Effect of gasoline on plastics?
Hi all,
Having a small tank is forcing me wonder about possible solutions which are lightweight. My range is around 250-300k and so will certainly need another 180k-ish extra. There are fold up containers at the local mall but are designed for water, not gas, so I'm wondering if the gasoline would be corrosive. Carrying a 10lt Gerry can is bulky and will take a lot of space. The other options seem to be 2lt coke bottles or engine oil containers. Some suggest MSR drom water bladders, but wondering if the gasoline would ruin them over time. Also, if gasoline does corrode plastic, could the chemical reaction of the corrosion contaminate the fuel in the process? The water bladders are tempting given they fold up when not in use but don't want them disintegrating and dumping 10lt of fuel on the exhaust!!