Shipments done by Travellers

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Shipment: From Dili, East Timor to Darwin, Australia - February, 2013

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TOLL (former Perkins)

For Southbound schedule updates contact Lenor Castulo in Dili:

For further information on the process in Darwin contact Amber Huddlestone in Darwin:

Mohd Azni (Baba)

The company Perkins was bought by the massive Australian company TOLL. Their website provides the schedule for the Southbound shipping from Singapore via Dili to Darwin. This is updated every 10 to 14 days. Email correspondence worked out fine for us with them. Lenor Castulo speaks very good English but none of the local languages and is not too much acquainted with the procedures. If you are stuck with her contact her boss Mohd Azni (Baba).

When you get to Dili you need to clean your bike. You can get it done professionally by Troy, an Australian who used to work for Australian quarantine. But it is very expensive and if he is not doing it himself it might not be done as professional. When you stay at East Timor Backpackers ( you can get a bucket with some cleaning material left from other bikers and they have a hose in the garden which you can use. Make sure you take off the major parts of your bike to clean underneath. Southeast Asian mud goes deep...

TOLL needs your carnet stamped. You can get it stamped when you get into East Timor at the border. Have you missed this, just get it stamped in and out at the harbour in Dili. Take the main entrance to the harbour area (do not go to the custom building down the road!), pass the gate and go to the second container to your right. The entrance is from the back of the container. They do all you need, including backdating your entry stamp so it fits with the Indonesian exit stamp. East Timor does not take part in the carnet, but TOLL Dili is convinced they need a copy of your East Timor entry and exit stamp.

TOLL will need copies of this, as well as of your passport. You can send it by email as well. Their new office (since January 2013 is quite far outside the city without a proper address. It's off the main road to the airport just before the airport (Kampung Merdeka, IHA, Llajr nia ko tuk, Comoro). East Timor Backpackers can help you to find them. Baba knows the Backpackers and might drop in there to see you as he is driving around a lot and not very often in the office & warehouse. They don't seem to like to book you on a vessel before you drop the bike off. Often the vessels omit Dili on their way back to Darwin as they already stop there on the way up North. Don't plan tight! When the bikes are clean you can bring them to the TOLL office & warehouse. If you don't want to do the leashing yourself they will order a company to do it for them which is ridiculous expensive (ca. 150 USD). You get straps at the Chinese Hardware shops on the way out to TOLL. Bargain tough!

They sent us two quotes, one per bike (LCL), the other one for the whole container (FCL). For two bikes there is no price difference, with three or four bikes you can save with booking FCL. Be aware that TOLL in Australia will treat the bikes as LCL anyway (and break down the costs for you), because of customs & quarantine. We paid:

in Dili (local costs only):

20 USD L.O.L.O. (Lift-On/Lift-Off) per container

35 USD Wharfage per container

80 USD Trucking charge within Dili per container

30 USD Documentation fee per bike

in Darwin (Ocean freight, BAF and East Timor Tax can be paid in Dili but only cash, by credit card in Darwin only):

147 AUD Ocean freight per bike (4 bikes in total)

51 AUD Bunker Adjustment Factor (BAF) per bike

4 AUD East Timor Tax per bike

118 AUD Darwin PSC (GST inc.) Volume per bike

1 AUD Port Security Surcharge GST per bike

75 AUD Documentation/Coordination charges per bike

When you arrive in Darwin you have to wait to get an ok from TOLL. Amber Huddlestone runs the international departement of TOLL in Darwin. They might send availability notices, but that doesn't count, you need a special email telling you, that you can arrange appointments with customs & quarantine:
1. Phone customs on 089806528 and explain to them. They then input something on their system (they have to do this before quarantine will be able to do anything).
2. Phone quarantine on 089207000 and get them to do their side. They will require a copy of:
- first page of carnet
- seaway bill
- tax invoice
You can mail them as attachment or drop them in at their office at the airport (bad bus connections into town!). Once they have processed that stuff they should be able to offer you a time for the quarantine inspection within the next one or two days. They will request payment at this point but can accept credit card over the phone.
3. Contact TOLL and inform them of the quarantine inspection time to ensure they can allocate space in their yard.

4. Contact customs to inform them of the quarantine inspection time so their officers can come down and stamp the carnet.

The appointment itself was easy. We had to book half an hour quarantine (150 AUD) for each bike and the time was sufficient for them. For extra time you have to pay more as well as for additional cleaning done by TOLL. They checked the tool box and the panniers and found some dirt in the bottom of one and vacuum cleaned it. Customs did not show up (quarantine promised to do step 4 for us but obviously they didn't), so we had to wait for customs to tick their box in the system before TOLL actually was able to release the bikes from their yard.

