. In 1990, Emy, David, and their infant daughter departed Singapore on another outfit. At the end of the decade, they flew themselves and the machine to Maimi from Johannesburg.

Greg and Melanie Turp

Melanie and Greg Turp, 2WANDRRs

Fresh African Tracks /
Yes, You Can!

1. Fresh African Tracks
Our three-month ride around the southern countries in Africa


"What was that?", we whispered to each other from the safety of our small tent. Earlier we had had elephants within meters of our camp. We also knew the sound we were hearing were lions.

Come with us as we visit the highlights of South Africa, ride the Skeleton Coast and camp in a game reserve, visit Vic Falls, camp with elephants walking beside our tent, and camp in Kruger searching for the big five.

An elephant visits Greg and Melanie's campsite.

2. Yes, You Can!
Stop making excuses and make a commitment to travel. Tomorrow may never come. How we did it.

How and why we decided to "take off". We have now ridden on six continents and through almost 70 countries. Don't let life get in the way of living your life. We had kids, grandkids, parents, and pets. Tomorrow may never come. Make the choice to travel, and go.

Greg and Melanie Turp travels around the world.

MELANIE and GREG TURP sold everything 13 years ago and decided to work part-time and travel the rest. In 2017, they decided to stop working and travel more. They're on a Patchwork RTW journey. To date, they have ridden in every state plus six continents and over 70 countries.

Don't miss Greg's introduction to the ACCIDENT SCENE MANAGEMENT / ROAD GUARDIANS training programs. Scroll down the page for more info.

Dustin Richardson

Dustin Richardson

Adventure on the Cheap
How to travel like a millionaire on a thousandaire's budget.

I love travel. I love adventure motorcycling. I love making my way to amazing places and returning home with stories so wild that it's sometimes not even worth trying to tell them to "normal folks" who probably wouldn't understand anyway. The problem is, I've never really had much in the way of money, but I never let that stop me and neither should you. Together, we'll learn how to see the world on a shoestring - and have a great time doing it.

Dustin Richardson

DUSTIN RICHARDSON has a low-paying civil service job and a passion for travel. Reconciling those two has been his life's work. His passion for motorcycle overlanding began with a short weekend motocamping trip barely 10 years ago. Since then, he's travelled tens of thousands of miles on his bike - on road and off - camping, writing, and smiling all the way.

Petra Vergeer

Petra Vergeer

Riding the Waves of Resilience
30 Years Working in Conflict and Developing Countries and the Power of Motorcycle Rides for Renewed Energy

Petra will share her incredible experiences working in almost 20 developing countries. Dedicating 10 years of her life to Doctors Without Borders, she will discuss the challenges and rewards of working in fragile settings like Liberia. She will share stories of her efforts to save the lives of refugees fleeing conflict in Sudan and Kosovo, addressing emergencies such as malnutrition and cholera, and highlight her subsequent work in development, collaborating with the Ministry of Health in the Solomon Islands and contributing to healthcare improvements in countries like Haiti and Zambia.

Throughout her journey, Petra faced challenges, witnessed the resilience of people,; and always found solace in riding her motorcycle in-between the demanding work. Her presentation will inspire with stories of hope, collaboration, and the importance of going for a ride to regain energy.

PETRA VERGEER is an avid motorcyclist who relishes the freedom of riding. She has been working in developing countries for 30 years, striving to make a difference for those less fortunate. For her, riding is more than just a hobby; it's a way to disconnect from the pressures and reconnect with herself.

Petra Vergeer

Petra Vergeer

Amy and Kevin Edwards

Amy & Kevin Edwards, A to Blog

Electric Motorcycle Travel
The electric vehicle future is here, and it's a fun twist on the traditional road trip

Electric vehicles (EVs), including electric motorcycles, have become good enough to be an interesting option for travel. EV tech and charging infrastructure are changing rapidly. In 2021, Kevin was the first to complete the Trans America Trail with an electric motorcycle. That bike was modified to increase charging speed, and to turn a commuter into an ADV tourer. Today, that same trip can be made with a stock electric ADV bike.

This presentation briefly covers EVs 101: Where do you charge? How long does it take? How far can it go? What if it gets wet? Is it even fun to ride? We'll also share a few lessons from our electric moto trips in Newfoundland and Labrador, on the NEBDR, MABDR, as well as a handful of epic electric global overlanding trips by others. Despite our enduring love of gas bikes, it turns out that traveling on an electric motorcycle has a charm all of its own.

Amy and Kevin Edwards, Valley road

Amy and Kevin Edwards, Welcome sign to Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

AMY and KEVIN EDWARDS are based in North Carolina, and have traveled North America together on motorcycles for 20 years. Lately, their moto adventures have skewed more off-pavement, following routes such as BDRs and the TAT, and now often include an electric motorcycle or two.

Molly Harrison

Molly Harrison

Riding Solo Through Mexico and Baja
Riding in Mexico is easier (and more beautiful, more delicious, more fun, more exciting) than you imagine

Road tripping through Mexico is easier, closer, cheaper and more fun than you think. This presentation will give a tiny glimpse of our amazing neighbor to the south- and celebrate the trials and trails, the food and drinks, the warmth and magic of solo travel. I'll give some fun intel on the Baja 1000, as well as the baja ferry between Mexico and La Frontera. Be warned, you'll be planning your ride to Mexico soon!

Molly Aulino

MOLLY HARRISON has been riding since about 2000. She taught MSF classes for eight years and has ridden multiple times to southeast Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam), through Europe and especially the Alps (Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Switzerland), all over the USA and Canada, through Mexico and Baja, Costa Rica, and Guatemala. She is excited to scope out South America and do more exploring in Baja and Mexico.

