Hi there,
I like to sell my good KTM 1190 Adventure R that I was using since 2013 riding from Chile all the way up to the States. Took me a little while. ;-)
Since I will not be able to go on a real long term travel again, I am either shipping the bike back to Germany - or - I give it to someone that wants to hit the roads around America.
I am on my way to NEW YORK right now. I will be there from the 1th of Juli till the 6th. Right now I am close to Calgary.
I think 3000$ would be a fair price. This includes everything besides the Garmin GPS...
The bike is now insured in the USA. It comes from Germany - but since I crossed into South America no one ever wanted to see the official papers. By saying this - the bike is perfect for travellers that want to leave Canada or the USA. To register it permanently in one of these countries there is probably some more paperwork to do!
Anyhow: Before I left Vancouver I gave the bike a final service. She got a new battery, chain kit, steering bearing, Suspension service, brake pads... So far she is running like perfect... The front rim could need a service though...
Bike itself has now 138.000 KM on the clock. Engine, coolant, sensors and everything connected to it had to be exchanged after a mechanic failure in Colombia.
The new engine was running for only 32.000 KM. It runs very smooth without any problems. Got all valves checked some 8000km ago. I got a Rottweiler Performance Air Filter Kit. Chain brand-new. Cyclops lights. Tires also new - but maybe some more tire tread would be nice for offroad travels. The Touratech boxes are also like new! Comes extra and the GPS is not part of the deal!
Apart from this you will find some scratches on the bike from good use in the desert and around South America. But nothing critical - it's just not as shinny anymore as it would be brand new...
The pictures you see are from the time when I just left it in 2019 - I will update this post once I am back in Canada... The one with me on it is a little bit older - but basically bike is still the same (got a new TT Windshield now).
Feel free to contact me - if you are in the mood for an adventure. The bike will do the job - wherever you want to go

... After PM I can give you my Skype or phone number...
Pictures can be found on my facebook or webpage... Nothing to hide here..