Reccovery technniques for BIG trucks ?
HI !!!
Well , at last !!! I have just bought today a medium size (Max Weight 5Ton) overlanding Truck.It is like a 150% scale of the British LandRover FC101 , but much much bigger .(ITs call a Santana 2000 btw).
Question is .. how is one supposed to unstuck this monster in sand ? . I can't lift it with a hi-lift ) -for a start , bumpers are already at 1 m height! , sand plates are uselss (won't fit),
What -for example - I am supposed to do if I ever get stuck in deep mud? - Pushing it is obviously out of the equation .
Is it any kind of bigger (??) Hi-lift ? for trucks ? Or should I rely solely in bottleJacks ?
What do these people with 10 Tonners do in these situation ?