Motorradnomaden - engineproblems - no solution in australia
Probably Australia is not our Continent! :-(
After all the problems ar the beginning with Evas and my motorbike, we are thinking, that my engine is ****ed now (out of order)! Sorry for that bad word, but that´s how they say it here in Australia.
Strange metallic noise is coming from the bottom of the engine.
To rebuild this engine at 250.000 km makes for us not much sense. It is too expensive and will take too much of our time we have left to see New Zealand
We just wanted to ship the bikes, when the problems started.
Here in Australia it is impossible to get a new used engine for a Yamaha XT 600
We can’t get an engine here in Australia, maybe you know somebody in New Zealand
We want to come to NZ with our bikes as soon as possible!!
The other option is, to come only with one bike and to buy or rent another second hand bike, may you have any solution for that??
Best wishes from Melbourne
contact without the big letters!!!
Best wishes
Ralf & Eva
around the world on 2 motorbikes
The homepage has a translation service!!
Last edited by RalEva; 8 Feb 2007 at 07:09.