Greg Turp

Greg Turp, Accident Scene Management/Road Guardians

Accident Scene Management
An introduction to the motorcycle trauma training program.

If an accident happened in front of you, would you know what to do until help arrives? Imagine you're riding your motorcycle and the person you're riding with goes down... what do you do until help arrives?

This is a brief introduction on the motorcycle trauma training program and what to do if you are first on the scene of a motorcycle accident. The program is intended for specific issues related to motorcycle accidents, traffic safety, and how to administer care. Greg will cover site management, helmet removal, jaw thrust rescue breathing, victim stabilization, basic first aid, and more as it pertains to us, motorcycle riders.

This is not a substitute for the 7-hour class that you can schedule to become a certified bystander first responder.

Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians demo

GREG TURP is a Lead Instructor with Accident Scence Management/Road Guardians. He has been riding motorcycles since he was 15 years old. For 35 years, he was a Perfusionist doing "heart-lung bypass" in operating rooms in Florida and across the United States. When he retired, Greg and wife Melanie rode all around the world to all 50 states and 68 countries on 6 continents. His goal is to bring knowledge about motorcycle-specific accident scene first aid to folks in the U.S. and other countries as he rides through them.

Jim Moss

Jim Moss

Travel the World While Keeping Your Home
Travel to other countries by utilizing tour companies or renting a moto.

How to travel the world without selling every thing and leaving? I enjoyed my job and my house, so I visited countries by renting a moto or going on a guided tour. I have had great experiences traveling this way and made life long friends. I want to keep this up.

JIM MOSS started traveling by hitchhiking around the USA. Later, he purchased a motorcycle and has been riding ever since. He has ridden in all 50 U.S. states, North America, Iceland, Ecuador, and South Africa. He did work internationally, visited 35 countries and lived in seven.

Jim Moss

Jim Moss

Peter Youngblood Mark Finkler

Peter Youngblood and Mark Finkler

500 Miles Per Day the Easy Way in the U.S.A.
How to ride 500 miles/day, safely, in the U.S. Tips based on experience.

It's great to experience the freedom of motorcycle travel at your own pace. Nevertheless, there are times when you simply have to get to location "A" in a given amount of time and the distance is such that you will be doing 500 mile days. That might sound daunting and not much fun. We'll give some useful pointers based on experience so the rider can easily cover that distance per day, and more, if needed, safely and in some comfort. We will talk about time management, equipment, lodging, and meeting people along the way. It's still supposed to be fun, after all.

Peter Youngblood and Mark Finkler

MARK FINKLER is a semi-retired veterinarian with 50 years of road-riding experience in the USA, including multiple cross-country rides as well as one ride to Alaska. His No. 1 riding companion is Peter Youngblood.

PETER YOUNGBLOOD is a retired Army officer who has been riding motorcycles for over 50 years. Along with Mark, he has made multiple coast-to-coast motorcycle rides, mainly in the last 20 years, to include three Saddle Sore 1000 rides.

Steve Madden

Steve Madden, Mad Moto Across the Water

Somewhat Prepared; Totally Successful
Even if you think you are not ready, you may be. If you're curious enough to be here, you will be successful.

I was largely unprepared for my RTW when I left solo in 2018. I was 64 years old, riding a Honda Africa Twin I had spent no time on with, and next to no off-road experience. My packing was horrendous; my communication and navigation skills lacking. Yet I managed to get my bike to Korea and, four months later, flew home from Switzerland. I have learned much since then. I will share a slide presentation with anecdotes of my experiences, both good and bad. Learn how a naïve average rider can accomplish such a feat. Hint: it's easier than you think.

In September 2022, I took off for Ushuaia. Along the way, I visited Machu Picchu, rode the salt flats in Bolivia, narrowly avoided unrest in Peru, and was stopped by guerrillas in Colombia. I will also share some of these moments. Let's flip the switch to adventure.

Steve Madden on his RTW motorcycle trip, standing surrounded by rocky trails and mountains.

Steve Madden in Ushuaia

STEVE MADDEN is a recovering lawyer from Cincinnati who rode his Honda Africa Twin RTW solo in 2018 at age 64. The bike remains in Europe for future adventures which included Tunisia in 2019. He began riding at 54 and has logged 300,000 miles in 29 countries on four continents.

Workshops and Tech Sessions

David Woodburn Charlie Pearce

David Woodburn & Charlie Pearce

Tires! /
General Maintenance Workshop

1) Tires!
How to change a tire and fix punctures

David and Charlie are letting out all the hot air about fixing tires. The key is to the know-how, which this duo will provide. The rest is just a little extra elbow grease. Easy peasy!

2) General Maintenance Workshop
Servicing your motorcycle. Tell us what you want to know about!

Superduper Duo, David and Charlie, show you how to do your own service, including adjusting chain tension. Ask us anything you want about maintenance issues.

Black and white image of two hands fixing a motorcycle tire. Photo credit: Chris Smith, Chris and Cami Photography.

(Photo credit: Chris Smith, Chris and Cami Photography.)

CHARLIE PEARCE is a qualified engineer, but learned how to get around any and every mechanical problem over the years. Problem-solving is a passion as well as riding on- and off-road, and travelling with his wife Linda by any and every means.

Annette Stout

Farkle Walk of Fun with Annette
Seek out and explore the various ways people add to or modify their bike

Ladies of Adventure ~ Facilitated by Annette
Adventure ladies gather!

