Just if its a realy great bike..and..
Colombia its great just stay there ;-D!!
So what kind of bike you have?
I liked to do the same, but because of many reasons i didnt;
The bikes in Panama are cheaper.
To cross you need about 350-600 dollars depending the bike and with who you share the container. (Inkl all)
You can ask in for example in the panamerican forum on facebook if some overlanders searching someone to share a container! Normaly you find them easy but plan it early enough!! If you need help with this point..PM to me.
Last point that made my decision..: they told me the bike have to come back in one year..:-/ but maybe you can give a shit on this point..!? But i liked to go back to col and i didnt liked some problems..!
So maybe just sell and buy one in Panama..
If you still like to do it i can give you the contact person who helped me.. Just PM!
But again my tip stay in colombia;-)!!