Welcome. Do the HU meeting.. you might catch the motorcycle travel bug. Even if you come by car.
If your 'only' touring one country then you can buy and sell the motorcycle there. Saves the costs of shipping it there and back. Can save insurance etc etc. Best if you buy and sell in the same state, that can also can make your airline ticket cheaper.
If your buying the bike in the states then getting a second hand one with all the luggage etc is your best bang for buck.
Get a GPS with maps (for both here and there). Worth their weight for getting into and out of cities .. even finding things inside the cities. If you get one that you can put maps onto your computer it makes planning so much simpler.
Don't over plan. Leave gaps that you can fill in while you are there. I plan on every seventh day off. You need that to do shopping, washing, postcards home, work on the bike etc. Then you need to plan on sight seeing time. Do leave say 2 weeks at the end to sell the bike. You should be in a large city so while you wait you can see things.
Take care. Have fun and enjoy. Oh, as a newcomer - read the stuff at the top - 'GET INSPIRED', 'GET READY' etc at the top of the page. That covers most of the FAQs.
Oh, while you are state side consider Canada .. particularly the west ... supposed to be great scenery. You might spend a lot of time there? You need to tell us what you like to see, and how long you have... The states will be a lot more expensive than Cambodia. I'm certain others will have more ideas ... but 'Route 66' is rather touristy. And mostly tar. Have you been to the states before? Seen the National Parks, the museums? There is a lot over there, if you have the time?