Annette Stout and her smile returns to host the annual Farkle Walk of Fun. FARKLE = accessory. The word is generally accepted to mean a combination of "function" and "sparkle"; hence, farkle. We'll go on a walk-about to interview riders and examine their bikes for a detailed breakdown of their farkles and kit. How did they decide which farkle to add and which ones to subtract? and why? Check out different storage solutions, protective gear, navigation options, and comfort customizations. We'll also look at sidecars and trailers if they catch our eye or any interesting conveyance at the campground. If you've ever wondered, "What IS that?!?" when looking at a traveler's bike, this is your chance to find out!

Annette will also be there with the annual gathering of the ADVENTURE LADIES OF HU VIRGINIA 2023 to share experiences, strength, hope, and all that fun. Gather together to share a bit of your story. No matter how you explore the world, we want to get to know a bit more about you.

Annette and her Honda, ready to play in the dirt.

Always the explorer, ANNETTE STOUT faces the world with humor, an open mind, and intense interest in all things involved with travel. Her experience with motorcycle camping combines her lifelong connection with the outdoors, powersports, gadgets, and the people whom she meets along the way.

Annette Stout and Andrew Pain

Alex Reponen

Alex Reponen, The Spy Who Loved to Bake

Motobaking: A Delicious Art & Science
An introduction to understanding and mastering proper baking while traveling

"Motobaker" Alex will share his dual passions of baking and motorcycle travel to introduce fellow travelers to the joy, satisfaction and delicious possibilities of baking while traveling. Covering a range of equipment options, basic theory of successful "motobaking"; and practical tips and tricks to ensure consistently delectable results while on the road. Whether you have the desire to bake everyday or just once in a while, these are game changing skills to add to your arsenal and require less dedicated equipment than you might think! A practical demonstration of various setups from the "field expedient" to the more elaborate, with tasty freshly baked treats to sample, this presentation will definitely leave you wanting more! There are even a few giveaways for this interested in elevating their camp cooking repertoire!

Alex Reponen, Travel oven in the back of an adventure vehicle.

Alex Reponen, Baking on a canister camp stove.

ALEX REPONEN is a relative newcomer to motorcycling (approx. 11 years), but is a professional baker and seasoned international traveler. Having swerved from his previous career as a CIA officer overseas, he now satisfies both his passions by "motobaking" whenever possible; baking off the back of his motorcycle!

LOTS of presentations to come! As people register to present we'll list them here.

How about you? We're all here to learn, and there's LOTS to learn! We want to do more presentations and seminars, but we need volunteers to give them! Any topic you can contribute having to do with motorcycle travel, maintenance, planning, etc., lasting 30-60 minutes, would be great. Please contact us here to volunteer.

We'll also need volunteers to help us run the meeting. Areas of need include: pre-meeting setup; registration/check-in area; audio/video setup; computer/IT issues; general "go-fer" assistance; post-meeting packing and cleaning up.


Liz Jansen and Sam Manicom at HU Virginia 2019.

Liz Jansen and Sam Manicom

Oliver Solaro demonstrates riding with kilt, HU Virginia 2019.

Oliver Solaro demonstrates the fine art of riding in a kilt

Workshop at HU Virginia 2019.

Mark Carrera and Annette Stout on the farkle walk

Online registration is now closed,
but we have plenty of room,
so come and join in!



Training for Travel - TBC

It's time to regain your riding legs - maybe you've been brushing up on your skills, or maybe it's long past time you did? Got a new Adventure bike, and finding it a little intimidating? Your first experience on gravel or dirt was terrifying, or disastrous?

Get an extra confidence boost by taking off-road and slow speed skills training at the HU Virginia event!

Rider training at HU Virginia

Sign Up when you register for the event

OR If you've already signed up for the event:
Sign Up for Training here!

Sign up for 1- day of off-road training with Tom Asher at a special low price of $150! Training takes place on Friday and Saturday of the event. Openings are limited to maintain a good student-to-instructor ratio. This ensures a better training experience for all! Registration closes when we're full.

PLEASE NOTE: You MUST be registered for HU Virginia in order to take this training!

PRE-Registration is strongly recommended. There MAY be spaces available on the day, there may not!

The class will run if there are at least 7 students.


The focus for all training is on Slow-Speed maneuvers. Key fundamentals for newer off-road riders and excellent tips for more experienced riders, especially those coming from an all street background. Slow speed maneuvers are THE KEY to successful off-road riding.

Tom Asher Adventure Rider Academy

Tom Asher Adventure Rider Academy. Expanding limits is what we do. Learn what limits we've been expanding lately, come join us and expand yours!

"Expanding limits is what we do.
Learn what limits we've been expanding lately, come join us and expand yours!"

TAARA, Tom Asher Adventure Rider Academy, is an adventure motorcycle riding school that teaches real-world techniques that can be applied to real-world adventures.

A member of Team USA in the 2016 GS Trophy, Tom Asher has over 15 years' experience developing skills designed specifically for large adventure bikes in off-road conditions, and also has extensive experience in off-road motorcycle racing. The expertise he has acquired has earned him a reputation for being able to take a motorcycle anywhere on any terrain, which he recently demonstrated as the first rider to enter an extreme hard enduro on a BMW R1200GSA at the 2016 Tennessee KnockOut. Tom has over 15 years' experience training individuals and groups, and is a professional mechanic.

