Car&trailer parking advise in Trieste, Italia
Hi there!
I'm planning on taking on the Balkans, following the Trans Euro Trail route on my vacations this october. I've got only three weeks, so I'd like to go to Trieste with my car and my trailer, park it there and start riding from there....From Geneva, it would take me 1 day to be there with the highway, but I don't really feel like 8 hours of highway on my thumper if I can avoid it... I could also use the secondary and mountain roads of the Italian Alps, but to be honest, I've been riding in the alps since I've got my license and I'd like to see something new... Not saying that it would be a waste a time to spend 3 days in Italy getting to Slovenia, but it's a choice I have to make.
So the question is : Do you think I can leave my car and trailer somewhere safe around Trieste? I was thinking about leaving it on a parking lot in the free-zone between Italy and Slovenia (I know a lot of people leave cars for months between France and switzerland before getting the exportation papers) I don't now the area and I'm a bit relunctant to abandon my daily car somewhere it might got wheels stolen (for exemple)
Any input would be welcome !
Also if you happen to be around Trieste or the Adriatic coast generally during october, let me know, we could grab a  !
Last edited by Numer0_6; 4 Aug 2018 at 19:32.