I've had a Variant for four years by now. The combination of a (comparatively) low price and very big sizes can't be beat if you are looking for something with an off-road'sh look and have a big noggin'.
The quality is good, but the 'valves' on the top of the helmet vents are maybe a bit too 'skinny'. (One of two on my helmet is broken, but there is ample ventilation in the helmet anyway, so not really a huge problem.) The screws holding the visor in place are absolute crap and are easily destroyed when removing/replacing the visor. The screws can however be replaced with proper stainless screws cut to length. If tightened a bit extra, the visor can be made to leave an open crack when driving.
I'm replacing my well worn Variant and beat-up Variant with a new one next season, so I'm very happy with it overall! :-)
Please post if again if you have specific questions!