Our mission at TAARA is to equip the adventure rider with the skills necessary to successfully complete their journey, whether near home or on an epic adventure. ​ Our individual and group classes teach techniques that help riders use body position, clutch, throttle, and brakes to tackle surfaces and obstacles including gravel, rocks, sand, switchbacks, water crossings, mud, logs, and ascents/descents. These techniques are designed to conserve rider energy and keep the motorcycle intact, increasing the rider's confidence in safely navigating a variety of real-world conditions.​ By training with TAARA, you can accomplish great things riding off-road, more than you ever thought possible!

Training takes place at HU Virginia from 09:00 – 17:00, with a break for lunch.

Friday and Saturday: Slow-speed maneuvers. Key fundamentals for newer off-road riders and excellent tips for more experienced riders, and prepares all riders for the more advanced skills in a Level 2 course you might take at TAARA.

  • Adventure bike set up and ergonomics
  • Standing: How, why, when and where
  • Throttle and brake control on dirt and gravel
  • Emergency braking
  • Steering by weight transfer
  • Slow speed maneuvers, the base of EVERYTHING going forward.
  • The afternoon is spent on the trail, putting what you learned in the morning into practice!

Class size is very limited to provide a high level of attention to each rider. This ensures a better training experience for all! Registration closes when we're full. For changes, please reply to your confirmation email. These classes do sell out quickly, so please reserve your spot early.

All classes: MANDATORY RIDING GEAR IS REQUIRED FOR PARTICIPATION. Assume good protective gear, and the bike must be road-legal and insured. For changes, please reply to your confirmation email.

Tires - what do I need?

We always recommend good dual purpose tires for the best results and safest experience.

Tom Asher, your trainer, says: "Any tire is going to be fine. Keep in mind if it's wet it may be a little more difficult with a street oriented tire. But we will get everyone through just fine."

Sign Up when you register for the event

OR If you've already signed up for the event:
Sign Up for Training here!

PLEASE NOTE: You MUST be registered for HU Virginia in order to take this training!

The Adventure Travel Zone - TBC

  • Equipment Specialists
  • Manufacturers
  • Tour Operators
  • Adventure Travel Authors and Film-Makers
  • The HU Store

If you know of any other motorcycle or travel equipment vendors or tour operators who should be there, please suggest it to them!
, more details and registration here. Please contact us if you have more questions.


Panel discussions at most HU events include...

Border crossings - How to get through borders with minimal stress and cost!

Packing light - Tips and techniques from experienced travellers to reduce weight and bulk.

Regional discussions - e.g. travelling in South America or Asia.

For Women Only - A must for the ladies, so be sure to plan on being there! A chance to talk to experienced travelling women without the men around!

Experienced Travellers Panel - ask the experts anything you want!

Walk arounds / Show and tell!

Tool Kits - Show us your favorite tools. Toolkit discussion.

Tents and Bedding discussion (in the camping area) - What works, cheap vs dear and which ones keep you dry, warm and comfy!

Farkle Walk - Take a stroll and talk about your best bike mods - homemade saddle bags, toolbox mounts, GPS mounts, seats, side stands, tank panniers, cup holders, etc.

Online registration is now closed,
but we have plenty of room,
so come and join in!



Horizons Unlimited Virginia Self-Guided Ride-outs

Ride to historic Appomattox Courthouse and tour the site of the surrender that, for all intents and purposes, ended the American Civil War. Or journey a bit south of the town of Appomattox to visit Red Hill, the estate of Patrick Henry, one of the inspiring figures of the American Revolution.

McLean House reproduction.

McLean House (reproduction), where the actual surrender of the Southern forces took place in the front parlor. This is in the preserved village of Appomattox Courthouse, a national historical park. The Park Service rangers give an excellent tour and history lesson.

Explore Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest via paved, gravel, and dirt roads. Try out your adventure riding skills!

Holiday Lake State Park.

Holiday Lake State Park, which borders our camp.

Facilities for a Fantastic Weekend!

We are excited to return to the Holiday Lake 4-H Educational Center and Camp. The camp is located in the Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest in central Virginia, about ten miles from Appomattox Courthouse National Historical Park. The camp is about 85 road miles west of Richmond, VA; 85 miles east of Roanoke, VA; 170 miles southwest of Washington, DC; and about 130 miles north of Raleigh, NC. It's an easy and scenic ride from almost anywhere in the mid-Atlantic or central U.S.

The HU Virginia venue from above!

This part of Virginia is characterized by rolling farmland and countryside, lush forests, and scenic, two lane roads with minimal traffic. While easy to reach via major highways, the Appomattox area is a mostly rural landscape, dotted with small towns, and shaped by history. When you're not sharing stories and travel tips with your new friends, you'll enjoy great riding and plenty to see and do.

Accommodation on site

Holiday Lake 4-H camp offers plenty of flat and grassy areas for tent camping with bathhouses nearby; rustic and historic cabins for basic accommodations (including electricity) with bathhouses nearby; bunkhouses with bath/shower rooms incorporated; a small number of spaces without hookups for RVs; and a very limited number of upgraded rooms (PODS) for more private lodging. You are responsible for providing linens – sheets, pillows, sleeping bags, towels, etc. – for all accommodations.

HU Virginia 2015 camping area.

Tent Camping

Tent space is divided into two areas. One area is on the lake side of the dining/presentation hall complex. There is a terraced, grassy area set aside for tents between the dining hall and the large fire ring at lakeside. Campers here can use the large bathhouse near the dining hall building. This is the more social area, and will likely see more late night activity and foot traffic.

Tents and bikes at HU Virginia 2015.

