Precisely, KAWAZOKI
That is why I said it is at Maximum$400 US
If a traveller shows up with $400 US CASH IN HAND he will be ready for any case of age of bike $200 or $300 or $400. The year age groupings get adjusted up occasionally. That might mean your bike gets a bit less pricy as it ages .
No need to fret then . The money will not spoil , it will come in handy .
At end you will get the exact same amount of cash $ refunded.
If paying by cc it will go direct to your cc account as a credit after a few days.
I wish to add a bit more interesting detail.
If you pay in CASH you will be asked for the TVIP security deposit to be in ONLY US DOLLARS , but you may pay the actual non-refundable cost of the TVIP with either US Dollars ($50 in Feb 2019) or the equivalent in Pesos.
The FMM may be paid for with Pesos or Dollars.
If you pay with credit card the question is moot.
A peculiar situation exists at the city centre Reynosa Banjercito wicket ( and some other crossings too) . If you pay by CC you will of course need to enter your CC PIN on their hand held card reader. But theirs has a very short cable unable to properly reach the window slot for you to hit the keys with a finger . The lady behind the bullet proof glass actually asked for the PIN - that is a NO- NO !
Refuse and with some long finger contortions it is possible , if you use a plastic spoon handle as pointer. It is hoped they get a longer cable soon.
Pay cash and you avoid these complications .
Last edited by Sjoerd Bakker; 8 Feb 2019 at 03:59.