The whole procedure from arrival in Dili to get the bikes in Darwin took us nearly 2 months... Mainly because the vessel was omitting Dili twice. But even after the arrival of the vessel in Darwin it took 2 weeks until we actually got the bikes. It is a good idea to get to Darwin quickly if you are allowed to work in Australia or to WWOOF (, where you get free food and accommodation. If you don't want to get too far away from Darwin we recommend Henning Olsen & Family. It is a flower farm at the edge of Darwin Airport. Check in advance if he needs someone (08 89472324 or 08 89918014) by leaving a message on the his answering machine as he never answers the phone but calls you back.

Good luck!

63 USD
347 AUS

Shipment: From Vancouver, Canada to Santiago, Chile - January, 2013

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Mannix Freight Services

Mannix Freight Services
#114 - 5000 Miller Road
Richmond, BC, V7B 1K6

Phone 604-275-8094

Chris Bigger

This worked very well.  The bike was shipped Air Canada and arrived one day before we arrived.  No problem picking it up the same day.  Rode it to the hotel.  Registration at the airport. 

$3,899.00 including Crating

Shipment: From Kota Kinabalu, Borneo to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - December, 2012

5/5 - Excellent
MAS Cargo

Cargo Sales Consultant Kota Kinabalu

Stanley She Kim Fak
Tel. No: 6088 515 276
Mobile No: 6019 536 5169
Fax No: 6088 515 382

Stanley She Kim Fak

The price was for a motorcycle with sidecar. No box, pallet and straps supplyed by MAS-Kargo. Just drive in, drop the bike,paperwork, thats it. Verry easy! Disconnekt battry and drain petrol. 2h in Kotakinabalu und 2,5h pickup in KL-Cargo-Village No agent in KL needet. First pick up the bike from the MAS-warehouse, than custom house (6. floor). Bring some Petrol, next gasstation is 5km away. Costs: 400kg x 4,78 Ringgit = 1912 Ringgit 76 Ringgit for Dangerous Goods 30 Ringgit Handling 5 Ringit Airbill 227 Ringgit Cargo Agent (need one for custom clearing) 60 Ringgit Handling Kualar Lumpur Total 2310 Ringgit = 580€ MAS has a lot of other destinations, and Transmille also can fly your bike or car. but was more expensive.

580 EUR

Shipment: From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Perth, Australia - December, 2012

4/5 - Good

1) Call the booking number from local malay sim card 038 777 1 888
they will give you a booking number (call in the morning in the afternoon they hard answer)

2) call the reservation 038 777 1655, they will give you the name of the flight and the number of reservation.

from Kuala Lumpur i think for the moment is the best option.
Maskargo you can deal without agents and you dont need a crate

U can ship from KL to Perth, Sydney and Melburne. Is a bit cheaper the price kg to perth but the best advandage is that they will not care of the dimensions of the bike because they told me that the airplanes to perth are not so full as the others 2 australians cities so they will charge just for the kg.

there is no charge for costum clearance, u can do by yourself, everything is nearby walking distance.

Maskargo is located in the airport of KLIA  to go there u will pass from the Sepang Circuit.

U dont need to go to visit them before u want to ship your bike. Just call about 5 days before you want to ship the bike to book the shipping of the bike, which they call export of the bike.

When you will call they want to know the dimension of the bike, the kg and the destination.
U dont need to be precise, just say something about. Remeber they will say even if u send to perth that they will charge for volume or kg depend which number is higher, but is bull shit, then they will care just of the kg.

so here the numbers

1) cal the booking number from local malay sim card 038 777 1 888
they will give you a booking number (call in the morning in the afternoon they hard answer)

2) call the reservation 038 777 1655, they will give you the name of the flight and the number of reservation.

the next step is bring the bike 1-2 days before the shipping at the cargo area of the KLIA airport.
in just 200 metres from the passenger entrance.

to enter in the cargo area u will need a pass.
the pass you will get for free from a little hide police office outside the cargo area, they will take your passport and give you the pass. they are quite not nice police man, i would say mother fucker, sometimes they try to get 10 renge or they will let you wait a lot of times (didnt undestard why) however if they make problems call the booking number. try to arrive in the morning is better. Just ask people where you get the pass from cause found and explain where is is quite hard.

ones you are inside ask direction for maskargo area and they will show the way. when you will arrive you will weight the bike and you will pay wil casch or credit card (no extra fee for credit card) then you will go to the custum for get stamp your carnet.