The second camping area is near the entrance to the camp and across from the swimming pool. This is a flat, grassy, athletic field, and is the Quiet Camping Area. These campers can use the bathhouse at the swimming pool just across the road OR the bathhouses near the cabins and presentations building. The swimming pool itself will be closed during our event. There is a large parking area on the far side of the athletic field. To avoid damaging the athletic field, you will not be allowed to ride your motorcycle up to your tent.

Please adhere to QUIET CAMPING practices in this area — no loud parties, late night gab sessions, or bright lights from 10:00 pm - 6:00 am. If you want to party, please camp in the area near the lake and let others enjoy the peace and quiet of the athletic field camping area.

Camping Area 1.

All campers are advised to use best practices regarding the storage and disposal of food near their tents and cabins. We are staying in a state forest with the corresponding possibility of animals looking for food.

Fires are allowed only in the camp fire ring at lakeside and under direction by staff. Camping stoves are permitted at your tent site but not inside any buildings. Smoking is not allowed in any camp building.


There are two bunkhouses plus a lodge. These buildings will be segregated by gender, and each contains a bathroom and shower. They include bunk beds, but we will only use the lower bunks, so the upper bunk is available for your gear.


Double bunkhouse

Bunkhouse interior.

Bunkhouse interior - we will not use the upper bunks, so you have lots of room to store your gear!


There are two rows of cabins flanking a lawn with a volleyball court and grassy areas. There are 15 of these, each with four bunks (eight beds). We will use four beds (lower bunks) per cabin so there will be enough room for four adults plus plenty of gear. Beds are 72"x30", slightly narrower than a twin mattress.

Note: One row of cabins is reserved for women only and couples, the other for men only.

Cabins at 4-H Holiday Camp. Cabins at 4-H Holiday Camp.

Exterior of cabin

Interior of cabin - bring your own sleeping bags!

Bunks will have mattresses, but bring your own sleeping bags or linens and pillows.

PODS - Limited Numbers!

There are five of these, but the accommodations inside have changed a little for this year. The five pods have two bedrooms each with one bed in each bedroom, plus a sitting room and bathroom in each. The change this year is that the camp has curtained off the sitting room in two of the pods and added a bed, so two of the pods can now accommodate three people. That gives us a total of twelve beds in pods for 2024. The pods have heat and A/C.


The PODS. Yes, that's grass on the roof! They're planting vegetation on the roof of each POD to increase insulation and be greener -- no pun intended.

View from the deck of one POD towards the rest. Living room area of a POD.

RV Parking

There are multiple spaces available but they do not have electric or water hookups.

Showers & Toilets

There are bathhouses for those camping in tents or staying in the cabins. Bunkhouses and upgraded rooms have their own washroom facilities, including private showers, toilets, and sinks.

Bath house.


Meals are NOT included with your registration fee. You have choices regarding meals. Complete meal packages are either 8 meals (if eating onsite Thursday afternoon – Sunday morning) or 5 meals (if eating Friday afternoon – Sunday morning only). Partial meal packages leave lunch up to you, and may make sense if you’re planning on a ride-out on Friday and Saturday.

For the regulars, we’ll have a little different procedure for getting meals onsite. We’ll still have a buffet, but it will now be two lines that will run through part of the kitchen. This way, the hope is that the food will stay hotter (when appropriate) and the kitchen staff will be able to replenish items more efficiently. For meals with a choice of entrees, one line will be for one choice – e.g. burgers – and the second will be for the other entrée – e.g., chicken salad sub. There will be signage to help you navigate. Salads and desserts will still be in the main dining area. You’ll deposit your meal ticket as you enter the kitchen to get your food.

Those with special dietary needs – vegetarian, gluten-free, etc. – should give the kitchen staff your name and they will retrieve your meal for you.

"The food was amazing and there was so much of it, it was comfort food as well, I did not hear one complaint and the ladies in the kitchen were very accommodating."


HU Virginia 2016 meal time!

Meal time at HU Virginia

"The food is very good. Well worth the cost, and certainly worth the time you'll save."

Meal Package A - 8 meals, $139

- Thursday dinner;
- Friday breakfast, lunch, and dinner;
- Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner;
- Sunday breakfast.

Meal Package B - 6 meals, $105

- Thursday dinner;
- Friday breakfast and dinner;
- Saturday breakfast and dinner;
- Sunday breakfast.

Meal Package C - 5 meals, $90

- Friday dinner;
- Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner;
- Sunday breakfast.

Meal Package D - 4 meals, $72

- Friday dinner;
- Saturday breakfast and dinner;
- Sunday breakfast.

If you desire a box lunch for either Friday or Saturday, please check the appropriate box.

There will be a vegetarian option offered at each meal - we will need numbers for these, so please indicate when you register if you wish a vegetarian meal.

Special dietary needs within reason can be accommodated with advanced notice.


Meals at HU Virginia.

HU Virginia 2019 mealtime!

HU Virginia 2016 cake.

HU Virginia 2016 - they baked us another cake!

2024 meal plan below:

  Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Breakfast   Scrambled eggs, bacon, yogurt, oatmeal, cereal, fresh fruit, milk, OJ, coffee Scrambled eggs, sausage, yogurt, oatmeal, cereal, fresh fruit, milk, OJ, coffee
Scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, yogurt, oatmeal, cereal, fresh fruit, milk, OJ, coffee
Lunch   Pork BBQ OR fried chicken, cole slaw, chocolate chip cookies Hamburgers w/fixings OR chicken salad sub, baked beans, potato salad, brownies  
Dinner Chicken fajitas w/toppings, refried beans, rice, salad, fried cinnamon sugar rolls Lasagna (meat or vegetarian), broccoli, green beans, garlic bread, salad, apple pie Roast beef OR fish, mashed potatoes, peas, carrots, salad, cake  
There will be a vegetarian option offered at each meal for those who indicate their preference on the registration form. Special dietary needs within reason can be accommodated with advanced notice, so make sure to register early and indicate your special needs so we can alert the camp. They will likely contact you directly to make sure you get the food you need and want. Also, when you arrive at each meal there will be a special meal with your name on it.

