Sidi Adventure Squeak cure
My Sidi Adventure boots are great but the squeak while walking is driving me nuts. I went as far as buying Forma Adventures but they are crap compared to the Sidi's. So I searched the web and found some pointers as to how to heal my squeak. Most advise mink oil but there was no consensus of what the final resolution is. I could not find the minkoil so I tried something else. This is what I did and the squeak is 99% gone;
- take the upper closing binder/ankle hinge off by prying out the little holding clips. You can completely remove the hinging part.
- treat the leather parts with ample boot wax (i took horse riding boot wax, black)
- what i found is actually that the gore-tex lip in the shaft is rubbing on the leather and i think that is responsible for 50% of the squeak. So I waxed the leather side very well and applied silicone spray on the gore tex lip!
- then i cleaned the plastic parts on the inside and applied spray SKI wax on the inside of the plastics! The stuff that is intended to go on the bottom of your skies! Also put some on the inside of the fixed binder plastic parts.
-put it al together and you can go stealth mode!
Last edited by noel di pietro; 6 Jun 2013 at 22:56.