Gonzalo Figueroa and Nina Maria Eidheim...

LA to BA

UPDATE 6, Feb. 7, 2001,

Honduras and Nicaragua

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Here comes another one from Gonzalo and Nina. Remember you can also visit us at www.horizonsunlimited.com/gonzalo/ Since we last left you we have been able to bring our stomachs under control and have been moving right along, crossing borders, all without a single problem. Although each country we visit is quite different from the other, in our minds all of it is starting to blend. Things are in flux, countries fade into one another and the heart of Central America comes alive. We feel that what these countries have in common stands out more than their differences.

When we last wrote we were in Copan, Honduras. We were having such a wonderful time with our Canadian friend Mike Klobucar and his girlfriend that we almost never got around to visiting the famous ruins. But we eventually made our way there, hired a guide and got a very detailed tour of the place. It all becomes much more interesting when somebody is telling you what you are looking at. Every little carving in the place had a meaning or a purpose for being there.

We can't tell you very much else about Honduras because we kind of flew through the country. Gonzalo felt much like an airplane pilot and the Africa Twin just rolled through the green hills. This was a conscious decision because although 6 months may seem like a bunch of time there's so much to see and do that we could easily spend half of that time in just one country. Anyhow, Honduras is still not entirely exploited for tourism, the people are very friendly and polite and there's a lot of nice places to visit.

We came fairly quickly to the Nicaraguan border. Once again, no hassles, no corruption, no problems, just polite officials and we were out in 30 minutes. We came to Granada. And as much as we disliked Antigua, Guatemala we loved Granada, Nicaragua. What a great little city! The Nicaraguans there were the nicest bunch we've met, they were curious, informed, proud of their city and country and were the only bunch who did not mind to have their pictures taken. In fact, they would come and ask us to please take their photo.

Us and friends in Honduras

Normally we have to be very careful when we go around trying to get some shots for our articles. Especially after being attacked in the market in San Cristobal de las Casas in Mexico by an angry donkey of a Tzotzil Indian. We weren't even taking a picture of him. I had to take Nina's knife and cut the camera strap in order to free it from this guy's iron grip.

We made quite a scene at that market wrestling with our friend the Indian as chickens and bananas flew around the place. The scene would have made for some fantastic photo journalism.

Ah yes... I was talking about Granada. Go now before it is spoiled. In fact, go now to Nicaragua. It's still not very trodden on, but believe me, if the political situation remains stable, it won't be long before the gringo hordes invade. I read somewhere of a guy that wrote he felt very little welcome in Nicaragua. He must have been having a bad day. It was where people clearly treated us best. The country is not yet invaded by the rampant forces of globalization so it's a pleasure to drive on roads with very little traffic, no Coca Cola signs or billboards advertising some pathetic beach resort in English. But I guess they will come. They couldn't bring the country to its knees with Somoza, they couldn't bring it to it's knees by financing the Contras, but I figure the Nicaraguans will have a hard time standing their ground against the big all engulfing companies which "they" own. You know who "they" are...

We won't bore you any longer. I'll just end by saying we are now in San Jose, Costa Rica after spending a few days camped on a solitary beach with our good friend Ralf "Rallerastlos" Enders and two other Germans named Stefan and Vivien. Ralf is another motorcyclist whom we know from our travels in Bolivia. While we were heading South he was moving North and our paths crossed at the beach in Lagartos on the Nicoya peninsula. We had the perfect campsite, the perfect beach and the perfect company to hang out a few days telling stories. After that, we are all now on our way and who knows where the hell we will meet again. Good luck to all of you and to all we have met on the road, what a beautiful bunch of characters you all are!

Saludos, besos y abrazos, Gonzalo y Nina

San Jose, Costa Rica, Centro America, Planeta Tierra, Pachamama

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So who are we?

Update 1, November 2000, First road report

UPDATE 2, Dec. 5, 2000, Baja California, Hola amigos y que viva Mexico!

UPDATE 3, Dec. 17, 2000, Central Mexico

UPDATE 4, January 4 2001, Southern Mexico

UPDATE 5, January 31 2001, Guatemala

Update 6, Feb 7 2001, Honduras and Nicaragua

Update 7, Feb 15 2001, Costa Rica

Update 8, Mar 8 2001, Huaraz, Peru

Update 9 April 7, 2001, Cusco, Peru

Update 10 April 23, 2001, Bolivia

Update 11: May 15, 2001, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Story and photos copyright © Gonzalo Figueroa and Nina Maria Eidhein 2000-2001.
All Rights Reserved.
Grant Johnson

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We accept no responsibility for any of the above information in any way whatsoever. This is a free service of interest to travellers only. You are reminded to do your own research. Any commentary is strictly a personal opinion of the person supplying the information and is not to be construed as an endorsement of any kind.

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