Presentation Facilities

Alex Chacon of Modern Motorcycle Diaries shares his stories at HU Virginia 2015.

Alex Chacon of Modern Motorcycle Diaries in the main presentation room

Susan Johnson presents '4 Easy Steps to Overland Adventure Travel' at HU Virginia 2015.

Susan Johnson presents '4 Easy Steps to Overland Adventure Travel'

 Ladies session at HU Virginia 2019.

A few of the women at HU Virginia 2019

Chats on the back porch at HU Virginia 2015.

There are numerous areas where people can just gather for a chat.

Exterior of large pavilion with lake in the background.

Exterior of large pavilion with lake in the background.

Cellular Service and Internet

Holiday Lake Camp sits in a "bowl" in the middle of a state forest, and thus has practically no cellular service available. Cell service is available a mile or two up the road from the camp. There is a landline phone we can use for emergencies or to let loved ones know we've arrived safely. Ask at registration if you need to make a landline call. Incoming calls from your friends or family can be made to the camp office (434-248-5444) and messages can be relayed through the HU registration area.

The camp has decent Wi-Fi available but it is not designed to host 100+ people on Facebook at the same time. Internet will be available for you all, but please understand this is not a resort with unlimited amenities. Be patient when necessary and relax and enjoy your time with us.

Please don't forget the reason we're all here -- to interact with each other, to learn from each other, and to grow as a community. We encourage posting of photos, videos, and blog accounts of your experiences at HU meetings, but please don't retreat into a digital cocoon while you're here.

Children & Pets

Horizons Unlimited wants to inspire the next generation of adventure travelers, so you're welcome to bring your children along if you wish. Bear in mind this event is for adults, with adult themes and language, and we won't have any specific activities for children. Those under 16 years old get in for free. Participants under 18 years old must, in accordance with 4-H regulations, be under the supervision of an adult. Please note that the health and safety of your children is your responsibility and they must be supervised by you at all times. Children will not be allowed in any of the presentations from 8 pm onwards each evening.

What exactly did they say!

What exactly did they say!

Pets, Dogs

Pets and other animals are not allowed, as per 4-H regulations, except for LICENSED AND REGISTERED companion / support dogs with proper paperwork / ID.

Holliday Lake State Park is just across the lake from the 4-H camp and does accept pets, but you cannot bring them on 4-H Camp site at any time.

Smoking & Drinking

Smoking is prohibited inside any of the camp buildings. Smoking is allowed on the decks of the dining hall. If you are smoking anywhere on the property, you must dispose of the butts properly in the butt cans.

Alcohol is permitted at the camp, but we reserve the right to expel without reimbursement any attendee who becomes intoxicated and/or causes a disturbance. Beer or wine can be purchased at almost any grocery or convenience store in Virginia; liquor is available at the state-run Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) stores. The closest one to the camp is in the nearby town of Appomattox and is open Monday-Thursday from 10am-7pm and Friday-Saturday from 10am-9pm.


Please note: Firearms are not permitted at the camp.

I've already registered - I just want to pay!


Includes admission to all presentations, tech sessions and discussion groups.
Meals and Accommodation are NOT included in the registration price and are priced separately below.

Register & Pay before February 1, 2024:


Register & Pay before March 1, 2024:


Register & Pay online before April 19, 2024:


At the Event Pricing (applies after April 18, 2024):



Pre-order only - please order when you register so you don't go hungry!

Thurs dinner – Sun breakfast inclusive: 8 meals

Thurs dinner – Sun breakfast, no lunches: 6 meals

Fri dinner – Sun breakfast inclusive: 5 meals

Fri dinner – Sun breakfast, no lunch: 4 meals






Accommodation is NOT included with your registration fee. Camping or Lodge accommodation is available. See descriptions above. You are responsible for providing linens – sheets, pillows, sleeping bags, towels, etc. – for all accommodations.


3 nts

2 nts

Tent camping, per person

Cabin, maximum four per cabin, per person

Bunkhouses with bathroom, per person

POD (two bedrooms with one bed in each, plus living room and bathroom, heated and A/C), per person.

RV Parking (multiple spaces available, but they do not have electric or water hookups). Price is per spot.











All beds are sized for one person. All cabin, bunkhouse, RV parking and POD space is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Register early to ensure your accommodations! We DO sell out of some accommodations every year!




days to go!

Join the discussion:

On the HUBB!
On Facebook!

What happens at HU events?

Comments about HU Virginia

"Super weekend! Thanks! And Kudos to Steve for keeping everything running smoothly! Hope to see you all on the road!"

"I had an AMAZING time at my first HU Event. It was great meeting you all!"

"Had a fantastic time, learned so much from the presenters and attendees and made new friends that I will stay in contact with and, hopefully, ride with sooner than later."

"HU Virginia 2015 is where the seed was planted and a year later, off I go! I could never describe fully the gratitude I have for what you and Susan do. I think it's very important for encouraging and empowering people to 'just do it,' including me. Again, many thanks to you!" Brent Carroll embarked on his long distance adventure from HU Virginia 2016

"Thank you to everyone that made this event such a great time!"

