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Australia / New Zealand Topics specific to Australia and New Zealand only.
Photo by Brad-Houghton, of Parque Nacional Eduardo Avaroa, Bolivia

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Photo by Brad-Houghton,
The Stone Tree,
Reserva Nacional de
Fauna Andina Eduardo Avaroa
(Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna
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  • 1 Post By Thierry
  • 3 Post By Thierry

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Old 29 Dec 2013
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Question Swiss globetrotter arriving in Darwin beginning of march 2014

Good day australien bikers

My name is Thierry, I'm 53 years old and from Basel, Switzerland. Since january 2008 I'm living my dream going around of our beautiful planet on a motorbike. I started the jouney of my life in Mexico-City and travelled at first all Latinamerica including Jamaica and Cuba. This was my first leg. After returning to Europa and having a digesting break at home I continued the trip from Switzerland until the Philippines, following the south route. Meaning Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Thailand, Lao, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines. This was the 2nd leg.

I did all this on a BMW F 650 Dakar. After crossing 37 countries and doing approx. 130'000 km it was time to change the bike. So I flew back home and bought a BMW F 800 GS and startet my 3rd leg one month ago in Indonesia. The plan is to return to Europe on the north route. Meaning Indonesia, Timor-Leste, Australia, New Zealand, Southkorea, Japan, Russia, Mongolia, Kasachstan, Ukraine, Slowakia, Austria back to Switzerland. That will take another 2 years. The 4th leg will be Africa and the 5th and last leg North America - Alaska back to Mexico-City, where all begun. All in all the whole project should take about 10 years...

If you are interessted to see some fotos/videos of my trip you are welcome to visit my website or check out my facebook site:

website: www.worldbiker.ch
facebook: www.facebook.com/thierry.wilhelm

I appologise that the reports in my website are written in german, but the fotos are nice...

Well... and right now I'm sitting in Bali and start to prepare the transfer to Australia (Dili - Darwin). My goal is to arrive in Oz around the 1st of march, but I don't know yet when the cargo ship will be available. I have no quote yet (still waiting for a reply of TOLL Company). One of my concerns is an affordable accomodation in Darwin. I read and heard that Darwin is one (or THE) most expensive places in Australia, but maybe one of you guys have a good hint or tipp for me. As you surely know I will have to struggle with the authorities for a while until my bike will be released, but I hope to solve all the problems within 7 to 10 days (according what I read in other reports).

Your valuable informations concerning Darwin will be highly appreciated!

Besides this, of course I would love to meet some of you bikers somewhere in Oz. I will stay around 1 year in Australia and plan to travel all around and across, including Tasmania. So there is a good chance that I might show up in your region. It would be great to exchange stories and have a few together...!

It's a long time dream of me to visit Australia but I always saved it for my big trip. I never wanted to come only for 3 or 4 weeks (normal working vacation) as I it never would be enough to see Australia properly. Well, I had to become 53 to fullfill my dream - but now I'm coming and this time I have enough time to explore it thorougly!!! I can't wait to put my feet on australian soil and see all the fantastic places I've seen on fotos from others with my own eyes...

I wish you all a very happy, healthy, lucky and prosperous new year!

Cheers from Bali

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Old 8 Jan 2014
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Cairns - Far North Queensland

G'day Thierry,
If Cairns is part of your trip itinerary do not hesitate to make contact with me. Always happy to catch up and host a fellow traveller and share some local knowledge of some great rides around this area of Far North Qld. Also have plans to undertake some longer duration trips myself in 2014/2015 so it's always good to get some tips from someone who has already done it !
just drop me an email at rodneythebruce@gmail.com and I can make sure I've got a few cold s available. Safe travels - Rod
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Old 8 Jan 2014
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Hi Thierry. I'll also be on the road for the next 8 months and afterwards based in Sydney. Either on the road or grounded, keep in touch.
Postie Notes - "you're not seriously going around Australia on a postie bike??"
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Old 18 Mar 2014
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Hi Thierry,
Hope you enjoy your time here in Oz. I am located in the hills outside of Adelaide South Australia and when you get this way hit me up. I could show you around the area, offer you some accommodation, take you on some great rides and share a beverage or two. Have a safe trip.
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Old 21 Mar 2014
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Hi, I'm in Darwin at the moment just waiting on the boat to dili. I fly out to met it on the 25th but if you're in Darwin before that then and you want to met up give a shout, I'd love to hear some stories.
0401 506 216 or fishernz@gmail.com
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Old 22 Apr 2014
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Finally on the road

Hello everyone

Sorry for not beeing back on this thread earlier. It gathered some dust, I know...

Just want to inform you about my situation. With 6 weeks delay (due to rough sea in Indonesia/waiting for ferries and a complicated transfer from Dili to Darwin) I finally started my australien trip the 9th april. I'm on the road now since 2 weeks. At the moment I am in the Flinders Ranges above Adelaide. Tomorrow I'll head to Adelaide, Kangaroo Island and then towards Perth. It's good to be back on the road and I enjoy very much to explore Australia at last. What huge distances, what a huge country!

