be cautious in south east anatolia
I exited from Iran on wednesday 14 november, heading to Erzurum the same day. Had a drink at Kars hotel with a german/netherland couple (hans and greta/berta?) who had very bad experience around Diyarbakir. They were heading to Van and got jandarmia controls every 50km max from Saniurfa, sometimes full luggage control, even under the rain. Finally they were asked to stop a place she could not get off the bike. Caught by the shoulder greta/berta felt with bike. Hans ran to her and got thrown to the ground by 4, visor torn and kicked in face (At Erzurum could not eat except çorba). Before they had the feeling each check point was waiting for them, maybe go-pro or old syrian visa in Hans passport they didn't understand why.
They are now in Iran and Hans is always painful when chewing
They talked to me about Peter who got hurted at the right knee because he didn't stop fast enough (10/15 m before the stopping point a second soldier arose and hit him with gunstock) couldn't ride any more, bike sent to Istanbul custom in a van by the jandarma. We got in touch and as he's english teacher in Pergama, i arrange the reception of his bike in this last town with the carrier driver. I must thank the Istanbul custom officers for helping us and accept to ignore procedure. But his tiger 800 "lost" headlights and tank bag. The driver took a photo before he loads and seems not to be responsible. Peter is now under surgery in Cyprus (?) and the bike "is safe".
Another biker i was in touch with took the same road and had no problem…but I think that the turkish army doesn't want witnesses in the area and every kurdish people i met was really upset by the turks and protest, totally different from one month before.
Anyway when i went to Hossein place the only opened frontier to get out was Dogshit, so my advice would be to stay on Ankara Erzurum Agri road, at least until beginning of november.
Ride safe cheers.