"We had a great time. It was my third HU meeting, the previous 2 having been in Mexico. Learnt a lot of things and met amazing people. Thanks Grant and Susan"

"You'll see & hear the most useful ideas on so many subjects that it boggles the mind. Presenters are attenders, so eating with the crowd does allow you to follow up and discuss the various topics...that helps as well."

"What a great event HU-Virginia was. Met lots of new friends. Learned a bit about RTW travel as well as local. Was inspired by many of the presenters. It's just a great community."

"Be ready to take notes and pictures. The speakers always have a lot of great info to share and you'll see plenty of innovative ways to prepare for travelling. You'll want to remember the tips when you get ready for your next ride."

"Susan, had a great time at my first HU event. Really appreciate all the work you and Grant put in to this. Met some great people and I'm looking forward to the tire-changing video after the real-life demo."

"Everything was great, but I loved the off road training."

"It was very well organized, had an excellent agenda, and as I hoped, the other attendees were very friendly, and were there to make new friends."

"I enjoyed all of the sessions I attended."

"I love meeting new people who view motorcycling as an adventure. HU provides access to a high concentration of those people. As I approach my 70s, these folks inspire me not just to keep riding but to be BETTER at riding, despite the handicaps of what non-riders might think of as 'old age'."

"All the presentations were helpful and entertaining."

"The venue was amazing! I love how we did not have cell service and wifi wasn't working. That forced people to have real conversations with one another, instead of staring away at their cell phones."

"Loved the venue, speakers, subjects and the overall good experience."

"Great event, learned a bunch."

Support Horizons Unlimited and protect your freedom to ride. Join the AMA.

AMA Sanctioned Event

You can help!

If you have a few minutes, please download the poster (Adobe pdf format) and print off a few and hand them round your club or your local bike shop or anywhere seems like a good place.

Poster in pdf format (1472kb) full colour Event poster:

HU  meeting poster.



Postcard in pdf format (450kb) full colour Event postcard, can be printed 4 to a page:

Horizons Unlimited  postcard.

Postcard - 4 UP!

You may need to right click and choose "save target as..."


Join the Volunteer Crew

From welcoming travellers at the gate, to taking care of the campsite and making sure all the presentations run smoothly, the success of every HU event relies on the enthusiasm of its volunteer crew.

"What a wonderful bunch of people. I had no idea how much fun I'd have by helping out!"

"It was my absolute pleasure to be able to give something back to the HU community and working with such great folks really made the event special."

Volunteering is a great way to make new friends, get more involved with Horizons Unlimited and have loads of fun! You can sign up to volunteer when you register for the meeting, OR click here if you have already registered and want to add volunteering.

Be a Presenter

We're inviting submissions for presentations, so whether you're attending the event or exploring a distant continent, if you've got a story to tell or expertise to share we'd like to hear from you.

We love to hear stories about your travel adventures, especially if you have great pics! Also, practical how-to sessions such as roadside cooking, navigation / GPS, trip prep and planning, adventure motorcycling medicine, packing light, setting your bike up, communications / blogging from the road, self-publishing your story, yoga for bikers, bodging / bike maintenance, self-defense, photography, videography, tire repair, safe riding techniques, how to pick up your bike, off-road riding, all are of interest.

There are 45 minute and 100 minute sessions available for talks, workshops, demos and live web chats.

Click here to submit your ideas


Submitting a Presenter registration DOES NOT mean you will automatically be included in the schedule, as we can have more presenters than available presentation slots. We will confirm one way or the other as soon as we can (but not immediately!)

Departing or Returning?

If you're planning an expedition, why not make the Horizons Unlimited meeting your official start point? Or maybe you're nearing the completion of a journey and would like a very public welcome home? Of course you might just be passing through and fancy marking a key stage of your travels?

We'd love to make you a big part of the meeting, so feel free to get in touch and tell us your plans.

Book your Exhibitor Stand space

Over the course of four days, this Horizons Unlimited event offers a unique opportunity to build awareness of your brand and talk directly to potential customers.

The Adventure Travel Zone occupies a central position at the event site and is exclusive to trade stands representing the overland adventure travel market.

Choose between our Premium and Standard packages, both of which include on-site advertising and can include a presentation about your products and services. Be sure to let us know you want to do a presentation when you register.

Click here to book your trade stand

Advertise at HU Virginia

Run a business that serves the overland adventure travel market? Want to spread the word at HU Virginia but can't take a Trade Stand? Send us a vinyl or roller banner and we'll display it in a prominent position.

Click here to arrange advertising

Virginia Venue Location

Holiday Lake 4-H Educational Center
1267 4-H Camp Road
Appomattox, Virginia 24522

N37 23.408 W78 38.445

Driving Directions

From Washington, DC area
From Raleigh, NC
From Pittsburgh, PA
From Louisville, KY

Local Hosts

Steve Anderson, HU Virginia organizer.Linda Pearce, HU Virginia organizing team.Robert Stransky, HU Virginia organizing team.Claudia Anderson, HU Virginia organizing team.

(l to r) Steve Anderson, Linda Pearce, Robert Stransky, and Claudia Anderson are the local hosts for this event, supported by Caroline Pearce, Charlie Pearce and Lloyd Messner - we're VERY grateful to them for stepping up and really making it happen with a lot of legwork and effort.

We can always use help on the day - please volunteer to help out for a couple of hours when you register (above)!