The custum office is just after the entrance of the cargo area, is big building and you will go to the last floor to get the stamp.

Drive the bike there because you will get a inspection (check number of chassie and engine).

Ones u get the stamp drive back to the maskargo give the papers and is done.

They will say that you need to wrap you bike with the paper (transparent plastic) so you can buy before you go there or they will charge something. I said i didnt have but i didnt want to pay a guy to do because im able to do by myself. at the end they help me for free and i did not pay  for the paper. (all little tricks to get more money).

one of the cheapper flights to perth is from KL or Singapore.
best option is fly from KL the same day you bring the bike so you dont need to take even a bus, but just walk for 10 minutes and you check in in the airport.

I did fly from Singapore and i went there by bus because was extreme cheap and because i wanted to see Singapore. but Singapore is just traffic jam city and i will never do it again if i would come back.

Trust me fly from KL.

sandwhich 12 dollar !!!!!!!!!
When you arrive in perth airport, walk out of the airport in the same direction the cars drive out. at the first junction turn left and you will see Dhl and opposite the custum office. they open at 8.30 in the morning. get your stamp In (they dont give a **** if you have the bike or not cause they dont check your bike).

After custum walk to quarantine back to junction, go straight and u will see the office on the right. give all the paper and pay the bill and book and inspection. sometimes you neeed to wait 2 days before get it. Try to make move their ass and do it on the same day. THEY ARE NOT BUSY THEY ARE JUST LAZY.

bill to get the bike
105 aud for quaratine ispection
157,58 for other fees

Finally you are on the road ....but the dramma is not finish. to be legal you must have the registration of your bike !!!!

Here comes the fun, you need to book a road inspection of the bike. Ones done this you will register your bike and finally you are will wait a lot, you will pay a lot and you think they stuff should work propelly but NOT ....AUSTRALIA for this is even worste then italy, they will make mistakes and in the end, i waste 2 weeks of my life for this ...Australia with a bike from outside never again !!!!!

The officers dont know even their jobs ....crazy

AUD 262.58
5/5 - Excellent
Malaysia Airlines Cargo (MASKargo)

Phone number: 0387771815

It's a ro-ro!
Contact Malaysia Airlines at 0387771815 to create an Airway Bill Number and get a quote per kilo. Mine was 11,18 Malaysian Ringgits per kilo. They will tell you that they charge per kilo and not per volume but the people that will charge you later know better and will measure the volume. They are quite nice though and will take into account that there's a lot of empty volume there and may reduce the measurements of your bike if you are nice enough.

After getting your AWB number, you will need to contact them on 0387772017 to book your AWB on a flight. I think all of their passenger flights are available for cargo but you can check that on their webpage. In my case I booked on MH125, the 9:40AM flight to Perth. You don't need to fly on that plane. I flew AirAsia on the same day.

You need to deliver the bike 1 day before the flight (I delivered it on a Sunday) at the cargo terminal (follow signs to KLIA and LCCT until you see signs for Kargo). Then it will be weighed and measured and the infamous volumetric weight calculation will be done (volume/6000 = volumetric weight) and you can pay the shipment by credit card. If you had your carnet stamped when arriving, you will have to go to customs. If not, customs won't know what to do and will tell you to just go without stamping. I reduced the empty volume by unhanging the panniers so my shipment was made of 3 parcels, I also removed the windscreen. You have to disconnect the battery and have less than one quarter of the tank full. Disregard any comment about emptying the oil. Once you are done, they will wrap your bike in plastic but not the wheels so that they can move it around.

Now the Australian side: Go to the cargo area, it's very close to the international terminal (walking distance). You are looking for a company called Menzies (or something like that) on 40, Sugarbird Lady Road. You will pay handling and get your Airway bill there. They will tell you what to do next but here's a preview: go to customs 500m away under the blazing sun to get your carnet stamped, then go back 300m to AQIS to pay for a quarantine inspection and book one (hopefully for the following 10 minutes), go back to Menzies (still under the blazing sun) and get your bike inspected for insects and foreign dirt. The contents of the panniers will be inspected too. They weren't very picky but they did look under the mudguards and scraped a bit of grime from the sprocket cover or center stand and rubbed it between two fingers to check if it was just grime or it carried potential contamination.

After that, you are almost ready to ride away. You need to go back out the warehouse into the office and around the building to collect your bike at the front door of the warehouse. Ah! The sweet smell of bureaucracy!



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