Also just to note a motorbike traveller from Asia just tried to cross into Crimea the other week via the Ukraine border post side and was stopped by the Ukraine guards who stated that only Russians & Ukrainians can use this border post as it is not a recognised border for international travel.
He said they were very friendly but they turned him back.
As mentioned above I would take caution as officially Crimea is now part of the Russian federation after they held a vote however Ukraine does not recognise that so still class's it as they own territory which is currently occupied so if you visit Crimea and then decide to travel to Ukraine you could technically risk running into problems as they could class you having entered Ukraine illegally
Just recently the former US boxer Roy Jones Jr visited Crimea, and now the Ukraine government has put him on the black list for life for visiting Ukraine territory illegally and also they are considering taking legal action although it must be taken into account maybe this is a slight overreaction given the former boxers high profile so they want to set an example to others
Ukraine also adopted Article 332-1 to try and prohibit foreign citizens from entering Crimea, which is now under Russian jurisdiction. Violators are threatened with imprisonment of up to eight years, if the “crime” is committed repeatedly by an “organized group” ... apparently, even tourists.
So basically take caution, this now falls into the same category as the following areas in the nearby South Caucasus regions
Entering Abkhazia via Russia as Georgia class's this as there "occupied land" so this will cause problems when entering Georgia if you entered Abkhazia via Russia however if you enter via Georgia its fine
If you enter Nagorno-Karabakh Republic you will be permanently banned from entering Azerbaijan as they class this as there occupied land. They even have a banned list.
Even last month a group of Russian bikers went to Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and some how due to social networks the Azerbaijani embassy in Russia is "investigating" what they state is a illegal crossing into there territory
I guess this is where blogging a trip on the move sounds fun at the time but can also bite you in the ass if you don't know