Other Accommodation

Other accommodations, should you not want to stay at the camp, can be found in Appomattox, approx 14 miles away.

Appomattox Inn & Suites
447 Old Courthouse Rd,
Appomattox, VA 24522
+1 434-664-2018

Appomattox Inn & Suites, Virginia.

Super 8 Appomattox
7571 Richmond Hwy,
Appomattox, VA 24522
+1 434-352-2339

Budget Inn Appomattox
1924 Confederate Blvd,
Appomattox, VA 24522
+1 434-352-7451

For those travelling with pets,
Holliday Lake State Park
is just across the lake from the 4-H camp.

2759 State Park Rd.,
Appomattox, VA 24522
+1 434-248-6308

Information about the area

Beautiful and historic Appomattox County is located in the rolling Piedmont area of Central Virginia, nestled between the Blue Ridge Mountains to the west and the Tidewater region to the east. The scenic James River forms the County's northern boundary. The Blue Ridge Parkway, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, Historic Richmond, Smith Mountain and Buggs Island Lakes and numerous Civil War battlefields are within an easy drive of Appomattox.

Appomattox is most famous for the events of April 1865, when Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant to effectively end the American Civil War. The scene of that historic event has been preserved as Appomattox Court House National Historical Park, located just north of the Town of Appomattox.

Located near the geographic center of Virginia, Appomattox County offers a temperate climate, an excellent transportation network, and proximity to world-renowned attractions.

Local Bike Shops


Approx 97 miles

Morton's BMW Motorcycles
10766 Patriot Highway
Fredericksburg VA 22408

Mortons BMW have been a long-time Horizons Unlimited supporter, so a special thanks to them!


Approx 69 miles

Frontline Eurosports
1003 Electric Road
Salem VA 24153


Approx 35 miles

Honda of Lynchburg
2210 12th St
Lynchburg, VA 24501


Approx 35 miles

Lynchburg Kawasaki/Yamaha
1101 Kemper Street
Lynchburg, VA 24501


Approx 88 miles

Star City Power Sports
5120 Peters Creek Road
Roanoke, VA 24019


Approx 40 miles

Harley-Davidson of Lynchburg
20452 Timberlake Rd
Lynchburg, VA 24502

HU Events Refund Policy

Like adventures, life can throw surprises our way. Stuff happens. While we would love for you to join the fun and connect with everyone at our events, we understand that you (and the funds) may be needed elsewhere. We'll catch up later!

On our side, we know you appreciate that we have financial commitments to venues and caterers!

The best way to let us know that you're unable to attend an event is to reply to the Registration Confirmation Email you got from us when you first signed up.

Up to 30 days prior to event start, we will refund all fees in full less a $10 (or €9 or £8) handling fee and PayPal charges. At your request, we can apply your Event Registration and all fees to any subsequent HU event you wish in that year or following year.

Up to 15 days prior to event start, we will refund only the camping/accommodation and food packages in full less a $10 (or €9 or £8) handling fee and PayPal charges. At your request, we can apply your Event Registration fee (with no handling fee) to any subsequent HU Event you wish in that year or following year. If you purchased a t-shirt, we will ship it to the mailing address you provide.

Within 15 days of the event start, there will be no refunds. At your request, we can apply your registration fee (with no handling fee) to any subsequent HU event you wish in that year or following year. If you purchased a t-shirt, we will ship it to the mailing address you provide.

If WE cancel an event:

We are constantly evaluating the situation for every event, and very much err on the side of caution. We will endeavour to announce "Final" decision one month or more before the event, but the situation COULD change closer to time, and we could be required by law to cancel.

If we are forced to cancel for COVID or natural disaster, we will roll your registration over to next year automatically.

If you want to transfer your existing registration to any other HU event in the world, just let us know.

Need a full refund? PLEASE REPLY to your original Registration Confirmation email to make it easier for us to find. If you can't find it, please email a request to: events-c (AT) horizonsunlimited(-)com with the subject line: "Refund event-name event-year"

Next HU Eventscalendar

HU Event and other updates on the HUBB Forum "Traveller's Advisories" thread.
ALL Dates subject to change.



  • Queensland is back! Date TBC - May?

Add yourself to the Updates List for each event!

Questions about an event? Ask here

HUBBUK: info

See all event details


New to Horizons Unlimited?

Horizons Unlimited was founded in 1997 by Grant and Susan Johnson following their journey around the world on a BMW R80 G/S motorcycle. The website, HUBB forum and regular events across the globe have inspired thousands of people to follow their dreams and take the road less travelled.

Susan and Grant Johnson
Read more about Grant & Susan's story

Membership - Show you're proud to be a Horizons Unlimited Traveller!

Horizons Unlimited is not a big multi-national company, just two people who love overland adventure travel and have grown what started as a hobby in 1997 into a full time job (usually 8-10 hours per day and 7 days a week) and a labour of love. To keep it going and a roof over our heads, we run events such as this one (18 this year!); we sell inspirational and informative DVDs; we have a few selected advertisers; and we make a small amount from memberships.

You don't have to be a Member to come to an HU meeting, access the website, the HUBB or to receive the e-zine. What you get for your membership contribution is our sincere gratitude, good karma and knowing that you're helping to keep the motorcycle travel dream alive. Contributing Members and Gold Members do get additional features on the HUBB. Here's a list of all the Member benefits on the HUBB.

You can join at a reduced rate as part of your meeting registration. Note that new Memberships with your Meeting Registration are applied as of the Meeting date or as soon as possible thereafter, not earlier, unless you make a special request in the Comments box when you register.