So now I'm heading west and then up the coast back to Darwin, where I expect to be in july. I also want to do the Gibb River Road. I heard it's nice...

If someone lives on that stretch and would like to share some wild stories with me, please contact me. I'd love to meet some more aussie riders! Or is even someone travelling the same way? Would be great to hook up and travel together for a while...

Take good care, have a great time and maybe see you on the road!

Cheers from Wilpena

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Swiss globetrotter arriving in Darwin beginning of march 2014-ayers-rock-uluru-020.jpg  

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Old 25 Apr 2014
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When u get to Perth , and want a bed for a few days . 0422696383 Stewart
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Old 25 Apr 2014
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On the way to Perth...

Thanks a lot Steward. I indeed left Gawler (Adelaide) this morning and I'm on my way to Perth now. Before I will arrive in Perth I will visit a few people on the way who also were so kind to invite me (Esperance, Busselton). I will also meet people in Perth but I'm not sure if I can stay there. I might come back to you, at least to meet for a or two :-) I will not arrive in Perth before 2 or maybe even 3 weeks. I take it slow and make breaks here and there. I'll get in touch with you...

Thank you very much for your kindness and hospitality!

Take care and have a good time!

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Old 3 May 2014
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Gruezi from antoher swiss bloke on the road


I am traveling on my 1200Gs around Australia. I am in Margaret River at the moment. I did see your motorbike in the Flinders Ranges Camping ground but I did not got a change to chat to you.
Where you heading next and what is your plan as I am heading north and looking for a buddy to team up to go north together and maybe to the Tanami track.
I don't want to do it solo as it is a bit of a rougher road.
so let me know where you are and where your heading. we might can catch up.

ciao, Stephan.

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Old 14 May 2014
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G'dday guys

Time to update my threat and let you know the progress of my journey in Oz. I had the pleasure and honour to stay with AussiTrev in Gawler, DessertDog in Port Lincoln and Squilly in Esperance. They were wonderfull hosts! They showed me things and places I never would have seen without their guidance. Excellent and never to forget! Thank you very much for your lovely hospitality. I enjoyed it a lot and will always bear it in my mind. Squilly even welded an enlargement for my sidestand after I lost my Touratech-enlargement somewhere in the Nullabor. Thank you very much Squilly!

Two days ago I left Esperance. I'm now in Albany where I'm staying a day a for doing some sightseeing. Tomorrow I'll proceed towards Busselton, where more folks are waiting for me. On the way I want to stop in Walpole to experience the "treetopwalk" and in Pemperton to see Gloucester trees. Must be spectacular. Thanks for the tipps Squilly!

I expect to arrivein Busselton saturday and to be in Perth for monday. I made an appointment with the local BMW dealer for wednesday 21st, to service my bike and change the tires. My front TKC 80 is still the same since Jakarta - and that is 13'000 km ago! Not too bad...

@Steward: I will visit some folks in Perth (which I met 5 years ago in Colombia!) and I can even stay there, but they have only limited space and no parking for my bike. So I'll check out the situation and come back to you if your offer still stands. In any case I will call you when I'm there to inform you about the situation. At the minimum we should meet to chat and have some s together... My phone nr. is 0477 022 633.

Time to go now, the whaling station is waiting to be explored... Have a great day and always drive safely.


Swiss globetrotter arriving in Darwin beginning of march 2014-otr-spreaky-bay-nulllarbor-012.jpg

Swiss globetrotter arriving in Darwin beginning of march 2014-lucky-bay-esperance-046.jpg

Swiss globetrotter arriving in Darwin beginning of march 2014-esperance-daytrip-mt-ridley-020.jpg
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Old 6 Feb 2015
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Good-bye Australia

The time has come to say good-bye to Australia... Incredible, but my year in Oz is already over and I have to move on again. Coming sunday I'll fly to New Zealand - a new country, new adventures!

I had an incredible good time in this huge country, met most friendly and hospitable people and learned a lot about this beautiful but so different corner of the world. I'd like to thank to all my lovely hosts (you know who you are!) for an incredible hospitality, friendship and also lessons. Australia will definitely be a very important chapter in my big book about my trip around the world. I have a feeling that I haven't been here for the last time

I draw a simple map to show you roughly the route I took around the country. I guess I have now a pretty good idea about this continent :-). Did around 30'000 km. I will also shortly upload some fotos to visualize my impressions...

Thank you Australia - you were so good to me!
Attached Thumbnails
Swiss globetrotter arriving in Darwin beginning of march 2014-000-route-in-oz.jpg  

Swiss globetrotter arriving in Darwin beginning of march 2014-cleaning-and-crating-bike-007.jpg  

Swiss globetrotter arriving in Darwin beginning of march 2014-cleaning-and-crating-bike-009.jpg  

Swiss globetrotter arriving in Darwin beginning of march 2014-cleaning-and-crating-bike-025.jpg  

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