Diesel fuel prices
Hello jorge...
The following listed Diesel fuel prices in the Countries you ask about I have from the ÖAMTC Website (Austrian Auto, Motorcycle and Touring Club).
The entire list of all European Countries is in an Adobe Reader pdf Datei on their Website, and may be downloaded, if wished. These prices are updated about every 14 days.
So, here we go. Prices are per Liter, for the Countries you asked for.
Country Currency Diesel Liter Price Diesel Liter Price in Euro
Slovenia SIT 238.90 SIT 0.998 Euro Cents
Croatia HRK(KUNA) 7.60 Kuna 1.048
Bosnia BAM 1.810 BAM 0.867
Serbia CSD 80.70 CSD 1.001
Montenegro Euro ---- 0.990 Euro Cents
It is no problem to pay with Euros in either Slovenia or Croatia. Slovenia, as of 2007 if I am correct  , will also have the Euro as official Currency.
Croatia will too in the not to far future... I hope!
Greetings from Vienna,
Last edited by silverwolf; 30 Aug 2006 at 14:53.